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单词 伯罗奔尼撒
释义 〔Argolis〕An inlet of the Aegean Sea on the eastern coast of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece.阿尔戈利斯:希腊南部伯罗奔尼撒东岸爱琴海的一个入口〔Epidaurus〕An ancient city of Greece on the northeast coast of the Peloponnesus. Its temple of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, was renowned for its magnificent sculpture.埃普道鲁斯:位于伯罗奔尼撒东北部的希腊古城。 其希腊医药神阿斯克勒庇俄斯的神庙以其宏伟的雕像而闻名〔Doric〕A dialect of ancient Greek spoken in the Peloponnesus, Crete, certain of the Aegean Islands, Sicily, and southern Italy.多立斯方言:古希腊一种方言,伯罗奔尼撒、克里特岛、爱琴群岛一部分和西西里岛以及意大利南部讲此方言〔Tiryns〕An ancient city of southern Greece in the eastern Peloponnesus. It contains the ruins of pre-Homeric palaces as well as prehistoric structures.梯林斯:希腊南部一个古代城市,在伯罗奔尼撒半岛的东部,它保存有前荷马时代的宫殿遗址,还有一些史前建筑〔Lysander〕Spartan military leader who won the final victory over Athens (404) in the Peloponnesian War.来山得:斯巴达军事统帅,他在404年的伯罗奔尼撒战争中取得了对雅典作战的最后胜利〔Sparta〕A city-state of ancient Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus. Settled by Dorian Greeks, it was noted for its militarism and reached the height of its power in the sixth centuryb.c. A protracted rivalry with Athens led to the Peloponnesian Wars (460-404) and Sparta's hegemony over all of Greece. Its ascendancy was broken by Thebans in 371. 斯巴达:伯罗奔尼撒半岛东南部古希腊的一个城邦。该城邦由多利安希腊人建立,以其军事主义著名,于公元前 6世纪达到全盛。它与雅典的长期对抗导致了伯罗奔尼撒战争(公元前460-404年)和斯巴达对整个希腊的霸权。它的支配地位于371年被底比斯人摧毁 〔Mantinea〕An ancient city of southern Greece in the eastern Peloponnesus. Thebes defeated Sparta here in 362b.c. 曼梯尼亚:伯罗奔尼撒半岛东部,希腊南部的一个古城 ,公元前 362年,底比斯在这里打败了斯巴达 〔Laconia〕An ancient region of southern Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus. It was dominated by Sparta until the rise of the second Achaean League in the third and second centuriesb.c. 拉哥尼亚:古希腊南部的一个地区,位于伯罗奔尼撒东南部。在公元前 3世纪和2世纪之间的第二次亚该亚联盟崛起以前该地一直受斯巴达的统治 〔Corinth〕A city of southern Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus on the Gulf of Corinth. It is near the site of the ancient city ofCorinth, which was founded in Homeric times and was a rich, influential maritime power in the seventh and sixth centuries b.c. Population, 22,658. 科林斯:位于科林斯湾内伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北希腊南部的一个城市。在科林斯 古城遗址附近,古城建于荷马时代,在 公元前 7和6世纪时是一个富裕的海上强国。人口22,658 〔Achaean〕One of a Hellenic people believed to have inhabited the Peloponnesus and to have created the Mycenaean civilization.亚加亚人:据说是居住在伯罗奔尼撒半岛上的一希腊人种,创造了迈锡尼文明〔Elis〕A region and city of ancient Greece in the western Peloponnesus. The plain of Olympia, in the southern part of the area, was the site of the original Olympic games.艾丽斯城:西伯罗奔尼撒半岛的古希腊地区和城市。位于该地区的奥林匹克平原,是奥林匹克运动会的起源地〔Alcibiades〕Athenian politician and general whose brilliant military career foundered during the Peloponnesian War (431-404), during which he changed allegiance three times.亚西比德:雅典政治家及将军,在伯罗奔尼撒战争(公元前431-404年)中因三易其主而使其卓越的军事生涯毁于一旦〔Argos〕A city of ancient Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus near the head of the Gulf of Argolis. Inhabited from the early Bronze Age, it was one of the most powerful cities of ancient Greece until the rise of Sparta.阿戈斯:古希腊的一个城邦,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北部,靠近阿尔戈利斯湾上方。青铜器时代早期开始有人居住,斯巴达兴盛前是古希腊最强盛的城邦之一〔Corinth〕An inlet of the Ionian Sea between the Peloponnesus and central Greece.科林斯湾,莱潘托湾:介于伯罗奔尼撒半岛和希腊中部的一个爱奥尼亚海的海湾〔Peloponnesus〕A peninsula forming the southern part of Greece south of the Gulf of Corinth. It was dominated by Sparta until the fourth centuryb.c. . 伯罗奔尼撒半岛:位于科林斯湾南岸的一个构成希腊南部的半岛,公元前 4世纪前一直由斯巴达人统治 〔Cythera〕An island of southern Greece in the Mediterranean Sea south of the Peloponnesus. Southernmost of the Ionian Islands, it was the chief center for the worship of Aphrodite.基西拉岛:希腊南部的一个岛,位于地中海上、伯罗奔尼撒半岛以南。爱奥尼亚群岛最南端,它是祭拜阿佛洛狄忒最重要的中心〔Thucydides〕Greek historian. Considered the greatest historian of antiquity, he wrote a critical history of the Peloponnesian War that contains the funeral oration of Pericles.修希德狄斯:希腊历史学家,曾被认为是远古时代最伟大的历史学家,著有一部关于伯罗奔尼撒战争的批评史,其中有伯里克利的葬礼演讲〔Ionian〕One of a Hellenic people of Mycenaean origin that inhabited Attica, the Peloponnesus along the Saronic Gulf, Euboea, the Cyclades, and Ionia.爱奥尼亚人:源于迈锡尼的一支希腊人,曾在阿提卡,沿萨罗尼克湾的伯罗奔尼撒半岛,欧比亚,基克拉迪群岛和爱奥尼亚居住〔Erymanthos〕A mountain range of southern Greece in the northwest Peloponnesus. The tallest peak isMount Erymanthos, about 2,225 m (7,295 ft) high. In Greek legend, the range was the haunt of the ferocious Erymanthian boar, which was ultimately slain by Hercules. 埃里曼索斯山脉:德国南部的一座山脉,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛西北。最高峰就是埃里曼索斯 山,大约2,225米,即7,295英尺高。在德国传说中,凶猛的埃里曼索斯野猪经常出没于此地,这些野猪后来被赫拉克勒斯杀死了 〔terminate〕"The Peloponnesian war . . . terminated in the ruin of the Athenian commonwealth"(Alexander Hamilton)“伯罗奔尼撒战争以雅典同盟的毁灭而收尾”(亚历山大·汉密尔顿)〔Achaea〕An ancient region of southern Greece occupying the northern part of the Peloponnesus on the Gulf of Corinth. The cities of the region banded together in the early third centuryb.c. to form the Achaean League, which defeated Sparta but was eventually beaten by the Romans, who annexed Achaea in 146 b.c. and later gave the name to a province that included all of Greece south of Thessaly. 亚加亚:希腊南部古代一地区,包括伯罗奔尼撒北部在科林斯湾的地区。该地区的城市在公元前 3世纪早期组成亚加亚联盟。这个联盟击败了斯巴达,然而最终被罗马击败。罗马人在 公元前 146年吞并了亚加亚,后来以此命名包括塞萨利以南全部希腊的一个省 〔Mycenae〕An ancient Greek city in the northeast Peloponnesus that flourished during the Bronze Age as the center of an early civilization. It was the legendary capital of Agamemnon.迈锡尼:伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北部的古希腊城市,在青铜器时期作为一个早期文化中心繁荣一时。它是阿伽门农的传奇式首府〔Argolis〕An ancient region of southern Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus, dominated by the city of Argos.阿尔戈利斯:希腊南部的一个古代地区,位于伯罗奔尼撒东北部,由阿尔戈斯城统治〔Arcadia〕Also [ärʹkə-dē] A region of ancient Greece in the Peloponnesus. Its inhabitants, relatively isolated from the rest of the known civilized world, proverbially lived a simple, pastoral life. 也作 [ärʹkə-dē] 阿卡迪亚:古希腊的一区域,位于伯罗奔尼撒,其居民与其它著名文明世界相对隔绝,以过着简朴和田园式的生活著称〔Messene〕An ancient Greek city in the southwest Peloponnesus. It was founded c. 369b.c. under Theban auspices as a new capital for the region of Messenia. 麦西尼:古希腊一城市,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛的西南部。该城是在底比斯人的资助下于公元前 369年建立起来并作为麦西尼亚地区的新首都 〔Aegospotami〕A small river and ancient town of southern Thrace in present-day western Turkey. The culminating battle of the Peloponnesian War, in which Lysander and the Spartans destroyed the Athenian fleet, took place at the mouth of the river in 405b.c. 伊哥斯波塔米:色雷斯南部一小河及古老城镇,位于现在的土耳其西部。公元前 405年在此河口爆发了伯罗奔尼撒战争的最后一战,在此战役中来山得以及斯巴达人击败了雅典舰队 〔Olympia〕A plain of southern Greece in the northwest Peleponnesus. It was a religious center devoted to the worship of Zeus and the site of the ancient Olympic games. The statue of the Olympian Zeus by Phidias was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.奥林匹亚:希腊南部平原,位于伯罗奔尼撒的西北,它是用以祭拜宙斯的宗教中心,又是古代奥林匹克运动会的遗址。其中由菲迪亚斯所作的奥林匹亚宙斯神像是世界七大奇迹之一〔Alpheus〕A river of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece flowing about 113 km (70 mi) to the Ionian Sea.阿尔斐俄斯河:希腊南部伯罗奔尼撒的一条河,全长约113公里(70英里),流入爱奥尼亚海〔Nicias〕Athenian general and politician who arranged (421) a briefly observed truce with Sparta during the Peloponnesian War and was captured and killed during his command of the siege of Syracuse.尼古拉斯:雅典将军、政治家。他于421年与斯巴达签署了伯罗奔尼撒战争的停火休战协议,在他命令围攻锡拉丘孳的战役中被逮捕并被杀死〔Messenia〕An ancient region of southwest Greece in the Peloponnesus on the Ionian Sea. It fought a series of wars against Sparta c. 736 to 371b.c. The Romans conquered the area in 146 b.c. 迈森尼亚:古希腊西南部的一个地区,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛上,爱奥尼亚海沿岸。该地区从公元前 736年至371年曾发生过与斯巴达的一系列战争。 公元前 146年罗马人征服了这一地区 〔Sicyon〕An ancient city of southern Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus near the Gulf of Corinth. It reached the height of its power under the tyrant Cleisthenes in the sixth centuryb.c. 西锡安:希腊南部一古城,位于科林斯湾附近的伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北部。公元前 6世纪在克利斯提尼执政时期达到了权力顶峰 〔Corinth〕A narrow isthmus connecting central Greece with the Peloponnesus. It lies between the Gulf of Corinth and the Saronic Sea and is crossed by theCorinth Canal, constructed from 1881 to 1893. 科林斯地峡:联接伯罗奔尼撒半岛与希腊中部的一个狭窄地峡。介于科林斯湾与萨罗尼克海之间,中间有科林斯运河 穿过,这条运河建于1881-1893年




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