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单词 为基础
释义 〔lithostratigraphy〕Stratigraphy based on the physical and petrographic properties of rocks.岩石层位学:以岩石的物理和岩相性质为基础的地层学〔Islam〕The civilization based on Islam.伊斯兰文明:以伊斯兰教为基础的文明〔gendered〕Having or making gender-based distinctions:依照性别而分类的:拥有或者使以性别为基础来分类的:〔matriarchy〕A family, community, or society based on this system or governed by women. Also called matriarchate 母权社会:以母权制为基础或者受妇女统治的家庭、氏族、部落 也作 matriarchate〔patrilineal〕Relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent through the paternal line.父系的:与父系血统有关的;以父亲血统为基础的,按父方血统追溯的族系的〔Nibelungenlied〕A Middle High German epic poem written in the early 13th century and based on the legends of Siegfried and of the Burgundian kings.尼伯龙根之歌:写于13世纪早期中古德国著名史诗。以西格弗里特和勃艮第国王们的传奇为基础所写〔pastorale〕A dramatic performance or opera, popular in the 16th and 17th centuries, that was based on a rural theme or subject.田园歌舞剧:16世纪和17世纪流行的,以乡村主题或题材为基础的戏剧表演或歌剧〔atomism〕The understanding of society as a set of independent wills, based on a belief in the priority of individual over cooperative values:个体论:以个体利益高于集团利益的价值观念为基础,将社会看作一系列个体意志的看法:〔religion〕A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.宗教:以这样的信仰和崇拜为基础的人格化和制度化了的体系〔illusory〕Produced by, based on, or having the nature of an illusion; deceptive:幻觉的,虚假的:由幻象产生的,以幻象为基础的,幻象性的;欺骗性的:〔Bemelmans〕Austrian-born American illustrator and writer of children's books, such asMadeleine (1939), and adult fiction, including Hotel Splendide (1940), which was based on his experiences in the hotel and restaurant business. 比梅尔曼斯,路德维希:(1898-1962) 奥地利裔美籍儿童图书和成人小说的插图画家和作家,其儿童书有《玛德琳娜》 (1939年),成人小说包括 《豪华的旅馆》 (1940年),该小说以他在旅馆和饭馆的工作经历为基础内容 〔mercantilism〕The theory and system of political economy prevailing in Europe after the decline of feudalism, based on national policies of accumulating bullion, establishing colonies and a merchant marine, and developing industry and mining to attain a favorable balance of trade.重商主义:封建主义衰退后流行于欧洲的政治经济理论和体系,以积累金块的国家政策为基础,拓展殖民地和商船队,并发展工矿业从而取得有利的贸易平衡〔Aristotle〕Greek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, he profoundly influenced Western thought. In his philosophical system theory follows empirical observation and logic, based on the syllogism, is the essential method of rational inquiry.亚里士多德:希腊哲学家。柏拉图的学生,亚历山大大帝的教师,他的著述论及逻辑学,形而上学,伦理学,自然科学,政治学和诗学,对西方思想产生了深远影响,在其哲学体系里,理论服从实地观察和逻辑,以三段论为基础,基本上是理性研究的理论方法〔Castilian〕The standard literary and official form of Spanish, which is based on this dialect.标准西班牙语:以卡斯蒂利亚方言为基础的、西班牙语的标准文学形式和官方正式形式〔educated〕Based on a certain amount of experience or factual knowledge:有根据的:以一定量的经验或事实知识为基础的:〔deism〕The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.自然神论:以理性为基础的神学理论,认为上帝创造了世界后就抛弃了它,不再支配生命,不再向自然现象施加影响力,也不再给超凡的启示〔footage〕Length, extent, or amount based on measurement in feet:英尺长度:以尺为基础计算的长度、距离或数量:〔liberal〕Liberal Abbr. Lib.Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States. Liberal 缩写 Lib.自由党的:属于、表明或有自由主义特征的自由党的,该党以社会和政治自由主义原则为基础或与之相关,尤指英国、加拿大和美国的自由党〔sloyd〕A system of manual training developed in Sweden, based on the use of tools in woodworking.手工艺训练:一种发源于瑞典的手工训练系统,以使用工具做木工为基础〔indiscriminate〕Not making or based on careful distinctions; unselective:不加选择的,无分别的:不做仔细鉴别或不以仔细的鉴别为基础的;不选择的:〔plethysmograph〕An instrument that measures variations in the size of an organ or body part on the basis of the amount of blood passing through or present in the part.体积描记器:以某一器官或肢体中的血量或通过它的血量为基础测定其体积变化的一种仪器〔Wood〕American artist noted for his paintings based on life in the Midwest, especiallyAmerican Gothic (1930). 伍德,格兰特:(1892-1942) 美国艺术家,其以中西部生活为基础的画而著名,尤指《美国哥德人》 (1930年) 〔chromatic〕Of, relating to, or based on the chromatic scale.半音阶的:半音阶的,与半音音阶有关的或为基础〔found〕To establish the foundation or basis of; base:建立…的基础;以…为基础〔real〕real people, not ghosts; a real problem; a film based on real life.真实的人,不是鬼魂;一个真实的问题;一部以真实生活为基础的影片〔phonics〕A method of teaching elementary reading and spelling based on the phonetic interpretation of ordinary spelling.读音法:以一般拼写的语音解释为基础教授基本拼读的方法〔principal〕A sum of money owed as a debt, upon which interest is calculated.本金:作为债务的一笔钱,以此为基础来计算利息〔bimetallic〕Of, based on, or using the principles of bimetallism.(金银)复本位制的:(金银)复本位制的、以之为基础的或应用之的〔Bacon〕English philosopher, essayist, courtier, jurist, and statesman. His writings includeThe Advancement of Learning (1605) and the Novum Organum (1620), in which he proposed a theory of scientific knowledge based on observation and experiment that came to be known as the inductive method. 培根,弗朗西斯:(1561-1626) 英国哲学家、随笔作家、朝臣、法理学家和政治家。其作品包括《论科学的价值和发展》 (1605年)和 《新工具论》 (1620年),在这部著作里他提出了以观察和实验为基础的科学认识理论,作为归纳法理论逐渐为人所知 〔sweetheart〕"another land grab, another sweetheart deal based on political influence"(Village Voice)“不同的土地强占,是以政治影响为基础的不同的私下交易”(乡村之音)〔pastoralism〕A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock.畜牧主义:以喂养或放牧家畜为基础的社会和经济系统〔imagination〕"which . . . claims to be founded not on fancy . . . but on Fact" (Arthur P. Stanley). “自称是以事实而不是以幻想为基础的” (阿瑟P·斯坦利)。 〔Darwin〕British naturalist who revolutionized the study of biology with his theory of evolution based on natural selection. His most famous works includeOrigin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871). 达尔文,查尔斯·罗伯特:(1809-1882) 英国自然学家,以自然选择为基础的进化论学说彻底改革了生物学的研究。他最著名的著作包括《物种起源》 (1859年)和 《人类的遗传》 (1871年) 〔liberalism〕A political theory founded on the natural goodness of human beings and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority.自由主义:一种政治理论,它以人性本善为基础,提倡个人自治,强调公民和政治的自由,主张用被统治者所同意的方法进行统治,提倡保护个人使其免受专断权威的迫害〔Gullah〕The creolized language of the Gullahs, based on English but including vocabulary elements and grammatical features from several African languages and spoken in isolated communities from Georgetown in eastern South Carolina to northern Florida.格勒语:格勒人所说的一种克里奥尔方言,以英语为基础,但包括几种非洲语言的词汇及语法特征,在从美国南卡罗来纳州东部的乔治镇到佛罗里达州北部的被隔离的群体中使用〔underlie〕Many factors underlie my decision.我的决定以众多因素为基础〔build〕To use as a basis or foundation:依靠,指望:以…为基础〔Chopin〕Polish-born French composer and pianist of the romantic era. His music, written chiefly for the piano, was based on traditional Polish dance themes.桥平,弗雷德里克·弗朗西斯科:(1810-1849) 浪漫主义时期波兰裔法国作曲家和钢琴家。他写的以钢琴曲为主的音乐以传统的波兰舞蹈主题为基础〔probabilistic〕Of, relating to, or based on probabilism:盖然论的,或然说的:盖然论的、与盖然论相关的或以盖然论为基础的:〔appreciate〕 Appreciate applies especially when high regard is based on critical assessment, comparison, and judgment: Appreciate 一词尤指高度看重是以批评式的评价、比较和判断为基础的:




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