单词 | 中部 |
释义 | 〔Jungfrau〕A mountain, 4,160.8 m (13,642 ft) high, in the Bernese Alps of south-central Switzerland. It was first scaled in 1811.少女峰:瑞士中部偏南的伯尔尼山区的一座山,海拔4,160.8米(13,642英尺)。1811年首次测量〔Phocis〕A historical region of central Greece north of the Gulf of Corinth. In early times (before 590b.c. ) it controlled the oracle at Delphi. The region was ultimately conquered by Philip II of Macedon. 福基斯:希腊中部一历史地区,位于科林斯湾以北。古时候(公元前 590年以前)它控制着德尔斐神殿。最终这个地区被马其顿王国的腓力二世征服 〔heartburn〕A burning sensation, usually centered in the middle of the chest near the sternum, caused by the reflux of acidic stomach fluids that enter the lower end of the esophagus. Also called cardialgia ,pyrosis 胃灼热:一种由于酸性胃液回流入食管下端而引起的通常集中在胸中部靠近胸骨处的烧灼感 也作 cardialgia,pyrosis〔Ctesiphon〕An ancient city of central Iraq on the Tigris River southeast of Baghdad. As the residence of Parthian kings it was renowned for its splendor. The Arabs captured and plundered the city in 637.泰西封:伊拉克中部的一个古城,位于底格里斯河沿岸,巴格达东南部。作为帕提亚国王们的王宫,它以其辉煌灿烂而闻名。阿拉伯人于637年攻陷并劫掠了该城〔Northampton〕A borough of central England north-northwest of London. Its Norman castle was the meeting place for parliaments from the 12th to the 14th century. Population, 158,900.北安普敦:英格兰中部伦敦西北偏北的自治镇,它的诺曼城堡自12世纪到14世纪为议会会议地点。人口158,900〔Zeist〕A city of central Netherlands east of Utrecht. It is largely residential. Population, 60,478.宰斯特:荷兰中部一城市,位于乌得勒支东部,它是一个很大的居民区,人口60,478〔Carmichael〕An unincorporated community of north-central California, a residential suburb of Sacramento. Population, 48,702.卡米克尔:美国加利福尼亚州中部偏北一未合并社区,为萨克拉门托一居民区。人口48,702〔sitatunga〕A medium-sized antelope(Tragelaphus spekei) of central and eastern Africa, having splayed hooves adapted to swampy and aquatic habitats. 泽羚:一种中型羚羊泽羚 ,分布在非洲中部和东部,长有适于潮湿和水中地区的张开的四蹄 〔Barotseland〕A former kindgom of central Africa, now the western part of Zambia.巴罗策兰省:非洲中部以前的一个王国,现在位于赞比亚的西部〔Missouri〕A state of the central United States. It was admitted as the 24th state in 1821. Under Spanish control from 1762 to 1800, the area passed to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Organized as a territory in 1812, Missouri's application for admission as a slaveholding state in 1817 sparked a bitter controversy over the question of extending slavery into new territories. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 provided for the admission of Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state in the following year. Jefferson City is the capital and St. Louis the largest city. Population, 5,137,804.密苏里州:美国中部的一个州。于1821年被接受为第二十四个州。1762年到1800年,此地区处于西班牙的控制下,美国于1803年在路易斯安那购买行动中获得这一地域。1812年成为一个地区。1817年密苏里申请以蓄奴州身份加入联邦导致了关于是否将奴隶制扩大到新地区的争论。1820年的密苏里协议为次年作为自由州的缅因州和作为蓄奴州的密苏里州加入联邦铺平了道路。杰斐逊城是州首府,圣路易斯为最大城市。人口5,137,804〔Juniata〕A river, about 241 km (150 mi) long, of south-central Pennsylvania flowing eastward to the Susquehanna River.朱尼亚塔:美国宾夕法尼亚州中部偏南的一条河,流程大约241公里(150英里),向东流入萨斯奎哈纳河〔Saale〕A river, about 426 km (265 mi) long, rising in central Germany east of Kassel and flowing north to the Elbe River.萨勒河:源于德国中部卡塞尔以东的一条河,流程约426公里(合265英里),向北注入易北河〔Horsens〕A city of central Denmark on the eastern Jutland Peninsula at the head ofHorsens Fjord, an inlet of the Kattegat. A fortified medieval town, Horsens is now a commercial and industrial center. Population, 54,717. 霍森斯:丹麦中部一城市,位于日德兰半岛东部和霍森斯海峡 的尖端处,是卡特加特海峡的一个小港。霍森斯是一个建于中世纪的有城墙防卫的城镇,而现在则是一个工商业中心城市。人口54,717 〔Temuco〕A city of central Chile south-southwest of Concepción. Founded in 1881, it is a trade center. Population, 157,297.特木科:智利中部一城市,位于康塞普西翁西南以南。建立于1881年,是个贸易中心。人口157,297〔Yenisei〕A river of central Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about 4,023 km (2,500 mi) westward and generally north to the Kara Sea throughYenisei Bay, a long estuary. 叶尼塞河:苏联西伯利亚中部一河流,流程约4,023公里(2,500英里),向西而且大致向北流经一长海湾叶尼塞湾 流入喀拉海 〔Kofu〕A city of central Honshu, Japan, west of Tokyo. The seat of several powerful lords during the feudal era, it is now an industrial center. Population, 202,405.甲府:日本本州岛中部一城市,位于东京以西,在封建时期是几个强大军阀的根据地,现为一工业中心。人口202,405〔Mercia〕An Anglo-Saxon kingdom of central England. It was settled by Angles c.a.d. 500 and enjoyed its greatest influence during the rule (757-796) of Offa. In 874 the kingdom was overrun by the Danes and split between Wessex and the Danelaw. 麦西亚:英格兰中部的一个盎格鲁-撒克逊王国。盎格鲁人于公元 500年开始定居于此。在奥发统治期间(757-796年)国力达到鼎盛。874年,王国被丹麦人推翻,并分裂成威塞克斯和施行丹族法的地区两部分 〔Fiesole〕A town of central Italy. It is primarily a tourist center, with villas and gardens on a hill overlooking the Arno River and the city of Florence. Population, 14,774.菲耶索莱:位于意大利中部的一小镇。它主要是一个旅游中心,在一个能俯瞰阿姆河和佛罗伦萨城的小山上建有别墅和花园。人口14,774〔Edmond〕A city of central Oklahoma north of Oklahoma City. It is a trade center in an oil-producing area. Population, 52,315.埃特蒙德:美国俄克拉荷马州中部一城市,位于俄克拉荷马市的北部。它是产油区的一个贸易中心。人口52,315〔Neotropical〕Of or designating the biogeographic region stretching southward from the Tropic of Cancer and including southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies:新热带区的:属于或标明由北回归线向南沿伸的生物地理区,包括墨西哥南部、美国中部和南部,西印度群岛:〔Aiea〕A city of south-central Oahu, Hawaii, a residential suburb of Honolulu. Population, 32,879.艾依阿:美国夏威夷瓦胡岛中部偏南城市,火奴鲁鲁的居民区。人口32,879〔Riesa〕A city of east-central Germany on the Eibe River east of Leipzig. Chartered in 1623, it is a port and an industrial center. Population, 51,285.里萨:德国中部偏东一城市,位于莱比锡以东、易北河畔。于1623年特许建市,是一港口和工业中心,人口51,285〔Ede〕[āʹdə] A city of central Netherlands northwest of Arnhem. It is an industrialized commune. Population, 71,952.[āʹdə] 埃德:荷兰中部一城市,位于阿纳姆西北部。它是一个工业化市镇。人口71,952〔Fulda〕A city of central Germany south-southeast of Kassel on theFulda River, about 217 km (135 mi) long. The city grew around a Benedictine abbey founded in 744. Population, 55,441. 富尔达:德国中部一城市,位于卡塞尔东南偏南处。濒临流程约217公里(135英里)的富尔达河 ,该城是由744年建的本笃会修道院发展而来。人口55,441 〔Fairbanks〕A city of central Alaska north-northeast of Anchorage. It was founded in 1902 as a gold-mining camp. Population, 30,843.费尔班克斯:美国阿拉斯加中部的一座城市,位于安克雷奇东北偏北。建于1902年,初始为金矿营。人口30,843〔Tibet〕A historical region of central Asia between the Himalaya and Kunlun mountains. A center of Lamaist Buddhism, Tibet first flourished as an independent kingdom in the seventh century. It fell under Mongol influence from the 13th to the 18th century and later came under Chinese control (1720).西藏:亚洲中部的一个历史地区,位于喜马拉雅山脉和昆仑山脉之间。是喇嘛教的中心,它最早作为一个独立王国在7世纪时处于鼎盛时期,13至18世纪处于蒙古控制之下,后来归为中国统治(1720年)〔Anderlecht〕A commune of central Belgium, an industrial and residential suburb of Brussels. Erasmus lived here from 1517 to 1521. Population, 92,912.安德来特:比利时中部一行政区,是布鲁塞尔的工业和居民区。伊拉斯谟在1517年到1521年之间住在这里。人口92,912〔Delphi〕An ancient town of central Greece near Mount Parnassus. Dating to at least the seventh centuryb.c. , it was the seat of a famous oracle of Apollo. 特尔斐城:位于希腊中部靠近帕拿苏斯山的一座古城,其年代至少可追溯到公元前 17世纪。它曾是著名的阿波罗先知所在地 〔Kaduna〕A city of northwest-central Nigeria northeast of Lagos. Founded by the British in 1913, the city has cotton mills. Population, 202,000.卡杜纳:尼日利亚中部偏西北的一城市,位于拉各斯东北部。该市由英国人建于1913年,拥有棉纺厂。人口202,000〔Harvard〕A peak, 4,398.1 m (14,420 ft) high, in the Sawatch Range of the Rocky Mountains in central Colorado.哈佛山:位于美国科罗拉多州中部落基山脉萨沃奇岭上的一座海拔4,398.1米(14,420英尺)的山峰〔Smethwick〕A borough of central England, an industrial suburb of Birmingham. Population, 309,900.史麦斯维克:英格兰中部的一个自治区,为伯明翰的工业郊区。人口309,900〔Kama〕A river of eastern European U.S.S.R. rising in the central Ural Mountains and flowing about 2,031 km (1,262 mi) to the Volga River. It is the chief tributary of the Volga.卡马河:苏联欧洲部分以东的一条河流,发源于乌拉山中部,流程大约2,031公里(1,262英里)汇入伏尔加河。该河为伏尔加河的主要支流〔Parnassus〕A mountain, about 2,458 m (8,060 ft) high, of central Greece north of the Gulf of Corinth. In ancient times it was sacred to Apollo, Dionysus, and the Muses. Delphi was at the foot of the mountain.巴那塞斯山:希腊中部一座海拔约2,458米(8,060英尺)的山,位于科林斯海湾的北边。古时候是阿波罗、狄俄尼索斯和缪斯的圣地。特尔斐就在此山脚下〔Brunswick〕A region and former duchy of north-central Germany. Established in the 13th century, the duchy became independent in 1918 before joining the Weimar Republic.不伦瑞克:德国中部偏北的一地区,原为领地。建于13世纪,1918年独立后即加入魏玛共和国〔Valentine〕Roman Christian who according to tradition was martyred during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Claudius II. Another martyr named Valentine, who was bishop of Terni, a region in present-day central Italy, has also been suggested as the inspiration for our modern feast of Saint Valentine's Day.圣瓦伦丁:罗马基督教徒,据说他在皇帝克劳迪二世对基督教徒的审判中遇难,另一个叫圣瓦伦丁的遇难者是今天意大利中部地区的特尔尼的主教,他也被认为是我们当代圣瓦伦丁节日宴会的启示者〔Lanai〕An island of central Hawaii west of Maui. It developed as a pineapple-growing area after 1922.拉奈岛:夏威夷中部的一座岛屿,位于毛伊岛以西。1922年以后它发展成为一个凤梨生长区〔Sherman〕A peak, 4,281 m (14,036 ft) high, in the Park Range of the Rocky Mountains in central Colorado.谢尔曼山:科罗拉多中部一山峰,高4,281米(14,036英尺),在落基山脉中的派克山脉〔Baghdad〕The capital and largest city of Iraq, in the center of the country on the Tigris River. Founded in the eighth century, it became a large and powerful city whose greatness is reflected in theArabian Nights. Population, 2,200,000. 巴格达:伊拉克的首都及最大的城市,位于该国中部,底格里斯河沿岸。建于8世纪,并成为一个富强盛大的城市,这在《一千零一夜》 书中可反映出。人口2,200,000 〔midships〕In the center position. Used of the helm.在中部:在中间部位。用于指舵的中部〔Fox〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting various parts of southern Michigan, southern Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and eastern Iowa, with present-day populations in central Iowa and with the Sauk in Oklahoma.福克斯:美洲土著居民,以前居住在密歇根州南部、威斯康星州南部、伊利诺斯州北部和洛瓦河东部的各个地区,目前人口多集中在衣阿华中部,索克人居住在俄克拉荷马州 |
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