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单词 优秀
释义 〔tiptop〕Excellent; first-rate:优秀的;一流的:〔standard〕Widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence:公认为权威或优秀的:〔braw〕Fine; splendid.美好的;优秀〔letterman〕A secondary or college student who has earned a letter in a particular activity, especially a varsity sport.优秀运动员:在某种特殊活动中,尤指大学生体育竞赛中,荣获学校名称缩写标志的中学生或大学生〔rare〕Excellent; extraordinary:优秀的,不寻常的:〔Grammy〕A service mark used for any of the statuettes awarded by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for excellence in the recording industry.格莱美唱片奖:由美国录音艺术与科学学会为表彰录制行业的优秀表现而颁发的小雕像上的服务标志〔superb〕Of unusually high quality; excellent:质量极高的;优秀的:〔dimension〕"He's a good newsman, and he has that extra dimension"(William S. Paley)“他是一个优秀新闻工作者,并具备诸方面条件”(威廉S.佩利)〔classic〕An artist, author, or work generally considered to be of the highest rank or excellence, especially one of enduring significance.文豪,大艺术家,经典作品:被认作最高水平的或优秀的艺术家、作家和作品,尤指有持久意义的〔replace〕"The steam engine began to supplant the muscular power of men and animals" (James Harvey Robinson).Tosupersede is to replace one person or thing by another held to be superior, more valuable or useful, or less antiquated: “蒸汽机开始取代人和动物的劳动” (詹姆士·哈维·罗宾逊)。Supersede 是指用另一个被认为更优秀、更有价值、更有用或者更年轻的人或物代替某人或某物: 〔far〕She is by far the best executive in the company.她目前是公司中最为优秀的决策人〔excellent〕Abbr. exc.Of the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good of its kind.缩写 exc.优秀的:具有最高或最好性质的;在同类中异常好的〔brave〕Excellent; great:优秀的;伟大的:〔bravura〕Brilliant technique or style in performance.优秀演技:表演的优秀技巧或风格〔perfect〕Excellent and delightful in all respects:完美的,合乎理想的:各方面都优秀而令人高兴的:〔attribute〕"Some excellent remarks were made on immortality, but mainly borrowed from and credited to Plato" (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.). “一些优秀的言论是不朽的,但主要从柏拉图处借用并归功于他” (奥立佛·温德尔·霍姆斯爵士)。〔burly〕from Old English *borlic [excellent] * see bher- 1源自 古英语 *borlic [优秀的] * 参见 bher- 1〔stupendous〕Of astounding force, volume, degree, or excellence; marvelous.惊奇的,令人惊叹的:惊人的力量、数量、程度或优秀的;令人惊叹的〔virtu〕from Latin virtūs [excellence, virtue] * see virtue 源自 拉丁语 virtūs [优秀,优点] * 参见 virtue〔standard〕a book that is a standard of literary excellence;一本优秀的文学作品典范;〔notable〕Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent:具有优秀的或与众不同特点的;突出的:〔decay〕To decline from a state of normality, excellence, or prosperity; deteriorate.使衰退:从正常、优秀或繁荣的状态衰败下去,恶化〔practice〕Practice will make you a good musician.反复练习能使你成为优秀的音乐家〔Nureyev〕Russian-born ballet dancer and choreographer. Noted for his athletic grace, stage presence, and partnership with Margot Fonteyn, he was the most celebrated male dancer of his day.努里耶夫,鲁道夫:(生于 1938) 俄裔芭蕾舞蹈家和舞蹈编导家。因他敏捷优雅的动作,优秀的舞台表现和与玛戈特·芳廷的配合而闻名。他是当时最著名的男舞蹈演员〔genius〕A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140.高智商的人,资质优秀的人:有异常高的智商数的人,尤以高于140者为典型〔excellence〕The state, quality, or condition of excelling; superiority.卓越:优秀的性质或状态;优秀〔master〕Highly skilled or proficient:精通的,熟练的,优秀的:〔prude〕Old French prude [feminine of] prud [virtuous] * see proud 古法语 prude prud的阴性词 [品质优秀的] * 参见 proud〔wiz〕A person considered exceptionally gifted or skilled.天才:被认为具有优秀的才能或技巧的人〔voice〕a choir of excellent voices.优秀歌唱家的合唱〔colorist〕a forceful colorist whose idiom was reminiscent of Cézanne.一个追求塞尚风格的优秀配色师〔swell〕Excellent; wonderful:优秀的;精彩的:〔star〕To award or mark with a star for excellence.颁以星形勋章:用星来嘉奖或标志其优秀〔illustrious〕Well known and very distinguished; eminent.See Synonyms at noted 杰出的:著名的,特别突出的;优秀的 参见 noted〔printer〕A device used for printing, especially a photographic machine from which a duplicate of a master print can be made.晒板机或印相机:印刷用的装置,尤指印相机,可以复制优秀的印刷品〔research〕Some critics have objected to the use ofresearch as a transitive verb, but the usage has ample historical precedent and is common in reputable writing.In the most recent survey 81 percent of the Usage Panel accepted the sentence 一些评论家反对把research 一词作为及物动词使用, 但是这一用法有充足的历史先例并在优秀的写作中司空见惯。在最近的一次调查中81%的用法专题小组成员接受了 〔be〕A is excellent, C is passing. Let n be the unknown quantity.A表示优秀,C表示及格。n表示未知数〔prude〕short for prude femme [virtuous woman] prude femme的简写 [品质优秀的妇女] 〔better〕One that is greater in excellence or higher in quality than another or others.较优者:与其他的相比在优秀程度上更强或更好的东西〔brave〕or Old Spanish bravo [wild, brave, excellent] 或 古西班牙语 bravo [粗野的,勇敢的,优秀的]




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