单词 | 代词 |
释义 | 〔hisself〕Speakers of some vernacular American dialects, particularly in the South, may use the possessive reflexive formhisself instead of himself (as in He cut hisself shaving ) and theirselves or theirself for themselves (as in They found theirselves alone ). These forms reflect the tendency of speakers of vernacular dialects to regularize irregular patterns found in the corresponding standard variety. In Standard English, the pattern of reflexive pronoun forms shows slightly irregular patterning; all forms but two are composed of the possessive form of the pronoun and -self or -selves, as in myself or ourselves. The exceptions are himself and themselves, which are formed by attaching the suffix -self/-selves to the object forms of he and they rather than their possessive forms. Speakers who use hisself and theirselves are smoothing out the pattern's inconsistencies by applying the same rule to all forms in the set.·A further regularization is the use of -self regardless of number, yielding the forms ourself and theirself. Using a singular form in a plural context may seem imprecise, but the plural meaning of ourself and theirself is made clear by the presence of the plural forms our- and their-. Hisself and theirselves have origins in British English and are still prevalent today in vernacular speech in England. 一些美国本土方言的使用者,尤其是美国南方人,可能会用所有格的反身代词形式hisself 代替 himself (如 He cut hisself shaving﹝刮脸时他割到自己﹞ )以及 theirselves 或 theirself 代替 themselves (如 They found theirselves alone﹝他们发觉自己很孤独﹞ )。这些形式反映出本土方言使用者试图规则化相应标准变化中的不规则模式。在标准英语中,反身代词模式显示出略微不规则模式的形成;除两个反身代词外,所有的反身代词都由代词的所有格形式加 -self 或 -selves 构成(如 myself 或 ourselves )。例外的就是 himself 和 themselves ,将后缀 -self/-selves 附加在 he 和 they 的宾格形式而不是所有格形式上形成。采用 hisself 和 theirselves 的本土方言使用者消除了将同一规则用于一组中所有形式时产生的模式矛盾。进一步的规则化是不考虑数量而全部使用 -self ,由此产生 ourself 和 theirself 。在复数上下文中使用单数形式似乎有失严谨,但 ourself 和 theirself 的复数含义已由复数形式的 our- 和 their-清楚表明。Hisself 和 theirselves 起源于英式英语并在英国本土语言中依然流行 〔pronominal〕Of, relating to, or functioning as a pronoun.代词的:属于代词的,与之有关的或有代词作用的〔when〕In informal stylewhen is often used after be in definitions: A dilemma is when you don't know which way to turn. The construction is useful,but it is widely regarded as incorrect or as unsuitable for formal discourse.In formal style there is no alternative but to rephrase such definitions to avoidis when : A dilemma is a situation in which you don't know which way to turn. You are in a dilemma when you don't know which way to turn. 在非正式文体中when 常在定义中用在 be 后面: 进退两难就是当你不知道该走哪条路的时候。 这个结构是有用的,但被广泛认为它对正式交谈来说是不正确的或者是不合适的。在正式文体中没有替代词,只能改变措辞以避免is when : 进退两难就是这样一个你不知道该怎么办的处境。 当你不知道你该做什么时你就处于进退两难的维谷了 〔couple〕 Care should be taken that the verb and the pronoun agree in number: 应当注意动词和代词在数上要一致: 〔objective〕Of, relating to, or being the case of a noun or pronoun that serves as the object of a verb.宾格的:作动词的宾语使用的名词的或代词的宾格的〔every〕Every is representative of a large class of English words and expressions that are singular in formbut felt to be plural in sense.The class includes, for example, noun phrases introduced byevery, any, and certain uses of some. These expressions invariably take a singular verb;we say Every car has (not have ) been tested. Anyone is (not are ) liable to fall ill. But when a sentence contains a pronoun whose antecedent is introduced byevery, grammar and sense pull in different directions.The grammar of these expressions requires a singular pronoun, as in Every car must have its brakes tested, but people persist in using the plural pronoun,as in Every car must have their brakes tested. Although the latter pattern is common in the speech of all groups,it is still widely regarded as grammatically incorrect in writing. ·The effort to adhere to the grammatical rule leads to various complications, however.The first is grammatical.When a pronoun refers to a phrase containingevery or any that falls within a different independent clause, the pronoun cannot be singular.Thus it is simply not English to sayEvery man left; he took his raincoat with him. Nor can one sayNo one could be seen, could he? Writers unwilling to use plural forms in these examples must find another way of expressing their meaning,either by rephrasing the sentence so as to get the pronoun into the same clause (as inEvery man left, taking his raincoat with him ) or by substituting another word forevery or any (as in All the men left; they took their raincoats with them. ) · The second complication is political.When a phrase introduced byevery or any refers to a group containing both men and women, what shall be the gender of the singular pronoun?This matter is discussed in the Usage Note athe. See Usage Note at all ,any ,each ,either ,he 1neither ,none Every 是一大类英语单词和短语的代表, 它们在形式上是单数的,但在意义上感觉起来却是复数。例如,这一类词中所包括的由every,any 和某些用法中的 some 所引导的名词短语。 这些短语毫无例外的跟单数动词,我们说每辆车都已 (不是 have ) 被测试过。 每个人都(不是 are ) 会生病 。 但是当一个句子中包括一个由先行词every 引导的代词时, 从句法和意义上就要区分不同的情况了。象每一辆车必须测试它的制动器 这样的表达法在语法上要求使用一单数代词, 但人们总习惯于用复数代词,象Every car must have their brakes tested 这样。 虽然后面这种形式在各种团体的讲话中非常普遍,但它在写作中仍广泛地被认为是语法上的错误。无论如何,坚持语法规则的努力总会导致各种各样的复杂问题。首先是语法上的复杂性。当一个代词指代一个短语,而这个短语中包括every 或 any 属于另一个与此代词所在子句不同的独立子句中时, 这个代词不能用单数形式。因此很容易理解英国人为何不说每个人离开时,都拿着各自的雨衣 , 也不说没有人会被看到,不是吗? 。 不愿意在这些例子中用复数形式的书写者必须找到另外一种表达他们意思的方法,或者可以通过重新改变句子的说法以使代词与其指代的短语同属一个从句中(如Every man left, taking his raincoat with him ), 或者通过以另一个词代替every 或 any 的方法(如 All the man left;they took their raincoats with them )。 第二是政治上的复杂性。当一个被every 或 any 引导的短语指代的一个团体中既有男人又有女人时, 单数代词的词性怎么确定呢?这个问题在单词he的用法说明中将被讨论 参见 all,any,each,either,he1neither,none〔graffito〕The formgraffiti, based on the Italian plural, is far more common than the singular form graffito. Graffitiis often used as a singular noun. When the reference is to a particular inscription (as inThere was a bold graffiti on the wall ), the formgraffito would be etymologically correct but might strike some readers as pedantic outside an archaeological context.There is no substitute for the singular use ofgraffiti when the word is used as a mass noun to refer to inscriptions in general or to the related social phenomenon. The sentenceGraffiti is a major problem for the Transit Authority Police cannot be rewordedGraffito is . . . (since graffito can refer only to a particular inscription) or Graffiti are . . . , which suggests that the police problem involves only the physical marks and not the larger issue of vandalism.In such contexts,the use ofgraffiti as a singular is justified by both utility and widespread precedent. 基于意大利语的复数形式graffiti 远比单数形式 graffito更普遍。 Graffiti常用作单数名词。 当意指一特定涂鸦物(如在墙上有一处下流的涂鸦 中), graffito 的形式在词形变化上是正确的, 但可能会在古文化语境外使一些人显得迂腐。graffiti 的单数作物质名词使用来指涂鸦的总称或相应的社会现象时,是没有替代词的。 句子:涂鸦是公共交通警察局遇到的主要难题 , 不能用Graffito is … 来替换(因为 graffito 只能指一具体的涂鸦)或用 Graffiti are … 来替换, 因其意指警察的问题只涉及存在的标记而不是破坏公物的大问题。在这些语境中,graffiti 作为单数形式的使用是被广泛使用的先例所证实的 〔myself〕The strongest criticism that can be made of these uses of reflexives is that like other emphatic devices they may easily be overused,and when the pronoun refers to the writer or speaker,the result of the emphasis may be an implication of pomposity or self-importance.这些反身代词用法的最大缺陷就是像其它强调用词一样经常容易被过分使用,当代词指作者或说话人时,强调的结果或许是暗含贬义或自大〔phraseogram〕A symbol, such as one used in shorthand, that designates a particular phrase.代表短语(词组)的符号:代表某一特定短语的符号,如速记中使用的代词符号〔declension〕In certain languages, the inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in categories such as case, number, and gender.词形变化:某些语言中,名词,代词和形容词在格,数和性等方面的词形变化〔each〕Wheneach follows a plural subject, however, the verb and subsequent pronouns remain in the plural: 当each 位于一个复数主语后面, 则动词和其后的代词仍为复数形式: 〔pronominal〕Resembling a pronoun, as by specifying a person, place, or thing, while functioning primarily as another part of speech.His in his choice is a pronominal adjective. 代词性的:与代词相似的,如主要作为谈话的另一部分时指代人、地方或事的。His 在 hischoice 中是代词性形容词 〔each〕An exception is made wheneach follows the verb with a first-person plural subject: one may say eitherWe boys have each our own room or We boys have each his own room, though the latter form is somewhat stilted in modern use. ·The expressioneach and every is likewise followed by a singular verb and singular pronoun in formal style: 一个例外是当each 前面动词带有第一人称复数形式的主语时: 既可以说我们男孩子们每人都有各自的一间房 或者也可以说 我们男孩子们每人都有他各自房间 , 虽然后一形式在现代用法中有些过时。这种表达each and every , 在正式文体中的后面也同样地使用单数动词和单数的代词: 〔naughty〕Words have changes in their fortunes over time just as people and institutions do.The wordnaughty at one time might have been high on one's list as an all-purpose word similar to bad or nice. During the 16th centuryone could usenaughty to mean "unhealthy, unpleasant, bad (with respect to weather), vicious (of an animal), inferior, or bad in quality" (one could say "very naughtie figes" or "naughty corrupt water"). All of these senses have disappeared, however,andnaughty is now used mainly in contexts involving mischief or indecency. This recalls its early days in Middle English (with the formnoughti ), when the word was restricted to the senses "evil, hostile, ineffectual, and needy.”Middle Englishnoughti, first recorded in works written in the last quarter of the 14th century, was derived fromnought, which as a noun had senses such as "evil,”as a pronoun meant "nothing,”and as an adjective could mean such things as "immoral, weak, useless.”Nought was descended from Old English nāwiht, with similar senses,a compound made up ofnā, "no,” and wiht, "thing, being.” Thusnaughty, in a sense, has risen from nothing,but its fortunes have been better than they are at present.正像人们和制度那样,词随着时间改变了意思。单词naughty 曾一度作为类似于 bad 或 nice 这种通用词语而列于某人的词汇表中。 在16世纪,人们可以用naughty 来指“不健康的,不舒服的,坏的(和天气相关的),邪恶的(动物),较劣的,或质量坏的”(人们可以说“非常坏的人” 或“不健康的被污染的水”)。 然而所有的这些词义都消失了,现在naughty 主要用于关系到顽皮或不妥的上下文中。 这使人回想起它在中世纪英语的早些时候形式为naughti , 当这个词被限定为用作“邪恶的,敌意的,无用的,和贫穷的”意思。中世纪英语的noughti 最先记录于写于14世纪后二十五年的著作中, 是由nought 派生而来的, 作为名词用有“邪恶”的意思,作为代词用是“没有”的意思,和作为形容词为“不道德的,虚弱的,无用的”。Nought 是从古英语 nawiht 中传下来的, 并且有相似的意思,由na “没有”和 wiht “事情,事物”组成的合成词。 这样naughty 从某种意义上来说, 从没有中生出,但是其意思却比现在的这些意思好得多〔but〕Traditional grammarians have worried over what form the pronoun ought to take whenbut is used to indicate an exception in sentences such as No one but I (or No one but me ) has read it. Some have argued thatbut is a conjunction in these sentences and therefore should be followed by the nominative formI. However, many of these grammarians have gone on to argue somewhat inconsistentlythat the accusative formme is appropriate when the but phrase occurs at the end of a sentence, as inNo one has read it but me. While this treatment of the construction has a considerable weight of precedent on its sideand cannot be regarded as incorrect,a strong case can be made on grammatical grounds for treating this use ofbut as a preposition. For one thing, ifbut were truly a conjunction here, we would expect the verb to agree in person and number with the noun or pronoun followingbut; we would then sayNo one but the students have read it. What is more, ifbut were a true conjunction here we would not expect that it could be moved to the end of a clause, as inNo one has read it but the students. Note that we cannot use the conjunctionand in a similar way, saying John left and everyone else in the class in place of John and everyone else in the class left. These observations suggest thatbut is best considered as a preposition here and followed by accusative forms such asme and them in all positions: No one but me has read it. No one has read it but me. These recommendations are supported by 73 percent of the Usage Panel when thebut phrase precedes the verb and by 93 percent when thebut phrase follows the verb. · But is redundant when used together with however, as in But the army, however, went on with its plans; one or the other word should be eliminated. ·But is generally not followed by a comma. Correct written style requiresKim wanted to go, but we stayed, not Kim wanted to go, but, we stayed. · But may be used to begin a sentence at all levels of style. See Usage Note at and ,cannot ,doubt ,however ,I 1传统的语法学家考虑当but 用于表示例外的意思时应该用什么形式的代词,比如 No one but I (或者 No one but me ) has read it 。 有人认为but 在这种句子中是个连词, 因此应该使用主格I。 然而许多语法学家接下来的讨论有些不一致,即当but 短语出现在句子末尾时用宾格 me 比较合适, 如No one has read it but me(除我以外没有人读过它)。 同时这种结构前置处理的重要性是值得考虑的,并且不会被认为是不正确的,一个有力的例子在语法范畴内,认为but 在这里作介词使用。 首先如果but 在此真是一个连词的话, 我们会期望同名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致的动词跟在but 后面; 我们会说No one but the students have read it(除学生以外没有人读过它)。 再者,如果but 在此真是连词的话,我们不希望它被放在句子末尾, 如在句子No one has read it but the students 中。 注意我们不以类似的方式来使用连词and ,说 John left and everyone else in the class 来代替 John and everyone else in the class left。 这些发现表明but 在此最好被当作介词, 在任何位置后面都应跟宾格形式如me 和 them : No one but me has read it. No one has read it but me(除了我没人读过它)。 当but 短语放在动词之前时,有百分之七十三的用法专题使用小组成员支持这些提议; 而当but 短语放在动词之后时,得到百分之九十三的小组成员的支持。 But 在同 however 一起使用时是多余的,如 But the army, however, went on with its plans; 这两个词必须去掉其中一个。But 通常后面不加逗号。 正确的写法是Kim wanted to go, but we stayed, 而不是 Kim wanted to go, but, we stayed 。 But 可以放在所有文体标准的句子开头 参见 and,cannot,doubt,however,I1〔couple〕 When a pronoun follows,they and their are more common than it and its : 如果后面跟有代词,they 和 their 比 it 和 its 要常用一些: 〔objective〕Of or relating to a noun or pronoun used in this case.宾格的:宾格的名词或代词的〔case〕A pattern of inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives to express different syntactic functions in a sentence.词形变化形式:名词、代词和形容词在一个句子中表示不同的句法功能的词形屈折变化的形式〔reflexive〕Of, relating to, or being the pronoun used as the direct object of a reflexive verb, asherself in She dressed herself. 反身代词的:(关于)作反身动词的直接宾语的代词的,如herself(她自己) 在 她给自己穿衣 一句 〔synesis〕A construction in which a form, such as a pronoun, differs in number but agrees in meaning with the word governing it, as inIf the group becomes too large, we can split them in two. 意义正确但不合语法规则的句子结构:意义相合但数与支配该词,如代词的词不一致的结构,如在句子If the group becomes too large, we can split them in two 中 〔pronoun〕One of a class of words that function as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and designate persons or things asked for, previously specified, or understood from the context.代词:其作用是代替名词或名词词组以指代所指的、预选确定的或由上下文可被理解的人或事的词类〔same〕The expressionssame and the same are sometimes used in place of pronouns such as it or one, as inWhen you have filled out the form, please remit same to this office. As this example suggests, the usage is associated chiefly with commercial and legal language,and some critics have suggested that it should be reserved for such contexts.But though the usage often does sound stilted,it occurs with some frequency in informal writing, particularly in the phraselack of same, as inIt is a question of money, or lack of same. And blind conformity to the critical injunction would have deprived us of the famously laconic radio message sent by a U.S. Navy officer during World War II: Same 和 the same 这两个表达法有时用作代词以替代 it 或 one, 如句子When you have filled out the form,please remit same to the office(填完表格后请提交给办公室)。 正如这个例子所表示的,这种用法主要出现于商业和法律用语,有些评论家认为应当把这种用法限制于此。尽管这种用法常听起来不太自然,但它有时也会出现在非正式的书面语中,特别是在短语lack of the same 中, 如句子It's a question of money,or lack of same。 并且,如果盲目地遵从评论家的禁令,我们将不会听到二次世界大战期间以简洁著称的美国海军军官的无线电口令: 〔accusative〕Of, relating to, or being the case of a noun, pronoun, adjective, or participle that is the direct object of a verb or the object of certain prepositions.宾格的:有关充当一动词直接宾语或一介词的宾语的名词,代词,形容词,或分词的情况〔be〕Traditional grammar requires the nominative form of the pronoun in the predicate of the verbbe : It is I (not me ); That must be they (not them ), and so forth. Even literate speakers of Modern English have found the rule difficult to conform to,but the stigmatization ofIt is me is by now so deeply lodged among the canons of correctness that there is little likelihood that the construction will ever be entirely acceptable in formal writing.Adherence to the traditional rule in informal speech, however, has come to sound increasingly pedantic,and begins to sound absurd when the verb is contracted, as inIt's we. · The traditional rule creates particular problems when the pronoun followingbe also functions as the object of a verb or preposition in a relative clause, as in It is not them/they that we have in mind when we talk about "crime in the streets" nowadays, where the plural pronoun serves as both the predicate ofis and the object of have. In this example, 57 percent of the Usage Panel preferred the nominative formthey, 33 percent preferred the accusativethem, and 10 percent accepted both versions.But H.W. Fowler, like other authorities, argued that the use of the nominative here is an error caused by "the temptation . . . to assume, perhaps from hearingIt is me corrected to It is I, that a subjective [nominative] case cannot be wrong after the verb to be. ” Writers can usually find a way to avoid this problem: They are not the ones we have in mind, We have someone else in mind, and so on. See Usage Note at I 1we 传统语法要求系动词谓语中的代词用主格形式be : It is I (而不是 me ); That must be they (而不是 them ),等等。 即使现代英语有文化的人也发现很难遵守这个规则,而It is me 的烙印现在已深刻地印入了判断是否正确的准则之中, 以致很少有可能使这种用法在正式书面语中被完全接受。但是在非正式讲话中奉行传统规则已经日益变得象在卖弄学问。并且当系动词被缩减时,就象在It's we 中一样,听起来反而象是不合语法的。 当代词跟在be 后面做动词宾语或做关系从句中的介语宾语时,传统的规则就象在 当我们谈到当今“街上的犯罪”时,他们不是我们心中所想的那些人, 句中复数代词同时充当is 的宾语和 have 的宾语。 在这个例子中57%的用法使用小组更喜欢用主格形式they, 33%更喜欢用宾格形式them, 而10%则两种都接受。但是象其他的权威一样,H.W.福勒争论道,在这里用主格是一个错误,它之所以错是因为“多半听到了It is me 都被改正成 It is I 而拿不定主意,以为主格的情况在动词 to be 后面不可能错。” 作家们常常能够找到一个办法来避免这个问题: 他们不是我们所想的人,我们脑子里想的是另一些人等等 参见 I1we〔finalize〕Finalize is frequently associated with the language of bureaucracy and so is objected to by many writers.The sentenceWe will finalize plans for a class reunion was unacceptable to 71 percent of the Usage Panel. Althoughfinalize has no single exact synonym, a substitute can always be found from amongcomplete, conclude, make final, and put into final form. See Usage Note at -ize Finalize 经常与官方语言联系在一起, 所以被许多作家拒绝使用。我们将完成班级聚会的计划 这句话在用法专题使用小组中有71%的成员认为不可接受。 虽然finalize 没有特别好的近义词, 但总还是可以从 complete, conclude, make final 以及 put into final form当中找到替代词 参见 -ize〔dual〕An inflected form of a noun, adjective, pronoun, or verb used with two items or people.双数格:用于两个物体或人时名词、形容词、代词或动词的曲折变化词形〔impersonal〕Indefinite. Used of pronouns.不定代名词的。用于代词〔data〕But whiledata comes from a Latin plural form, the practice of treatingdata as a plural in English often does not correspond to its meaning, given an understanding of what counts as data in modern research.We know, for example, what "data on the homeless" would consist of—surveys, case histories, statistical analyses, and so forth—but it would be a vain exercise to try to sort all of these out into sets of individual facts,each of them a "datum" on the homeless. (Does a case history count as a single datum,or as a collection of them?Is a correlation between rates of homelessness and unemployment itself a datum, or is it an abstraction over a number of data?)Since scientists and researchers think of data as a singular mass entity like information,it is entirely natural that they should have come to talk about it as such and that others should defer to their practice.Sixty percent of the Usage Panel accepts the use ofdata with a singular verb and pronoun in the sentenceOnce the data is in, we can begin to analyze it. A still larger number, 77 percent, accepts the sentence 但是当data 来源于一拉丁复数形式, 在英语中把data 当作复数来对待的运用常常和它的意义不相符合, 给了我们在现代研究中算作数据事物的一种理解。例如,我们知道,“无家可归人的资料”将由调查、个人历史,数据分析等等构成——但是试着把这些都分类到一套个人事实将会是一次无用的尝试,他们中的每一个都为无家可归人的资料。 (个人历史是算作一个简单的资料,还是作为其中的一个收集?无家可归人的比率和失业之间的联系是一个资料,还是一系列资料中的一个提取?)既然科学家和研究工作者认为资料和信息一样是一个单一的团体,他们就应该这样地来谈论它并且其他的人应当服丛他们的说法,这是完全自然的,百分之六十的用法专题使用小组成员接受把data 和单数动词和代词连用, 如在句子一旦资料来了,我们就能开始分析了 中, 更大的比例,即百分之七十七的成员接受了句子 〔there〕The standard rule states thatwhen the pronounthere precedes a verb such as be, seem, or appear, the verb agrees in number with the following grammatical subject: 标准规则认为,当代词there 出现在如 be,seem 或 appear 的动词之前时, 则动词的数遵照如下语法实例: 〔brunette〕Brunette was for a long time used to denote a woman having a dark complexion; now it is used chiefly in reference to hair color.The general practice is to use the formbrunette to refer only to women, withbrunet as a less frequently used variant that can be applied as well to men and mixed groups. The distinction, like the one betweenblonde and blond, has been regarded as carrying sexist implications.In this case, however, it is difficult to see how the problem can be easily resolved.It is unlikely thatbrunette could be pressed into service as a neutral term, since the suffix-ette is too closely associated with marked feminine gender. Brunet is theoretically available for both sexes but is rarely applied to men, whose corresponding coloration is typically described simply as "brown.”It would, of course, be possible to usebrown for the hair color of both sexes, if only that word could be redeemed from the associations of drabnessthat led to the adoption of the substitutebrunette in the first place. See Usage Note at blond ,-ette Brunette 过去很长一段时间用来指肤色黝黑的女人; 现今多用于指头发的颜色。通常brunette 只指女人, 而不如其常用的变体brunet 可用于指男人和男女都有的群体。 两词的区别正如blonde 和 blond 的区别, 被看成带有性别的含意。即使如此也很难看出如何轻易地解决两词之间区别的这一难题。brunette 不可能被看成一个中性词, 因为后缀-ette 与女性紧密联系。 Brunet 从道理上来说适用于男人和女人,但很少用于指男人。 男人相应的肤色仅用brown表述即可。当然,brown 也可适用于指男女两性的头发颜色, 只要此词不再与卖淫联系在一起。正是由于这一联系brunette 才首先被用作替代词 参见 blond,-ette〔case〕The syntactic relationship of a noun, a pronoun or a determiner to the other words of a sentence, indicated by declensional endings, by the position of the words within the sentence, by prepositions, or by postpositions.格:一个名词、代词或一个限定词与一个句子中其它词的句法关系,通过词尾变化、这些词在句子中的位置、介词或者后置词表示出来〔enclitic〕A word or particle that has no independent accent and forms an accentual and sometimes also graphemic unit with the preceding word. InGive 'em the works, the pronoun 'em is an enclitic. 非重读词的后接词:一个词或小品词,没有独立重音,要与前面词相连构成重音音节,有时亦为字形单位,在 Give 'em the works 中代词 'em 是个小品词 〔gender〕A grammatical category used in the analysis of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms.性:一种语法分类,用于名词、代词或形容词的分析,而且在某些语言中动词可能是任意的或基于一些特点的,例如性别和行为方式,来决定其与修饰成分、有关搭配及语法形式的一致性或选择性〔gift〕Gift has a long history of use as a verb meaning "to present as a gift; endow.” The practice appears to provide a useful distinction,in as much as the verbgive can sometimes be ambiguous between "to transfer physical possession" and "to transfer ownership"; and in fact a verb analogous togift is found in a number of other languages (for example, Italianregalare, "to give as a gift,” from regalo, "gift, present"). Unfortunately the verbal use ofgift in Modern English is irredeemably tainted (as is its derivative giftable ) by its association with the language of advertising and publicity (as in Gift her with this copper warming plate ). In an earlier surveythe usage was rejected by a large majority of the Usage Panel.Where clarity is required, substitutessuch asgive as a gift, bestow, or donate are recommended. · The phrasefree gift should, of course, be considered redundant. But the increasing currency of its use is indicative mainly of the degree to which the wordgift itself has been expropriated by advertisers to refer to merchandise offerings to which an obligation is attached—if not a direct price, then taking a test drive,sitting through a sales pitch, or enrolling in a book club.It is perhaps to this use ofgift, rather than to the redundancy free gift, that critics ought most strenuously to object. Gift 作动词意为“赠送礼物,赠予”的用法已有很长的历史了, 这种惯用法的出现提供了有用的区分,因为作为动词give 可能有时会在“传递有形财产“和”传递所有权“之间有模棱两可的意思; 但事实上类似于gift 的词是在其它语言上建立起来的 (如意大利语的regalare “作为礼物给予”来自于 regalo “礼物,礼品”)。 不幸的是gift 在现代英语中动词性质的用法由于广告语言和公众语言的联系而不可挽回地被污染了(如它的派生词 giftable )(又如在 给她这个铜暖盘作为礼物 )。 在较早的一个调查中,这种用法被大部分的用法专题使用小组的成员所反对。为了在此处的用法更清晰的一些替代词,如give as a gift, bestow 或 donate 被采纳了。 词组free gift 自然是应该被认为是多余的, 但是这种用法的迅速使用主要表示了gift 这个词被广告商所侵用而用来指提供商品优惠是一种附加的义务——如果不是直接的价格, 那么就参加一次竞赛活动,等待商品广告宣传或在一个读书俱乐部中报名登记。也许gift 的这种用法应该比冗余的 free gift 更为批评家所坚决反对 〔proform〕An item in a sentence, typically a pronoun, verb, or adverb, that substitutes for a constituent phrase or clause, as the wordshe and so in the sentence He said so, with the pronoun he replacing a noun phrase such as the president and the adverb so replacing a clause such as that he would leave today. 代词形式:句子中的一项,典型上是一个代词、动词或是副词,以取代成分词组或从句,像是句子he said so 中 he 和 so 两个单词,以代词 he 代替一个名词词组,例如 the president(总统) ,而副词 so 则取代一个从句,例如 he would leave today(他今天将会离开) 〔responsible〕In recent years,many people have objected to the use of the phraseclaim responsibility with reference to the authors of terrorist acts, as inA small separatist group claimed responsibility for the explosion, in which 30 passengers were killed. It is true that the phrase is not entirely felicitous,in as much as it does not convey the speaker's conviction that the action is deplorable.But alternatives such asadmit or take the blame cannot be recommended either, since they would imply misleadingly that the instigators had themselves acknowledged that the action was wrongful.近年来,许多人反对使用与恐怖主义活动制造者相关的词组claim responsibility , 如一小撮分离主义者声称对那次致使30位旅客丧生的爆炸负责 。 这个词组确实是不得体的,因为它没有表达说话者对悲惨行为的谴责。但也不能推荐如admit 和 take the blame 等替代词, 因为它们可能使人误导以为煽动者自己也承认行动是错误的〔we〕When the pronoun is followed by an appositive noun phrase,the formus is frequently encountered where grammatical correctness would require we, as inUs owners (properly We owners ) will have something to say about the contract. Less frequently,we is substituted for us, as inFor we students, it's a no-win situation. Both usages should be avoided.See Usage Note at be ,I 1当代词后跟同位的名词短语时,us 常常被使用,但正确的语法要求使用 we, 如在Us owners (正确的应是 We owners ) will have something to say about the contract(我们这些所有者关于此合同会有些话讲), we 不太多见被用来代替 us, 如在For we students, it's a no-win situation(对我们学生来说,这是一个决无胜算的情形)。 两种用法都应避免 参见 be,I1〔he〕Traditionally, English speakers have used the pronounshe, him, and his generically in contexts in which the grammatical form of the antecedent requires a singular pronoun, as inEvery member of Congress is answerable to his constituents; 传统上,说英语的人一般把代词he,him 和 his 用在先行词的语法形式要求跟一个单数代词的语境中, 如国会中每一位成员都应对 其 选民负责; 〔cataphora〕The use of a linguistic unit, such as a pronoun, to refer ahead to another unit, for example, the use ofhim to refer to John in the sentence Near him, John saw a snake. 后向照应:使用一语言单位如代词在前面指代另一语言单位,例如在Near him, John saw a snake 这个句子中,用 him 指代其后的 John 的这种用法 〔either〕But reputable writers have often violated this rule,and in any case it applies only to the use ofeither as a pronoun or an adjective. Wheneither is used as a conjunction no paraphrase withany is available, and soeither is unexceptionable even when it applies to more than two clauses: 但是许多著名作家经常违反这个规则,这种情况只见于either 用作代名词或形容词时。 当either 用作连接词时, any 没有相应的替代词, 所以即使用来连接多于两个从句时,也要用either : |
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