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单词 以为
释义 〔responsible〕In recent years,many people have objected to the use of the phraseclaim responsibility with reference to the authors of terrorist acts, as inA small separatist group claimed responsibility for the explosion, in which 30 passengers were killed. It is true that the phrase is not entirely felicitous,in as much as it does not convey the speaker's conviction that the action is deplorable.But alternatives such asadmit or take the blame cannot be recommended either, since they would imply misleadingly that the instigators had themselves acknowledged that the action was wrongful.近年来,许多人反对使用与恐怖主义活动制造者相关的词组claim responsibility , 如一小撮分离主义者声称对那次致使30位旅客丧生的爆炸负责 。 这个词组确实是不得体的,因为它没有表达说话者对悲惨行为的谴责。但也不能推荐如admit 和 take the blame 等替代词, 因为它们可能使人误导以为煽动者自己也承认行动是错误的〔be〕Traditional grammar requires the nominative form of the pronoun in the predicate of the verbbe : It is I (not me ); That must be they (not them ), and so forth. Even literate speakers of Modern English have found the rule difficult to conform to,but the stigmatization ofIt is me is by now so deeply lodged among the canons of correctness that there is little likelihood that the construction will ever be entirely acceptable in formal writing.Adherence to the traditional rule in informal speech, however, has come to sound increasingly pedantic,and begins to sound absurd when the verb is contracted, as inIt's we. · The traditional rule creates particular problems when the pronoun followingbe also functions as the object of a verb or preposition in a relative clause, as in It is not them/they that we have in mind when we talk about "crime in the streets" nowadays, where the plural pronoun serves as both the predicate ofis and the object of have. In this example, 57 percent of the Usage Panel preferred the nominative formthey, 33 percent preferred the accusativethem, and 10 percent accepted both versions.But H.W. Fowler, like other authorities, argued that the use of the nominative here is an error caused by "the temptation . . . to assume, perhaps from hearingIt is me corrected to It is I, that a subjective [nominative] case cannot be wrong after the verb to be. ” Writers can usually find a way to avoid this problem: They are not the ones we have in mind, We have someone else in mind, and so on. See Usage Note at I 1we 传统语法要求系动词谓语中的代词用主格形式be : It is I (而不是 me ); That must be they (而不是 them ),等等。 即使现代英语有文化的人也发现很难遵守这个规则,而It is me 的烙印现在已深刻地印入了判断是否正确的准则之中, 以致很少有可能使这种用法在正式书面语中被完全接受。但是在非正式讲话中奉行传统规则已经日益变得象在卖弄学问。并且当系动词被缩减时,就象在It's we 中一样,听起来反而象是不合语法的。 当代词跟在be 后面做动词宾语或做关系从句中的介语宾语时,传统的规则就象在 当我们谈到当今“街上的犯罪”时,他们不是我们心中所想的那些人, 句中复数代词同时充当is 的宾语和 have 的宾语。 在这个例子中57%的用法使用小组更喜欢用主格形式they, 33%更喜欢用宾格形式them, 而10%则两种都接受。但是象其他的权威一样,H.W.福勒争论道,在这里用主格是一个错误,它之所以错是因为“多半听到了It is me 都被改正成 It is I 而拿不定主意,以为主格的情况在动词 to be 后面不可能错。” 作家们常常能够找到一个办法来避免这个问题: 他们不是我们所想的人,我们脑子里想的是另一些人等等 参见 I1we〔give〕We'd given you up an hour ago.一个小时前我们就以为见不到你了〔boring〕I had expected the book to be boring, but on the contrary it was fascinating. What ismonotonous bores because of lack of variety: 我本以为这本书很乏味,但正好相反,它竟让人着迷。 表示monotonous 的东西令人厌烦是因为缺少变化: 〔around〕In such a way as to have a basis or center in:以为…中心:以某种方式使之(成为)…的基础或中心:〔Epictetus〕Greek Stoic philosopher who believed that one should act in life as one would at a banquet, by taking a polite portion of all that is offered.爱比克泰德:古希腊斯多葛派哲学家,认以为人生如宴会,人只应在所有提供的东西中有礼貌地拿取一份〔prep〕To study or train in preparation for something.预备…:学习或训练以为某事作准备〔nitwit〕A person regarded as stupid or silly.傻瓜,笨蛋:被以为是傻或愚蠢的人〔Read〕American Revolutionary leader, politician, and jurist. Delaware's delegate to the Constitutional Convention (1787), he championed the rights of small states and later served as a U.S. senator (1789-1793).理德,乔治:(1733-1798) 美国政治家,革命领袖和律师。1787年作为特拉华代表参加制宪会议,他立志以为强调较小州争取更多的权利上,1789-1793年成为参议员〔take〕Do you take me for a fool?你以为我是个傻瓜吗?〔devil〕Who the devil do you think you are?你以为你是谁?〔flammable〕Historically,flammable and inflammable mean the same thing. However, the presence of the prefixin- has misled many people into assuming that inflammable means "not flammable" or "noncombustible.” In the circumstances,it is therefore advisable to use onlyflammable in contexts imparting warnings or on product labels, where a misinterpretation might have more serious consequences for the reader than an etymological mistake would deserve. 历史上,flammable 和 inflammable 的意思是一样的。 然而,前缀in- 的存在误导了许多人,使他们以为 inflammable 意思为“不可燃的”或“不易燃烧的”。 基于此情况,在发出警告或制作标签时,建议只用flammable ,因为解释的错误可能比词源学的错误带来的后果更严重 〔pamper〕Cosseted and pampered from earliest childhood, he believed the world had been invented for his entertainment.由于幼儿时期的宠爱和娇纵,他以为整个世界都是为了他的玩乐而创造的。〔Roerich〕Russian-born artist and archaeologist known especially for the sets he designed for Diaghilev's ballets.罗伊里奇,尼古拉斯·康斯坦丁:(1874-1947) 俄裔艺术家和考古学家,尤以为迪亚吉列夫的芭蕾舞团设计的舞台布景而出名〔it〕He thinks he's it. That steak was really it!他一直以为自己是最佳人选。那牛排真是不错!〔polite〕Marked by or showing consideration for others, tact, and observance of accepted social usage.有礼貌的:以为他人着想、圆滑和遵守被接受的社会规范为特征的或表现出这些特点的〔tycoon〕Business tycoons may consider themselves captains or even princes of industry,but by virtue of being calledtycoons, they have already achieved princely status,at least from an etymological point of view.Tycoon came into English from Japanese, which had borrowed the title, meaning "great prince,” from Chinese.Use of the word was intended to make the shogun,the commander in chief of the Japanese army, more impressive to foreigners (his official titleshōgun merely meant "general"). In fact, the shogun actually ruled Japan,although he was supposedly acting for the emperor.When Matthew C. Perry opened Japan to the West in 1854,he negotiated with the shogun, thinking him to be the emperor.The shogun's title,taikun, was brought back to the United States after Perry's visit.Abraham Lincoln's cabinet members usedtycoon as an affectionate nickname for the President. The word soon came to be used for business and industry leaders—perhaps at times for those who had as much right to such an impressive title as did the shogun.The word itself now has an old-fashioned sound,but when we encounter it,we should think back to the days of Commodore Perry and President Lincoln,both of whom were real tycoons in their own ways.商界大亨可能把他们自己当成是工业界的长官或甚至王子,但是因为被叫做tycoon , 他们早已达到了王子般的地位,至少从词源学的观点来说是这样。Tycoon 由日语进入英语, 而日语的这个头衔是从汉语借来的,意思是“大王”。使用这个词是为了使幕府将军,日本军队的总指挥官给外国人以深刻的印象(他的官方头衔shogun 的意思仅仅是“将军”)。 实际上,是幕府将军统治着日本,尽管他被认为是为天皇办事。当马修·C·佩里1854年使日本向西方开放时,他和幕府将军进行了谈判,以为他就是日本天皇。幕府将军的头衔taikun , 在佩里访问美国后带到了美国。亚伯拉罕·林肯的内阁成员把tycoon 用作总统的充满感情的绰号。 这个词很快也被用于商界和工界的领导人,也许有时这些人象幕府将军那样有权以致给人深刻的印象。这个词本身听起来有点老派,但是当我们遇到它时,我们应该回想起佩里海军准将和林肯总统的时代,他们两人以各自的方式成为真正的巨头〔theirs〕brought his own lunch and expected everybody else to bring theirs.See Usage Note at he 1带来他自己的午餐,以为其他人也带来他们自己的 参见 he1〔Gypsy〕short for Egipcien [Egyptian (so called because they were thought to have come from Egypt)] Egipcien的简写 [埃及人(人们以为他们来自埃及,因此这样称呼他们)] 〔adjudge〕To regard, consider, or deem:认为,考虑,以为〔than〕Since the 18th centurygrammarians have insisted thatthan should be regarded as a conjunction in all its uses, so that a sentence such asBill is taller than Tom should be construed as an elliptical version of the sentence Bill is taller than Tom is. According to this view,the case of a pronoun followingthan is determined by whether the pronoun serves as the subject or object of the verb that is "understood.” Thus, the standard rule requiresPat is taller than I (not me ) on the assumption that this sentence is elliptical forPat is taller than I am but allowsThe news surprised Pat more than me, since this sentence is taken as elliptical forThe news surprised Pat more than it surprised me. However,than is quite commonly treated as a preposition when followed by an isolated noun phrase, and as such occurs with a pronoun in the objective case:John is taller than me. Though this usage is still widely regarded as incorrect,it is predominant in speechand has reputable literary precedent.It is also consistent with the fact thatthan is clearly treated as a preposition in the than whom construction, as ina poet than whom (not than who ) no one has a dearer place in the hearts of his countrymen. Still, the writer who risks a sentence such asMary is taller than him in formal writing must be prepared to defend the usage against objections of critics who are unlikely to be dissuaded from their conviction that the usage is incorrect. · Comparatives usingas . . . as can be analyzed in a parallel way to those using than. Traditional grammarians insist thatI am not as tall as he is the only correct form, and though both literary precedent and syntactic arguments can be marshaled in support of the analysis of the secondas as a preposition (which would license I am not as tall as him ), one should treat this use ofas as a conjunction in formal writing. See Usage Note at as 1自18世纪以来,语法学家坚持以为than 在其所有用法中均应被看作连词, 因此,在诸如Bill is taller than Tom 的句子中应解释为句子 Bill is taller than Tom is 的省略说法。 根据这一观点,than 后跟随代词的情况取决于该代词作为所“理解”的动词的主语还是谓语。 这样,标准规则要求Pat is taller than I (而不是 me ), 考虑到这个句子是Pat is taller than I am 的省略, 但允许The news surprised Pat more than me , 因为这个句子被认当是The news surprised Pat more than it surprised me 的省略。 然而,当than 跟随一个独立名词短语时常被看作是介词, 如代词用于宾语的情况:John is taller than me 。 尽管这种用法仍然被广泛认为是错误的,但它仍在口语中占主要地位,并且有著名的文学先例。它也符合than 在 than whom 结构中显然被认为是介词的事实, 就象在a poet than whom (而不是 than who ) no one has a dearer place in the hearts of his countrymen 。 然而,冒险在正式写作中应用诸如Mary is taller than him 的作者必须准备针对那些不可能被劝服放弃坚信这种用法是错误的批评家们的反对意见而对此种用法进行辩护。 用比较级as…as 可以用与 than 相同的方式进行分析。 传统的语法学家坚持认为I am not as tall as he 是唯一正确的形式, 尽管文学先例和语法规则都能支持第二个as 作为介词(即允许 I am not as tall as him )的分析, 我们仍应该把这个as 作为正式写作中的连词 参见 as1〔macaronic〕Of or containing a mixture of vernacular words with Latin words or with vernacular words given Latinate endings:本国词和拉丁词混合的:包含本国词与拉丁词混合的或本国词以为拉丁词尾的:〔adduce〕To cite as an example or means of proof in an argument.引证,举例:在辩论中引以为例或引以为〔carry〕A non-Southerner is always amused when a Southerner offers to "carry" rather than to drive him or her somewhere,imagining it to be an invitation to be picked up and bodily lugged to the destination.However, the verbcarry, which to Southerners means "to transport (someone) in a motor vehicle, such as an automobile,” is etymologicallymore precise in the Southern usage than anywhere else.Carry derives from the Latin noun carrus, "cart,” from which we get the nounscarriage and our modern car. Therefore,carry is more closely related to car than is drive, which only makes literal sense if the vehicle is drawn by a team of animals.当一个南方人提出把一个非南方人“运送”而不是开车带到某地时,这个非南方人总是觉得好笑,会以为是一个把他或她“拖运”到某地的邀请。然而,carry 这个动词对南方人来说意思是“用机动车辆(例如汽车)运送某人,” 从词源学的角度来讲,该词在南部的用法比在其它任何地方者更为确切。Carry 一词从拉丁语中的名词 carrus “货车”发展而来, 从此我们又得到了名词carriage 和现在的 car 。 因此,carry 比 drive 而更为与 car 的关系密切, 因为如果一辆车由一组动物拉着,那么它就只能表示字面上的意思〔assume〕To take for granted; suppose:想当然;以为〔esteem〕To regard as; consider:把…看作;以为




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