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单词 仔细
释义 〔dresser〕a careful dresser.一个穿衣仔细的人〔ponder〕These verbs mean to consider something carefully and at length. Toponder is to weigh in the mind with painstaking thoroughness and care: 这些动词表示仔细而详尽地考虑某件事情。Ponder 是指用煞费苦心的详尽和仔细在头脑中权衡: 〔sift〕To make a careful examination:细查:进行仔细的检查:〔narrow〕Painstakingly thorough or attentive; meticulous:仔细的,精确的:完全小心的,仔细的;注意细节的:〔quiz〕To question closely or repeatedly; interrogate.盘问:仔细或重复地询问;质问〔unarticulated〕Not carefully or thoroughly thought out.没想好的:没有仔细或彻底想好的〔mobile〕A type of sculpture consisting of carefully equilibrated parts that move, especially in response to air currents.可动雕塑:一种由经仔细设计达到平衡的部件组成的雕塑,气流通过时部件会运动〔difference〕Distinction often means a difference in detail between like or related things, determinable only by close inspection: Distiaction 通常的意思为相似的或相关的事物间的细节差异,只能通过仔细的检查才能确定的: 〔see〕 Observe emphasizes careful, closely directed attention: Observe 强调仔细、密切地直接观察: 〔cast〕cast each role carefully.仔细安排每一个角色〔scrutiny〕A close, careful examination or study.细看,细阅:周密仔细的检查或学习〔observe〕To be or become aware of, especially through careful and directed attention; notice.注意,觉察:觉察到,尤其是通过仔细和直接的注意;注意〔smog〕Smog is so much a part of modern, industrialized lifethat it is difficult to realize that at one time neither smog nor the word for it existed.The word, of course, followed the phenomenon perhaps by half a century,for air pollution was noticed during the Industrial Revolution.The wordsmog is first recorded in 1905 in a newspaper report of a meeting of the Public Health Congress. Dr. H.A. des V÷ux gave a paper entitled "Fog and Smoke,” in which,in the words of theDaily Graphic of July 26, "he said it required no science to see that there was something produced in great cities which was not found in the country, and that was smoky fog, or what was known as ‘smog.’”The next day theGlobe remarked that "Dr. des V÷ux did a public service in coining a new word for the London fog.”Since Dr. des V÷ux's creation of this blend, much more has been learned about the composition of smog;unfortunately, it is still with us.烟雾污染已成为现代工业生活中如此大的一部分,以至有一段时间人们难以认识烟雾污染以及表达其存在的烟雾污染这个词。不言而喻,这个词是在这种现象产生半个世纪以后才出现的,因为空气污染是在工业革命期间才被发现。Smog 这个词的第一次使用记录出现在1905年关于公共健康委员会一次会议的新闻报导中, H·A·德佛博士当时上交了一份题为《雾和烟》的论文,按照7月26日每日画报 的说法, 在这篇论文中,“他认为不必借助科学,人们就会发现一种只存在于大城市而乡村没有的东西,那就是含烟的雾,或者叫做烟雾”。第二天的环球报 评论说: "H·A·德佛博士关于伦敦大雾所创造的新词是对公众的一个贡献”。自从H·A·德佛博士用混合的方法创造这个词开始,人们对烟雾的结构做了仔细的研究;但不幸的是,它至今还存在着〔care〕Close attention; painstaking application:留心:密切注意;十分仔细的涂抹:〔care〕To provide needed assistance or watchful supervision:看护,照料:提供有必要的帮助或小心仔细的监护:〔gather〕Tears collected (or gathered ) in her eyes. Frequently, however,collect refers to the careful selection of like or related things that become part of an organized whole: 眼泪在(或 gather ) 她眼中。 但是通常collect 指的是仔细选择相似或有联系的东西, 以变成有组织的整体的一部分: 〔advisement〕Careful consideration:深思熟虑:仔细的考虑:〔measured〕Careful; restrained:仔细的;有分寸的:〔Marquette〕French missionary who in 1673 accompanied Louis Jolliet on an extensive exploration of the Wisconsin, Mississippi, and Illinois rivers.马凯特,雅克:(1637-1675) 法国传教士,1673年和路易斯·朱利特一块对威斯康星、密西西比和伊利诺斯河作了仔细的考察〔prudent〕Careful in regard to one's own interests; provident.在自己的利益方面小心仔细的;节俭的〔perpendicular〕from perpendere [to weigh carefully] 源自 perpendere [仔细称量] 〔word〕worded the petition carefully.仔细措词申请书〔excogitate〕To consider or think (something) out carefully and thoroughly.深思熟虑:仔细和彻底地考虑或想出〔solicitous〕Extremely careful; meticulous:十分小心的:非常小心的;仔细的:〔strike〕To achieve (a balance, for example) by careful weighing or reckoning.结算:通过仔细的衡量或计算达到(如金额)〔curious〕from Latin cūriōsus [careful, inquisitive] 源自 拉丁语 cūriōsus [仔细的,过分好奇的] 〔exquisite〕Middle English exquisit [carefully chosen] 中古英语 exquisit [仔细的] 〔testy〕To the casual eyetesty and heady seem to have no connection until one becomes less casual and notes that both words refer to the head.Thehead in heady is easy to see both in the form of the word and in the meanings of the word. The earliest sense,first recorded in a work composed before 1382,is "headlong, headstrong,”which is clearly a "head" sensebut so is the better known current sense "apt to go to the head, intoxicating.”To see thehead in testy, we must look back to the Old French wordtestu, the source of our word. Testu is derived from the Old French word teste, "head" (Modern French tête ). In Englishtesty developed another sense, "aggressive, contentious,” which passed into the sense we are familiar with, "irritable.” 粗看testy 和 heady 似乎没有联系, 直到一个人较为仔细才注意到两个词都指头部。heady 中的 head 很容易看出在形式与意义上均相似。 其最早的意义,首次记录于1382年以前的一部著作中,指“轻率的,顽固的”,显然是“头部”的意思,但现在更为人知的意思是“能入脑的;陶醉的”。而要看head 在 testy 中, 我们必须追溯到古法语testu ,我们这个词的词源。 Testu 源于古法语词 teste ,“头部”(现代法语 tete )。 在英语中,testy 所发展的另一层意思(“好战的,争论的”)转化成了我们熟悉的意思(“暴躁的”) 〔calculated〕Undertaken after careful estimation of the likely outcome:算清了的:经过仔细估计取得其可能结果的:〔quarry〕To extract (facts, for example) by long, careful searching:采集,获取:通过长期仔细的调查获取(如事实):〔research〕Close, careful study.探求,考察:严密、仔细的研究〔care〕Watchful oversight; charge or supervision:照顾:仔细的照料;照管或监护:〔fill〕carefully filled out the job application.仔细填写工作申请〔scrutiny〕Close observation; surveillance.仔细的观察;监督〔pick〕To refute or find flaws in by close examination:挑剔,找毛病:反驳或通过仔细的检查找出错误:〔scout〕To spy on or explore carefully in order to obtain information; reconnoiter.侦察:为了获得信息侦察或仔细查探;侦探〔watch〕To look at steadily; observe carefully or continuously:留神观察:注视;仔细或持久观察:〔circumspect〕Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; prudent.考虑周到的,仔细的:对情况及可能的后果注意留心的;审慎的〔rake〕To conduct a thorough search:搜索:进行仔细全面的搜索:〔scour〕To search through or over thoroughly:搜索:仔细或彻底的查看:




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