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单词 丹麦
释义 〔Melchior〕Danish-born American operatic tenor noted for his Wagnerian roles, especially with the Metropolitan Opera in New York City (1926-1950).梅尔基奥尔,劳利兹·勒布雷切特·霍摩尔:(1890-1973) 丹麦裔美国男高音歌剧演唱家,善演瓦格纳歌剧中之角色,主要在纽约大都会歌剧院演唱(1926-1950年)〔Fibiger〕Danish pathologist. He won a 1926 Nobel Prize for his research on cancer.费比格,约翰尼斯·安德烈亚斯·格里博:(1867-1928) 丹麦病理学家,因对癌症的研究而获1926年诺贝尔奖〔hafnium〕After Hafnia , Medieval Latin name for Copenhagen, Denmark 源自 哈夫尼尔 ,丹麦哥本哈根的中世纪拉丁名 〔Danegeld〕A tax levied in England from the 10th to the 12th century to finance protection against Danish invasion.丹麦金:从10世纪至12世纪,英国为了筹措抵抗丹麦进攻的军费而课的税〔Gjellerup〕Danish writer whose novels includeAn Idealist (1878) and The Pilgrim Kamanoto (1906). He shared the 1917 Nobel Prize for literature. 盖勒鲁普,卡尔:(1857-1919) 丹麦作家,他的作品包括《空想家》 (1878年) 《流浪者卡玛·诺托》 (1906年)。他获得1917年的诺贝尔文学奖 〔Kolding〕A city of south-central Denmark on the eastern coast of Jutland. Founded in the tenth century, it is a port and tourist center. Population, 56,519.科灵:丹麦中南部一城市,位于日德兰半岛的东海岸。建立于10世纪,现在是一港口和旅游中心。人口56,519〔Bothwell〕Scottish Protestant nobleman and third husband of Mary Queen of Scots, whose second husband, Lord Darnley, he murdered (1567). Acquitted of the crime, he wedded Mary and was soon forced into exile. He died while imprisoned in Denmark.波斯维尔:苏格兰新教贵族和苏格兰女王玛丽的第三任丈夫,他谋杀了玛丽的第二任丈夫达因利勋爵(1567年)。无罪开释后,他与玛丽结婚后不久被流放,在丹麦死于监狱中〔Schleswig〕A historical region and former duchy of northern Germany and southern Denmark in southern Jutland. The duchy was created in 1115 and passed, along with the duchy of Holstein, to Christian I of Denmark in 1460. After subdivisions caused by complex hereditary holdings, the duchies were once more reunited under the Danish crown in 1773. Denmark, Prussia, and Austria contended for the region until 1866, when it was annexed by Prussia. In 1920 the northern part of Schleswig was returned to Denmark by plebiscite. The southern portion became part of the West German state of Schleswig-Holstein after World War II.什勒斯威格:历史上的一个地区,先前为北部德国和南部丹麦在日德兰半岛南部的公爵领地。它产生于1115年,1460年于荷尔斯泰因领地一起归属给丹麦基督一世。经复杂的由遗产所有引起的分割后,它于1773年再次合并归还给丹麦王室。丹麦、普鲁士和奥地利为这一地区展开竞争,直到1866年它被普鲁士吞并。1920年经公民投票,什勒斯威格的北部归还丹麦,南部地区在二战后成为西德所属什勒斯威格-荷尔斯泰因州的一部分〔Denmark〕A country of northern Europe on Jutland and adjacent islands. It was unified in the 10th century by the Viking king Harold Bluetooth (died 985), who converted the people to Christianity. Denmark controlled England briefly in the 11th century and was united with Sweden until 1523 and with Norway until 1814. Copenhagen is the capital and the largest city. Population, 5,112,130.丹麦:欧洲北部的一个国家,建立在日德兰半岛及其邻近的岛上。10世纪斯堪的纳维亚国王哈罗德·布鲁士斯(死于985年)统一该地,并使这儿的人民皈依为天主教徒。该国在11世纪控制着英格兰,直到1523年才与瑞典统一,1814年丹麦与挪威统一。首都哥本哈根是最大的城市。人口5,112,130〔Essex〕A historical region and Anglo-Saxon kingdom of southeast England. Probably settled by Saxons in the early sixth century, the kingdom was long dominated by Mercia and later by Wessex before and after its inclusion in the Danelaw territories from 886 to 917. There are important Roman and Saxon remains in the area.东撒克斯:位于英国东南部一个历史悠久的地区,曾为盎格鲁-撒克逊族王国。大概由撒克逊人于6世纪早期建立的,长期被麦西亚王国统治,后来又为韦塞克斯统治,再后来于886年至917年占领了丹麦的法定地区。该地区有大量的罗马和撒克逊人遗迹〔Bornholm〕An island of eastern Denmark in the Baltic Sea near Sweden. It was held for varying periods by Denmark, Sweden, and Lübeck merchants before becoming part of Denmark in the 1600's.博恩荷姆:丹麦东部一岛屿,位于瑞典附近的波罗的海,在17世纪成为丹麦的一部分之前,不同时期分别由丹麦、瑞典和吕贝克商人统治〔boarhound〕A large dog, such as the Great Dane, used originally for hunting wild boars.猎猪犬:最初用来狩猎野猪的大猎狗,如丹麦大狗〔Maglemosian〕After Maglemose , a Mesolithic site on the western coast of Sjaelland, Denmark 源自 马格尔莫斯 ,丹麦西兰岛西部海岸一个石器时代遗址 〔Flensburg〕A city of northern Germany onFlensburg Fjord, an arm of the Baltic Sea at the Danish border. Founded c. 1200, the city is a port and shipbuilding center. Population, 86,873. 弗伦斯堡:德国北部一城市,位于德国与丹麦交界处波罗的海的一个海湾弗伦斯堡 湾内。建于公元1200年,该城市是一个海港和造船中心。人口86,873 〔Vesey〕American insurrectionist. A freed slave in South Carolina, he was implicated in the planning of a large uprising of slaves and was hanged. The event led to more stringent slave codes in many Southern states.维奇,丹麦:(1767?-1822) 美国叛乱者,南卡罗来纳州的自由黑奴,他被牵连在一次大规模奴隶起义的谋划中并被处以绞刑,这一事件引起了许多南部州更加苛刻的奴隶法〔krone〕A basic unit of currency in Denmark. See table at currency 丹麦克朗:丹麦的一种基本货币单位 参见 currency〔Oresund〕A narrow strait between southern Sweden and eastern Denmark connecting the Baltic Sea with the Kattegat.厄勒海峡:瑞典南部和丹麦东部之间、连接波罗的海和加特的狭窄海峡〔Pontoppidan〕Danish writer known for his three-novel seriesThe Promised Land (1891-1895). He shared the 1917 Nobel Prize for literature. 蓬托皮丹,亨利克:(1857-1943) 丹麦作家,以其三部曲小说《应许之地》 (1891-1895年)而著名,他于1917年荣获诺贝尔文学奖 〔Knudsen〕Danish-born American automotive industrialist who directed ordnance production (1942-1945) during World War II.努森,威廉·西格纽斯:(1879-1948) 丹麦裔美国汽车工业实业家,他在二战期间(1942-1945年)负责军械的生产〔Skagerrak〕A broad strait between Norway and Denmark linking the North Sea and the Kattegat.斯卡格拉克海峡:挪威与丹麦之间的一宽阔海峡,连接北海与卡特加特海峡〔Hardecanute〕King of England (1040-1042) and of Denmark (1035-1042). The legitimate son of King Canute, he claimed the English throne after the death of Harold I, Canute's illegitimate son.哈迪克努特:英国国王(1040-1042年)及丹麦国王(1035-1042年),卡努特国王之子,在卡努特的私生子哈罗德一世死后得到了英国王位〔Jensen〕Danish writer of modernistic novels, poetry, and essays, often infused with Darwinian theories. His works includeHimmerland Tales (1898-1910) and the epic poem The Long Journey (1908-1922). He won the 1944 Nobel Prize for literature. 詹森,约翰内斯·维尔赫尔姆:(1873-1950) 丹麦现代小说、诗歌和散文作家,受达尔文理论的影响。著作有《希默兰半岛故事》 (1898-1910年)和史诗 《漫长的旅程》 (1908-1922年)。他获得了1944年诺贝尔文学奖 〔Utzon〕Danish architect who won a competition to design the Opera House in Sydney, Australia (1957). He withdrew from the project in 1966, and the building was completed, though not entirely to his design, in 1973.伍重:丹麦建筑师,在设计澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院的竞争中获胜(1957年)。他于1966年退出该项目,该楼于1973年竣工,不过并非完全根据他的设计〔Danelaw〕The body of law established by the Danish invaders and settlers in northeast England in the ninth and tenth centuries.丹麦法:在9世纪和10世纪时,由丹麦入侵者和殖民者在英国东北部施行的法律体系〔Holstein〕A region and former duchy of northern Germany at the base of the Jutland Peninsula. It became a duchy under the suzerainty of the Holy Roman Empire in 1474 and was often controlled by Denmark in the years that followed.霍斯坦:德国北部一个曾为公爵领地的地区,位于日德兰半岛的基地,在1474年成为神圣罗马帝国管辖之下的公爵领地,后来经常被丹麦控制〔Lipizzan〕Any of a breed of sturdy, compact horses developed from Spanish, Italian, Danish and Arab stock that are born black or dark brown and gradually turn white by the time they are five to eight years of age. They are bred and trained at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.利皮札马:任何由西班牙、意大利、丹麦及阿拉伯血统繁殖出的健康结实的马种,出生时为黑色或深棕色,五到八岁时逐渐变为白色。这些马都在维也纳的西班牙马术学校被饲养及训练〔Riis〕Danish-born American journalist and reformer whose reports on living conditions in city slums led to improvements in housing and education.里斯,雅格布·奥古斯特:(1849-1914) 丹麦裔美籍记者和改革家,他关于城市平民窟生活条件的报导带来了住房和教育上的改善〔oersted〕After Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851), Danish physicist 源自汉斯·克里斯琴 奥斯忒 (1777-1851年),丹麦物理学家 〔Helgoland〕An island of northwest Germany, one of the North Frisian Islands inHelgoland Bay, an inlet of the North Sea southwest of Jutland. The island belonged to Denmark and Great Britain before being ceded to Germany in 1890. It is a popular tourist resort. 黑尔戈兰:德国西北部一岛屿,是位于海尔戈兰海湾 之中的北弗是希兰群岛之一,和位于日德兰西南部北海的小湾。这个岛先后隶属于丹麦和大不列颠,于1890年被并入德国版图。是一个深受欢迎的旅游胜地 〔Martins〕Danish-born ballet dancer who became co-ballet master of the New York City Ballet in 1983.马丁斯,彼得:(生于 1946) 丹麦裔的美国芭蕾舞演员,于1983年成为纽约市芭蕾舞团的双人芭蕾舞的名家〔Krogh〕Danish physiologist. He won a 1920 Nobel Prize for the discovery of the regulation of the capillaries' motor mechanism.克罗伊,(沙克)奥古斯特·斯丁伯格:(1874-1949) 丹麦生理学家。他因发现了毛细血管的运动机制的规律而获得1920年的诺贝尔奖〔Bajer〕Danish pacifist who was a founder and president of the International Peace Bureau in Bern, Switzerland. He shared the 1908 Nobel Peace Prize.鲍耶尔,弗雷德里克:(1837-1922) 丹麦和平主义者,是瑞士伯尔尼国际和平组织的创立者和主席。获1908年诺贝尔和平奖〔Randers〕A city of northern Denmark in the eastern part of the Jutland Peninsula north-northwest of Århus. It is a trade and manufacturing center in an agricultural and salmon-fishing area. Population, 61,410.兰德斯:丹麦北部一城市,位于奥尔胡斯西北偏北的日德兰半岛东部,是一个农业和鲑鱼捕区内的贸易和制造业中心,人口61,410〔Kalmar〕A city of southeast Sweden onKalmar Sound, an arm of the Baltic Sea between the Swedish mainland and Öland. An important trade center since the eighth century, the city was the site of the Union of Kalmar (1397), which joined Sweden, Denmark, and Norway into a single monarchy that lasted until 1523. Population, 30,300. 卡尔马:瑞典东南部一城市,位于瑞典大陆和厄兰岛之间波罗的海的卡尔马湾 。从8世纪开始,该市就成为一重要的贸易中心。该市为卡尔马联盟(1397年)的所在地。卡尔马联盟把瑞典,丹麦和挪威联合成一个君主国,一直延续到1523年。人口30,300 〔Sigurdsson〕Icelandic politician and scholar who secured a constitution for his country from Denmark (1874).西格茨松,约:(1811-1879) 冰岛政治家和学者,他制定了使冰岛脱离丹麦(1874年)的宪法〔Sorensen〕Danish chemist who devised the pH scale for measuring the acidity or alkalinity of solutions.苏润生,索伦·彼得·劳里兹:(1868-1939) 丹麦化学家。发明了测量溶液酸度或碱度的PH值〔Skaw〕A cape on the northern extremity of Jutland, Denmark, extending into the Skagerrak.斯考:丹麦日德兰半岛北部顶端的一海角,延伸入斯卡格拉克海峡〔Falster〕An island of southeast Denmark in the Baltic Sea off the southern tip of Sjaelland, with which it is connected by bridge.法尔斯特岛:丹麦东南部的一座岛屿,在波罗的海边,通过一桥梁与锡兰岛南端相连〔Finsen〕Danish physician. He won a 1903 Nobel Prize for developing a method of treating skin diseases with ultraviolet light.芬森,尼尔斯·雷伯格:(1860-1904) 丹麦医师,因首创用紫外线法治疗皮肤病而获1903年诺贝尔奖〔Bruhn〕Danish-born ballet dancer noted for his precise, dramatic style in works such asGiselle and Swan Lake. 布鲁恩,埃里克:(1928-1986) 丹麦裔的芭蕾舞演员,因其在《吉赛尔》 和 《天鹅湖》 中的精湛且富有激情的表演而闻名




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