单词 | 介于 |
释义 | 〔semisolid〕Intermediate in properties, especially in rigidity, between solids and liquids.半固体的:性质,尤指刚性,介于固体和液体之间的〔brown〕Any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue that are medium to low in lightness and low to moderate in saturation.棕色,褐色:一组介于红黄间的颜色,亮度由适中到低,色彩的饱和度由低到适中〔winter〕The usually coldest season of the year, occurring between autumn and spring, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox, and popularly considered to be constituted by December, January, and February.冬,冬季:通常是一年中最冷的季节,介于秋天和春天之间,在北半球从冬至到春分,通常来讲包括十二月、一月和二月〔thane〕A man ranking above an ordinary freeman and below a nobleman in Anglo-Saxon England.乡绅:安格鲁一撒克逊英格兰介于平民与贵族之间的人〔septuagenarian〕A person who is 70 years old or between the ages of 70 and 80.七十几岁的人:七十多岁的或介于70岁和80岁之间的人〔Mesolithic〕Of, relating to, or being the cultural period of the Stone Age between the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages, marked by the appearance of the bow and cutting tools.中石器时代的:介于旧石器与新石器时代之间的已出现弓箭和切割工具的石器文化时代的、与之有关的、或是这一时代的〔felwort〕An annual gentian(Gentianella amarella) having small, lilac to creamy white flowers with fringed corollas. 龙胆草:一年生龙胆属植物(龙胆属 苦龙胆) ,长有小的、介于紫色和乳白色之间的带有穗状花冠的花朵 〔Mesopotamia〕An ancient region of southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq. Probably settled before 5000b.c. , the area was the home of numerous early civilizations, including Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria. It declined in importance after Mongol invaders destroyed its extensive irrigation system in a.d. 1258. 美索不达米亚:古代西南亚介于底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间的一个地区,位于现在的伊拉克境内。可能在公元前 5000年以前就开始有人在此定居。这一地区孕育了众多的人类早期文明,其中包括苏美尔文明、阿卡德文明、巴比伦文明和亚述文明。蒙古侵略者在 公元 1258年破坏了该地区发达的灌溉系统之后,这一地区的重要性就此减小 〔autumn〕The season of the year between summer and winter, lasting from the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice and from September to December in the Northern Hemisphere; fall.秋季:指一年中介于夏季和冬季之间的一个季节,自秋分起到冬至止,在北半球是九月至十二月;秋天〔superorder〕A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below a class or subclass and above an order.总目:介于纲或亚纲与目之间的生物分类类别〔trot〕The gait of a horse or other four-footed animal, between a walk and a canter in speed, in which diagonal pairs of legs move forward together.马的小跑:马或其它四足动物介于行走和快跑之间的一种步态,前进时是对角线的双腿共同向前移动〔semiclassical〕Of, relating to, or being a work that in style or form falls between the classical and popular genres.半古典的:某件在风格或形式上介于古典和通俗类型之间的作品的、与之相关的或属于之的〔russet〕Moderate to strong brown.黄褐色的:介于褐色与深褐色之间的〔purple〕Cloth of a color between violet and red, formerly worn as a symbol of royalty or high office.紫红色衣服:颜色介于紫色与红色之间的衣服,曾表示穿着者是皇室或高官的象征〔subphylum〕A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking between a phylum and a class.亚门:介于门与纲之间的生物学分类级别〔medium〕Something, such as an intermediate course of action, that occupies a position or represents a condition midway between extremes.中间,中庸:介于两个极端中间的位置或状态的东西,例如一行动的中间过程〔septuagenarian〕Being 70 years old or between the ages of 70 and 80.70到79岁的:七十多岁的或介于70岁和80岁之间的〔Corinth〕A narrow isthmus connecting central Greece with the Peloponnesus. It lies between the Gulf of Corinth and the Saronic Sea and is crossed by theCorinth Canal, constructed from 1881 to 1893. 科林斯地峡:联接伯罗奔尼撒半岛与希腊中部的一个狭窄地峡。介于科林斯湾与萨罗尼克海之间,中间有科林斯运河 穿过,这条运河建于1881-1893年 〔tween〕A child between middle childhood and adolesence, usually between 8 and 12 years old.8至12岁儿童:介于童年中期和青少年期之间的儿童,通常在8岁至12岁之间〔ninety〕A decade or the numbers from 90 to 99:介于90到99之间的时间或数字:〔rufous〕Strong yellowish pink to moderate orange; reddish.锈色的:介于深黄粉色与桔黄之间的颜色;略带红色的〔sprechstimme〕A form of dramatic declamation between singing and speaking, in which the speaker uses lilt and rhythm but not precise pitches.诵唱:介于说唱之间的一种戏剧的手法,表演者使用轻快有节奏的但不太准确的调子〔Narrows〕A strait of southeast New York between Brooklyn and Staten Island in New York City and connecting Upper and Lower New York Bay. The Narrows is spanned by the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, completed in 1964 and one of the longest suspension bridges in the world.纳罗斯:纽约东南的一个海峡,介于布鲁克林和纽约市的斯塔滕岛之间,连接纽约湾的上端和下端。弗拉德诺-纳罗斯桥的建立使纳罗斯海峡得到延伸,该桥于1964年竣工,是世界上最长的吊桥〔critique〕Critique has been used as a verb meaning "to review or discuss critically" since the 18th century, but lately this usage has gained much wider currency,in part because the verbcriticize, once neutral between praise and censure, is now mainly used in a negative sense. (One is not likely to say, for example,She criticized the bill approvingly. ) But this use ofcritique is still regarded by many as pretentious jargon; 69 percent of the Usage Panel rejects the sentence Critique 这一词自从18世纪以来作为动词的意思是“批判性地评论或讨论”, 然而近来这一用法变得更为通用,部分由于动词criticize 这一原先介于赞扬和苛评之间的词现主要用于否定意义中。 (人们不太可能说,比如她赞成地批判这个法案。 ) 但是critique 的这一用法仍被许多人认为是做作难懂的话; 用法专题使用小组69%的成员否认这种句子 〔meson〕Any of a family of subatomic particles that participate in strong interactions, are composed of a quark and an antiquark, and have masses generally intermediate between leptons and baryons. See table at subatomic particle 介子:任一种具有较强相互作用力的亚原子粒子群,由一夸克与一反夸克构成,并具有通常介于轻子和重子间的质量 参见 subatomic particle〔semihard〕Intermediate between hard and soft:半硬的:硬度介于坚硬和柔软之间的:〔fetterbush〕Any of several deciduous or evergreen shrubs of the genusLeucothoe, having clusters of white to pink flowers and many-seeded capsules with five valves. 亮叶南烛:几种落叶的或常绿的灌木属中的一类木黎芦属, 长有成簇的介于白色和粉色之间的花和五片囊盖许多粒种子的种囊 〔semigloss〕A paint that dries with a finish that is between gloss and flat.半光泽漆:一种干后光亮度介于光亮平滑和无光泽之间的油漆〔russet〕A coarse reddish-brown to brown homespun cloth.黄褐色土布:一种粗糙的手工纺织的布,介于红褐色和褐色之间〔Alsace〕A region and former province of eastern France between the Rhine River and the Vosges Mountains. Along with neighboring Lorraine, it was annexed by Germany in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War and returned to France by the Treaty of Versailles (1919).阿尔萨斯:法国东部的一个地区,以前是一个省,介于莱茵河和孚日山脉中间。1871年普法战争后和它邻近的洛林一同被德国吞并,1919年凡尔赛和约签定后回归法国〔mesomorphic〕Also mes.o.mor.phous [-môrʹfəs] Of, relating to, or existing in a state of matter intermediate between liquid and crystal. 也作 mes.o.mor.phous [-môrʹfəs] 介晶的:介于液态与晶态之间的物质状态的、与之有关的、或以此状态存在的〔Gorky〕Armenian-born American painter considered a transitional figure between surrealism and abstract expressionism. His works includeThe Liver Is the Cock's Comb (1944). 高尔基,阿希礼:(1904-1948) 美籍亚美尼亚画家,他被认为是介于超现实主义和抽象表现主义之间的画家。他的作品包括《肝是鸡冠》 (1944年) 〔radium〕A rare, brilliant white, luminescent, highly radioactive metallic element found in very small amounts in uranium ores, having 13 isotopes with mass numbers between 213 and 230, of which radium 226 with a half-life of 1,622 years is the most common. It is used in cancer radiotherapy, as a neutron source for some research purposes, and as a constituent of luminescent paints. Atomic number 88; melting point 700°C; boiling point 1,737°C; valence 2. See table at element 镭:一种稀有的、有白色光泽、发光、高度放射性的金属元素,极少量地存在于沥青矿中,有13种同位素,质量数介于213和230之间,最常见的为镭226,半衰期为1,622年。镭可用于癌症的放射治疗,在其它一些研究中用作中子源,还可用作发光颜料的成分。原子序数88;熔点700°C;沸点1,737°C;原子价2 参见 element〔countershaft〕An intermediate shaft between the powered and driven shafts in a belt drive.副轴,天轴:传送带上介于动力轴与驱动轴之间的中间轴〔secondary〕Being a degree of health care intermediate between that offered in a physician's office and that available at a research hospital, as the care typically offered at a clinic or community hospital.医疗保健级的:保健程度介于研究性医院和医生办公室之间的,如典型地在临床医院或社区医院里提供的医疗保健〔youngberry〕A trailing, prickly hybrid between a blackberry and a dewberry(Rubus ursinus cv. Young) of the rose family, cultivated in the western United States. 扬氏杂交梅:一种成串带刺的、介于蔷薇科黑莓和露莓之间的杂交品种(扬氏杂交梅 栽培品种 悬钩子属加州露莓) ,在美国西部栽种 〔theater〕Those who have theories about the theater are no doubt quite observant,at least the etymology of the word leads one to think so.The wordstheory and theater are related in ancestry if we look back to the Greek sources of our words. The Greek ancestor oftheater is theatron, "a place for seeing, especially for dramatic representation, theater.” Theatron is derived quite logically from the verb theasthai, "to gaze at, contemplate, view as spectators, especially in the theater,” fromthea, "a viewing.” The Greek ancestor oftheory is theōria, which meant among other things"the sending oftheōroi (state ambassadors sent to consult oracles or attend games),” "the act of being a spectator at the theater or games,” "viewing,” "contemplation by the mind,” and "theory or speculation.” The source oftheōria, theōros, "an envoy sent to consult an oracle, spectator,” is a compound of thea, "viewing,” and -oros, "seeing.” Thus, viewing is at the root of a theory and the theater.有戏剧理论的人无疑是相当善于观察的,至少这个词的词源学让我们这么想。如果我们追溯它们的希腊词源,单词theory 和 theater 的起源相关。 theater 的希腊语前身是 theatron (“尤指看喜剧表演的地方,剧院”)。 theatreon 相当符合逻辑地来自动词 theasthai (“盯着,注视,观看,尤指在剧院作为观众”), 来自thea, “观看”。 theory 的希腊语前身是 theoria , 其意义介于其它几件事物之间,它们是“派遣theoroi (派出咨询神谕或参加竟技会的政府使节)”“在剧院或竞技会上作为观众的行为”,“观看”,“专心注视”,和“看法和推测”。 theoria,theoros (“派出咨询神谕的使节;观众”)是 thea (“观看”)和 -oros (“看见”)的复合词。 这样,观看是theory(理论)和theater(剧院)的根源〔semifluid〕Intermediate in flow properties between solids and liquids; highly viscous.半流体的,半流质的:流动性介于固体和液体之间的;具有很强的粘性的〔silt〕A sedimentary material consisting of very fine particles intermediate in size between sand and clay.泥沙,淤泥:由大小介于沙和泥之间的非常细小的微粒构成的沉淀性物质〔semiliquid〕Intermediate in properties, especially in flow properties, between liquids and solids.半流体的,半流质的:性质中等的,尤指流体性质,介于液体与固体之间的 |
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