单词 | 什么样的 |
释义 | 〔roster〕To be told that the wordroster is related to a gridiron upon which one roasts meat might not come as a surprise, depending on what sort of rosters one's name has graced.The connection between the roster as we know it and a gridiron was made in Dutch,where the wordrooster, meaning "gridiron" (from the verb roosten, "to roast"), was extended in sense to mean "a table, list.”This extension was made because of the resemblance of a gridiron to a piece of paper divided by parallel lines that contains a list or table.The earliest use in English (first recorded in 1727) for the wordroster borrowed from Dutch was military, referring to a list or plan that outlined when officers, men, and bodies of troops should perform their turn of duty. Roster is no longer exclusively military in usage,nor does it mean simply a list of rotating turns of duty;one could perhaps even have a roster of meats to be roasted at a barbecue.如果说roster 一词与供烤肉用的烧烤架有关也许不会令人吃惊, 这就要看名字上了什么样的花名册。荷兰语把我们所知道的roster(花名册)与gridiron(烤架)联系了起来,rooster 意为“烤架”(源于动词 roosten ,意思是“烤”), 词义延伸后意为“表格,名单”。该词之所以有这样的延伸义是因为烤架与被平行线分成表格的纸张有相似之处。roster 一词从荷兰语中借用后,在英语中(第一次记载于1727年)最早运用于军事, 指粗略记录军官、士兵和部队轮流执行任务的名单或计划。 Roster 不再为军队专用,也不仅仅表示“轮班的名单”的意思,烧烤时我们甚至可以用“烤肉的肉单”〔parameter〕"all the parameters of shelter—where people will live, what mode of housing they will choose, and how they will pay for it"(New York)“住宿的所有限制因素——人们住在哪里、他们将选择什么样的住房式样以及他们如何付房钱”(纽约)〔prison〕The wordprison has its origins not in the notions of what such a place is but rather in the notion of how one gets there. Prison can be traced back to the Latin word prēnsiō, "the action or power of making an arrest.” This in turn is derived from the verbprehendere or prendere, which meant "to take hold of, take into custody, arrest.”Prēnsiō then dives into the obscurity of the time when Romance languages such as French were being formed from Vulgar Latin and resurfaces in the Old French of the 12th century with the formprison and the senses "capture" and "place of imprisonment.”This new sense could have already been developed in Latinand not been recorded,but we have to wait until the 12th century to see it,the sense "captivity" being added in the same century.From Old French as well as the Medieval Latin wordpriso, "prison,” derived from Old French, came our Middle English word prisoun, first recorded in a work written before 1121in the sense "imprisonment.”The sense "place of imprisonment" is recorded shortly afterward in a text copied down before 1225but perhaps actually written in the Old English period before the Norman Conquest.Prison 这个单词的来源不在于它是一个什么样的地方而在于一个人是怎么进去的。 Prison 可追溯到意思是“进行逮捕的行动或力量”的拉丁词 prensio。 这个词也是从动词prehendere 或 prendere 派生出来的, 意思是“捉住,逮捕,拘留。”Prensio 这个词在罗马语系中的语言(如法语)逐渐从通俗拉丁语形成时被人们忘却了, 12世纪又以prison 的形式在古法语中重新露面, 其含义是“捉住”和“囚禁人的地方。”这个新的含义很可能在拉丁语中已得到了发展,只是没有被记录下来,但是我们直到12世纪才看到它,在同一世纪“囚禁,俘虏”的意思被加了进去。从古法语、同时也是从源于古法语的中世纪拉丁语词priso “监狱,监禁”中产生了中古英语单词 prison, 这个词最早的记录是在一部著于1121年的作品中,意思是“监禁,拘留。”“监禁或囚禁的地方”这层意思在稍后出现的、在1225年以前被抄录下来的一篇文章中出现,但可能实际写作的时间是在诺曼征服之前的古英语时期〔alchemy〕"He wondered by what alchemy it was changed, so that what sickened him one hour, maddened him with hunger the next"(Marjorie K. Rawlings)“他想知道是什么样的魔力导致了这样的变化,一小时前使他厌恶的东西,现在却发疯似地想得到它”(玛乔丽K.罗林斯)〔make〕found out what make of man he was.得知他是一个什么样的人〔whoever〕Whatever person or persons:无论谁:无论什么样的人或人们:〔send〕We will meet whatever vicissitudes fate may send.不管发生什么样的命运变迁,我们都会迎接挑战的〔either〕When the construction mixes singular and plural elements, however,there is some confusion as to which form the verb should take.It has sometimes been suggested that the verb should agree with whichever noun phrase is closest to it;thus one would writeEither Eve or the Kays have been invited, butEither the Kays or Eve has been invited. This pattern is accepted by 54 percent of the Usage Panel.Others have maintained that the construction is fundamentally inconsistent whichever number is assigned to the verband that such sentences should be rewritten accordingly.As Wilson Follett put it:然而,当结构中既有单数又有复数成分的时候,动词应采取什么形式说法不定。人们有时建议动词的人称和数应与离得最近的名词短语呼应;因此人们说Either Eve or the Kays have been invited , 而不是Either the Kays or Eve has been invited 。 这种格式被用法使用小组54的成员所接受。也有人认为不管动词用什么样的数, 这个结构本质上都是一致的,因此这样的句子应重写。象威尔逊·伏莱特所说的:〔force〕"Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do" (Mark Twain).“无论什么样的工作都必须 要做” (马克·吐温)。〔manner〕What manner of person is she?她是什么样的人? |
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