单词 | 众所周知 |
释义 | 〔cellular〕"The assessment of opposition to any totalitarian regime . . . is notoriously difficult, for any effective movement must be secretive and cellular"(Anthony Sampson)“众所周知,对任何霸权政府的反对性评价都非常困难,因为任何卓有成效的运动都是隐蔽的且都处在基层”(安东尼·桑普森)〔Worcester〕American lexicographer. The publication of hisComprehensive Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language (1830) brought charges of plagiarism from Noah Webster and started the battle known as the "Dictionary War.” 伍斯特,约瑟夫·埃默森:(1784-1865) 美国辞典编纂家。他的《英语综合注音释义辞典》 (1830年)的出版,导致诺厄·韦伯斯特对他抄袭的控告,并开始了众所周知的“字典大战” 〔famously〕"Frost had famously declared that poetry is what gets lost in translation"(David Lehman)“佛斯特已经众所周知地宣布诗歌正是在转换中消失之物”(戴维·李曼)〔commonplace〕"the solidified commonplaces of established wisdom"(John Simon)See Synonyms at cliché “众所周知名言的老生常谈”(约翰·西蒙) 参见 cliché〔Calder〕American sculptor who created the mobile in Paris in the early 1930's and also produced immobile abstract sculptures known as stabiles.考尔德,亚历山大:(1898-1976) 美国雕塑家,三十年代早期在巴黎创造了活动雕塑,并且创立了固定的抽象雕塑,即众所周知的稳定风格〔decimate〕Decimate originally referred to the killing of every tenth person, a punishment used in the Roman army for mutinous legions.Today this meaning is commonly extended to include the killing of any large proportion of a group.Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel accepts this extension in the sentenceThe Jewish population of Germany was decimated by the war, even though it is common knowledge thatthe number of Jews killed was much greater than a tenth of the original population.However, when the meaning is further extended to include large-scale destruction other than killing,as inThe supply of fresh produce was decimated by the accident at Chernobyl, the usage is accepted by only 26 percent of the Panel.Decimate 最初指杀死每十人中的一个, 用于古罗马军队对反叛军团的一种惩罚。现在这一层意思通常引申为大批杀死。用法专题使用小组中66%的成员认为在德国的犹太人在战争中被大批杀死 一句中该词的这一引申义可接受, 尽管众所周知,被杀的犹太人的数目远比最初人口的十分之一要多。可是,当词义外延至包括大量毁灭而不是戳杀,如在新鲜农产品的供应由于车诺比事故极大地受到了破坏 一句中, 用法专题使用小组中只有26%的成员接受这一用法。〔classic〕Of a well-known type; typical:典型的,具代表性的:众所周知的类型的;典型的:〔Roosevelt〕First Lady of the United States (1901-1909) as the wife of President Theodore Roosevelt. Known as a shrewd manager of the White House, she oversaw a major renovation (1902) and delegated many of the responsibilities traditionally belonging to the First Lady.罗斯福,埃迪斯·卡罗:(1861-1948) 美国第一夫人(1901-1909年),总统西奥多·罗斯福之妻。她是众所周知的精明的白宫总管,曾监督白宫重大的修复工作(1902年)及把很多传统上属于第一夫人的职责托给别人〔curious〕"Remember, no revolvers.The police are, I believe, proverbially inquisitive" (Lord Dunsany).Bothsnoopy and nosy imply an unworthy motive. “记住,不要用左轮手枪。我认为,众所周知警察对此多管闲事” (康西尼勋爵)。Snoopy 和 nosy 都用来指卑鄙的动机。 〔trick〕The teacher was known for not missing a trick.这个老师警惕性很高是众所周知〔federal〕The senator's federal leanings were well known.参议员的联邦倾向是众所周知的〔public〕Open to the knowledge or judgment of all:众所周知的:所有人都知道的或公开裁判的:〔notorious〕Known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous:声名狼藉的,恶名昭彰的:众所周知的,通常带有不赞成的意味;声名狼藉的:〔light〕Public attention; general knowledge:众所周知:公众所关注的;一般都了解的:〔Daugherty〕American lawyer and politician who was a prominent member of the Ohio Gang that supported President Warren G. Harding. He served as U.S. attorney general from 1921 to 1924.多尔蒂,哈丽·米卡莎:(1860-1941) 美国律师和政治家,是支持总统沃伦·G·哈定的俄亥俄帮的众所周知的人物。他从1921到1924年任美国司法部长〔common〕 Common applies to what is customary, takes place often, is widely used, or is well known: Common 用于是通常的、常发生的、广泛使用或众所周知的: 〔muttonhead〕[From the proverbial stupidity of sheep] [源于众所周知的羊的愚笨] 〔come〕To become known:成为众所周知:〔come〕The whole story came out at the trial.整个真相在审问中变得众所周知〔Calvin〕French-born Swiss Protestant theologian who broke with the Roman Catholic Church (1533) and set forth the tenets of his theology, known today as Presbyterianism, inInstitutes of the Christian Religion (1536). 卡尔文,约翰:(1509-1564) 法裔瑞士新教神学家﹐他摒弃了罗马天主教会(1533年)并在《基督教要义》 (1536年)中提出了自己的神学主张﹐即今天众所周知的长老会教义 |
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