单词 | 亨利 |
释义 | 〔Brown〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1890-1906).布朗,亨利·比林斯:(1836-1913) 美国法官,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(1890-1906年)〔Sullivan〕American architect known for his early steel-frame designs for skyscrapers and for his influential dictum "Form follows function.”萨利,路易斯·亨利:(1856-1924) 美国建筑师,他因早期为摩天大楼的钢架结构的设计和颇有影响的“功能重于外形”的观点而著名〔Commager〕American historian whose works includeMajority Rule and Minority Rights (1943) and The American Mind (1950). 柯梅杰,亨利·斯梯尔:(生于 1902) 美国历史学家,他的著作有《多数裁定原则和少数权利》 (1943年)和 《美国智者》 (1950年) 〔boggle〕"The mind now boggling at all the numbers on the table, both sides agreed to a recess of an hour"(Henry A. Kissinger)“由于不愿面对桌子上那些让人困惑的数字,双方同意休息一小时”(亨利A.基辛格)〔Heinz〕American food manufacturer who organized the H.J. Heinz Company (1888).海因茨,亨利·约翰:(1844-1919) 美国食品制造商,于1888年组织了H·J海因茨公司〔Hadley〕American composer and conductor whose romantic works include operas, such asBianca (1918), symphonies, and chamber music. 哈德利,亨利·金伯尔:(1871-1937) 美国作曲家和指挥家,他的浪漫主义音乐作品包括歌剧《比安卡》 (1918年)等,还有交响乐和室内乐 〔Beecher〕American cleric. A fiery preacher, moderate Calvinist theologian, and resolute abolitionist, he was the father ofCatharine Esther Beecher (1800-1878), who promoted equal educational opportunities for women; Edward Beecher (1803-1895), a clergyman and educator noted for his abolitionist views and writings; and Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), a clergyman and newspaper editor famous for his abolitionist orations. Harriet Beecher Stowe was another of Lyman's children. 比彻尔,吕曼:(1775-1863) 美国牧师,热情的传道士、不激进的加尔文派神学家和坚定的废奴主义者。他的四个子女,凯瑟琳·埃丝特·比彻尔 (1800-1878年),她倡导了向妇女提供平等的受教育机会; 爱德华·比彻尔 (1803-1895年),牧师和教育家,以其废奴主义观点和著作而闻名; 亨利·沃德·比彻尔 (1813-1887年),牧师和报刊编辑,以其废奴主义演讲而著名。哈里特·比彻尔·斯托是莱曼的另一个孩子 〔advertise〕"This event advertises me that there is such a fact as death"(Henry David Thoreau)“这件事告诫我有死亡这样的事实”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)〔Grattan〕Irish politician and orator who supported suffrage for Catholics and opposed the union of Ireland with England (1800).格拉顿,亨利:(1746-1820) 爱尔兰政治家和演说家,他支持给天主教徒选举权并反对爱尔兰与英国的联邦(1800年)〔face〕"The prospect of military conflict . . . faced us with nightmarish choices"(Henry A. Kissinger)“未来的军事冲突…使我们面对恶梦似的决择”(亨利A.基辛格)〔speak〕"We must know . . . what we are talking about" (Henry James). “我们必须知道…我们正在谈什么” (亨利·詹姆斯)。 〔nervous〕"the nervous thrust of a modern creation"(Henry A. Kissinger)“现代创作的有力推动作用”(亨利A.基辛格)〔Hastie〕American jurist who served on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (1949-1971), the first Black American to do so.黑斯蒂,威廉·亨利:(1904-1976) 曾任职于美国联邦上诉法院的第一位美国黑人法官(1949-1971年)〔pun〕The origin of the wordpun is lost in obscurity, perhaps deservedly so in the eyes of those who consider the pun the feeblest form of wit. The wordpun is first recorded in a work of 1662 written by John Dryden. In a slightly later passage of 1676we find the wordpun in the company of the words pundigrion and punnet with the same sense. Punnet is probably a diminutive of pun, as are the laterpunlet (used by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1819) and punkin (Henry James, 1866). Butpundigrion, although recorded later, may have been around earlier than pun and might be its source.Pundrigrion in turn might be an alteration of the obsolete Italian word puntiglio, "fine point,” which we have in English aspunctilio. In any case,the wordpun has given birth to some derivatives of its own, including punnigram, modeled onepigram, and punnology. 可能在那些认为双关语是智慧的最虚弱表现形式的人眼里,pun 的本源难以考证是当然的。 1662年在约翰·德莱登的一篇文章中最早出现了pun 这个词。 其后不久1676年的一篇文章中,pun 同 pundigrion 和 punnet 具有相同的意思而列在一起。 Punnet 可能是 pun 的一个词尾, 后来的punlet (1819年萨缪尔·泰勒·柯利芝使用)和 punkin (亨利·詹姆斯于1866年使用)可能也是如此。 但尽管pundigrion 比 pun 的记载晚,却很可能比它略早出现, 且可能是它的来源。Pundrigrion 按顺序来说可能是已废弃的意大利语 puntiglio 的变形,意为“妙处”, 英语中相应的词是punctilio。 不论如何,pun 自身还衍生了一些词,包括 punnigram , 它是模仿epigram 和 punnology 而成的 〔Fuseli〕Swiss-born British painter whose works, includingThe Nightmare (1781), display a fantastic, macabre quality that influenced the surrealists of the 1920's and 1930's. 富塞利,亨利:(1741-1825) 生于瑞士的英国画家,作品包括《恶梦》 (1781年),风格怪诞恐怖,对20世纪二三十年代的超现实主义者有一定影响 〔oppose〕"All my life I have fought against prejudice and intolerance" (Harry S Truman). “我的整个一生都是为了反对偏见和偏狭” (亨利·S·杜鲁门)。 〔Miller〕American writer whose novelsTropic of Cancer (1934) and Tropic of Capricorn (1939) were banned in the United States because of their sexual content. 米勒,亨利·瓦伦廷:(1891-1980) 美国作家,其小说《北回归线》 (1934年)及 《南回归线》 (1939年)因性内容而在美国遭禁 〔Hallam〕British historian whose accurate but uncolorful works includeEurope During the Middle Ages (1818). The death of his son Arthur Henry Hallam (1811-1833) inspired Tennyson's poem In Memoriam. 哈勒姆,亨利:(1777-1859) 英国历史学家,他真实但缺乏色彩的著作包括《中世纪的欧洲》 (1818年),他的儿子 阿瑟·亨利·哈勒姆 (1811-1833年)的死引发了丁尼生的诗 《悼念》 〔Drummond〕Irish-born Canadian poet whose works describe the French-Canadian habitants.德拉蒙德,威廉·亨利:(1854-1907) 爱尔兰裔加拿大诗人,其作品多描写法裔加拿大居民〔O〕"O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches"(Henry David Thoreau)“哦,当我想起自己数不清的财产时,我怎么笑得出来啊!”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)〔Wright〕American architect and planner of innovative communities, including Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, New York, and Chatham Village in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.莱特,亨利:(1878-1936) 美国建筑师和革新社区的设计者,作品包括纽约昆区的向阳花园,和宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的查塔姆村〔stay〕"I alone sit lingering here" (Henry Vaughan).Tosojourn is to reside temporarily in a place: “我独自坐在这儿消磨时间” (亨利·沃恩)。Sojourn 指在一处暂住: 〔Vanderbilt〕American transportation promoter and financier who amassed a great fortune through railroad and shipping interests. His heirs included his sonWilliam Henry (1821-1885), a financier and philanthropist, and William Henry's sons Cornelius (1843-1899), a railroad director; William Kissam (1849-1920), a railroad executive and philanthropist; Frederick William (1856-1938), a railroad manager; and George Washington (1862-1914), who commissioned Biltmore, located in Asheville, North Carolina, the largest private home in America. 范德比尔特,科尔内留斯:(1794-1877) 美国运输促进者和投资者,从铁路运输和航运中积累了大量资金。他的后代, 包括其子金融家和慈善家威廉·亨利 (1821-1885年),以及威廉·亨利的儿子们,铁路局长 科尼利厄斯 (1843-1899年),铁路行政长官和慈善家 威廉·基萨姆 (1849-1920年);铁路经济人 弗里德里克·威廉 (1856-1938年);以及 乔治·华盛顿 (1862-1914年),他在北卡罗来纳州的阿什维尔建起比尔特摩,美国最大的私宅 〔Ford〕American automobile manufacturer who developed a gasoline-powered automobile (1893), founded the Ford Motor Company (1903), and mass-produced the Model T (1908-1927), the first generally affordable and widely available automobile. His sonEdsel Bryant Ford (1893-1943) ran the company from 1919 to 1943, as did his grandson Henry Ford II (1917-1987) from 1945 to 1980. 福特,亨利:(1863-1947) 美国汽车制造商,他改进了汽油为燃料的汽车(1893年),成立了福特汽车公司(1903年),并大量生产最早的大众担负得起且广泛使用的T型车(1908-1927年)。他的儿子埃德索尔·布赖恩特·福特(1893-1943年) 从1919年至1943年掌管公司,他的孙子 亨利·福特二世 (1917-1987年)从1945年至1980年成为公司老板 〔Churchill〕British politician who led the so-called Fourth Party, a group of Conservative members of Parliament who advocated social and constitutional reform.丘吉尔,伦道夫·亨利·斯宾塞:(1849-1895) 英国政治家,领导所谓的第四党,由议会中倡导社会和宪法改革的保守党成员组成〔Lee〕American Revolutionary leader who proposed the resolution calling for the independence of the American colonies from England (1776).李,理查德·亨利:(1732-1794) 美国独立战争期间的领导人,提出北美殖民地脱离英国(1776年)获得独立的议案〔dark〕"The dusky night rides down the sky,/And ushers in the morn" (Henry Fielding);it often refers to deepness of shade of a color: “黑夜驱走了天空/带来了早晨” (亨利·菲尔丁);它常指阴影或颜色的深度: 〔Wolsey〕English prelate and politician. The influential chief adviser to Henry VIII, he fell from favor after failing to secure papal approval of Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon (1529).沃尔西,托马斯:(1475?-1530) 英国大主教和政治家。是亨利八世很有影响的主要参谋者,他因(1529年)未能促成罗马教皇同意亨利与亚拉冈的凯瑟琳离婚而失宠〔trace〕"vestiges of a very universal custom" (Henry Hallam). “一个非常普遍的风俗的遗迹” (亨利·哈勒姆)。〔enthusiasm〕When the English philospher Henry More stated in a work published in 1660 that "If ever Christianity be exterminated, it will be by Enthusiasme,”he clearly used the word differently from the way we do now.He was also using a meaning that differed from the first sense, "possession by a god,” recorded in English (1603). Enthusiasm and this sense of the word go back to the Greek wordenthousiasmos, which ultimately comes from the adjectiveentheos, "having the god within,” formed fromen-, "in, within,” and theos, "god.” Henry More in 1660 was referring to belief, either mistaken or unsupported by evidence, in one's own inspiration by the Christian God. Enthusiasm, as now most frequently used,has become secularized and at times weakened,so that one can speak of an enthusiasm for fast cars.当英国哲学家亨利·摩尔在其1660 年出版的一部书中宣称“如果基督教会消亡,那必因宗教的狂热”时,他使用该词显然不同于当今的用法。他所用的意思与第一种含义,英语中的“神灵感应”(1603年)也有所不同。 Enthusiasm 及其含义可追溯到希腊词enthousiasmos, 该词完全由形容词entheos 而来, 意为“心中有神灵,它由en-, 表“在…里”,和 theos-, 意为“神”构成。 亨利·摩尔在1660 年所指的是错误地或毫无根据地相信得到了基督教上帝的启示。 Enthusiasm 现在被经常使用,它的含义已脱离宗教的影响并不断弱化,现在我们可以说对开快车的狂热〔brute〕"None of the brute creation requires more than food and shelter"(Henry David Thoreau)“所有野蛮的动物需要的只是食物和栖息所而已”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)〔Lloyd〕American journalist. As a financial writer and editor at theChicago Tribune (1872-1885) he wrote many stories attacking monopolies and became one of the first muckraking journalists. 劳埃德,亨利·德玛里斯特:(1847-1903) 美国记者。作为《芝加哥论坛报》 的金融版作者和编辑(1872-1885年),他撰写了许多攻击垄断的文章并成为第一位搜集和揭露丑闻的记者之一 〔Tawney〕British economic historian noted for his studies of the development of capitalism, includingReligion and the Rise of Capitalism (1926). 托尼,理查德·亨利:(1880-1962) 英国经济史学家,以他对资本主义发展的研究而著名,包括《宗教与资本主义的兴起》 (1926年) 〔Villard〕German-born American journalist and railroad magnate. He was president of the Northern Pacific Railroad (1881-1884) and formed (1890) the company that later became General Electric. His sonOswald Garrison Villard (1872-1949), a journalist and editor, was president of the New York Evening Post (1900-1918) and owner of The Nation (1918-1935). 维拉德,亨利:(1835-1900) 德裔的美国记者和铁路巨头。他曾任北太平洋铁路公司总裁(1881-1884年),并成立了后来的电业总公司(1890年)。他的儿子奥斯沃尔德·加里森·维拉德 (1872-1949年)做过记者和编辑,担任 《纽约晚邮报》 总裁(1900-1918年),并是 《民族》 的拥有者(1918-1935年) 〔Hoover〕First Lady of the United States (1929-1933) as the wife of Herbert Hoover. She urged women to pursue careers and gave a series of radio talks for young people.胡佛,洛·亨利:(1874-1944) 美国第一夫人(1929-1933年),哈伯特·胡佛的妻子她敦促女人们追求事业并对青年人发表了一系列广播讲话〔Kisangani〕A city of northern Zaire on the Congo River northeast of Kinshasa. It was founded in 1883 by the explorer Henry M. Stanley. Population, 282,650.基桑加尼,斯坦雷维尔:扎伊尔北部一城市,位于刚果河边金沙萨东北。1883年由探险家亨利·M·斯坦利建立。人口282,650〔Gehrig〕American baseball player. In 14 seasons with the New York Yankees (1925-1939), Gehrig was the American League's most valuable player 4 times. He earned a career batting average of .340.格里克,亨利·路易斯:(1903-1941) 美国棒球运动员,曾经有14个赛季在纽约扬基队(1925-1939年),格里克四次成为美国最优秀的运动员。在其职业生涯的击球率为.340〔Clay〕American politician who pushed the Missouri Compromise through the U.S. House of Representatives (1820) in an effort to reconcile free and slave states.克雷,亨利:(1777-1852) 美国政治家,曾推动了密苏里妥协案在美国众议院的通过(1820年),努力使自由州与蓄奴州和解〔superannuated〕"Nothing is more tiresome than a superannuated pedagogue"(Henry Adams)See Synonyms at elderly “老朽无能的学究最令人讨厌不过”(亨利·亚当斯) 参见 elderly〔Rousseau〕French primitive painter of portraits, still lifes, city scenes, and metaphorical works, such asThe Snake Charmer (1907). 卢梭,亨利:(1844-1910) 风格质朴的法国画家,其作品描绘平静的生活、城市风景并带隐喻性,如《弄蛇人》 (1907年) |
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