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单词 中心的
释义 〔outskirt〕The part or region remote from a central district, as of a city or town. Often used in the plural:市郊:远离(如城市或市镇)中心的部分或地区。常以复数形式出现:〔centrality〕A tendency to be or remain at the center.向心性:存在于或保持在中心的趋势〔stock〕A theater or theatrical activity, especially outside of a main theatrical center:剧场,戏剧演出:剧院或戏剧活动,尤指戏剧中心的外的:〔Eurocentric〕"The . . . current revivals of classical architecture cannot be dissociated from attempts in other fields to assert the preeminence of Eurocentric Western culture"(Hugh Honour)“古典建筑风格在当今的复活与试图断言以欧洲为中心的西方文化在其它领域的卓越性是密不可分的”(休·昂纳)〔bead〕A bubble of gas in a liquid.液体中心的气泡〔theocentric〕a theocentric cosmology.以上帝为中心的宇宙观〔vowel〕A speech sound created by the relatively free passage of breath through the larynx and oral cavity, usually forming the most prominent and central sound of a syllable.元音:由通过咽喉和口腔中相对自由的气息发出的声音,常形成音节最突出和中心的〔Hofstadter〕American physicist. He shared a 1961 Nobel Prize for determining the structure of protons and neutrons.霍夫施塔特,罗伯特:(生于 1915) 美国物理学家,因测定质子和中心的结构而获1961年诺贝尔奖〔centered〕Being at or placed in the center.在中心的:位于或放置于中心的〔nowhere〕a cabin in the middle of nowhere.不知在什么中心的小屋〔soul〕The central or integral part; the vital core:精华:中心的或基本的部分;重要的核心:〔Wiesenthal〕Ukranian-born Holocaust survivor who, as founder (1961) and head of the Jewish Documentation Center, has tracked down more than 1,000 Nazi war criminals, most famously Adolf Eichmann.维森塔尔,西蒙:乌克兰裔的犹太人大屠杀中幸存者,身为犹太文献中心的创立人(1961)和负责人,已追查到超过1,000名的纳粹战犯,最有名的是阿道夫·艾希曼〔side〕One of two or more contrasted parts or places within an area, identified by its location with respect to a center:边缘:区域内两个或更多的相对部分或地方中的一个,根据它们相对于中心的位置关系来区别:〔metropolis〕A city or an urban area regarded as the center of a specific activity:中心:被认为是某种特定活动的中心的城市或城市地区:〔Normal〕A town of central Illinois north-northeast of Bloomington. It is the seat of Illinois State University (founded 1857). Population, 40,023.努马:美国布鲁明顿东北偏北伊利诺斯州中心的小镇。是伊利诺斯州大学(建于1857年)所在地。人口40,023〔androcentric〕Centered or focused on men, often to the neglect or exclusion of women:男人为中心的,大男子的:以男人为中心的,经常忽略或排除女人:〔Gifu〕A city of central Honshu, Japan, north-northwest of Nagoya. A manufacturing center, the city was rebuilt after a devastating earthquake and fire in 1891. Population, 411,740.岐阜:日本本州岛中心的一个城市,位于名古屋的西北偏北,是一个制造中心,该城市在1891年毁灭性的地震和火灾后被重建。人口411,740〔evolute〕The locus of the centers of curvature of a given curve.渐屈线:一给定曲线率中心的轨迹〔centered〕Having a specified center. Often used in combination:有确定中心的:有确定的中心的。常用于复合词中:〔of〕Centering on; directed toward:以…为中心的;指向…的:〔Eurocentric〕Centered or focused on Europe and the Europeans:视欧洲人为世界经济、文化等中心的:以欧洲和欧洲人为中心的〔backwoods〕An area that is far from population centers or that is held to be culturally backward.偏远落后地区:远离居民中心的或被认为文化落后的地区〔antiskate〕A control mechanism on a phonograph turntable designed to compensate for the natural tendency of a pivoted tone arm to pull toward the center.防滑装置:唱机转盘上的控制装置,用来抵消转动唱臂被拉向转盘中心的自然趋势〔temple〕Temple Either of two successive buildings in ancient Jerusalem serving as the primary center for Jewish worship. Temple 耶路撒冷古神殿:在古耶路撒冷作为犹太信仰的中心的三个相连建立的建筑物之一〔grassroots〕People or society at a local level rather than at the center of major political activity. Often used withthe. 基层,基层群众:在地区一级而不是处于主要政治活动中心的人或社团。常与the 连用 〔provincial〕Limited in perspective; narrow and self-centered.偏狭的:视野上不开阔的;狭隘和以自我为中心的〔selfness〕The quality or state of being self-centered; selfishness.自私:以自我为中心的状况或品质;自私〔experience〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to encounter or partake of personally": 这些动词共有的中心的意思是“亲身地遭遇或参与”: 〔Ebla〕An ancient city of southwest Asia near the site of present-day Aleppo, Syria. The cuneiform Ebla Tablets, discovered from 1974 to 1975, describe a thriving third-millenniumb.c. civilization centered around the city. 埃卜拉:亚洲西南部一古城,位于今叙利亚阿勒坡附近。1974年到1975年发现的埃卜拉楔形文字泥板,描述了公元前 3000年以埃卜拉城为中心的文明盛世 〔round〕Being such that every part of the surface or the circumference is equidistant from the center:圆的,环形的:表面或圆周的任何一部分与中心的距离都是相等的:〔nucleus〕The central kernel of a nut or seed.籽仁:坚果或种子中心的〔center〕a town that is the heart of the colony;作为殖民地的中心的城镇;〔blastocoel〕The fluid-filled, central cavity of a blastula. Also called segmentation cavity 囊胚腔:囊胚中充满液体的中心的洞 也作 segmentation cavity〔queer〕Perhaps from Low German [oblique, off-center] 可能源自 低地德语 [倾斜的,偏离中心的] 〔decisive〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "determining or having the power to determine an outcome": 这些形容词共同的中心的含义是"决定性的,有权决定结果的": 〔outside〕Located away from the inside or center:远离内部或中心的〔Englewood〕A city of north-central Colorado, a residential and industrial suburb of Denver on the South Platte River. Population, 29,387.英格伍德:美国科罗拉多州北部中心的一座城市,是南普拉特河边丹佛城的住宅区及工业郊区。人口29,387〔concentric〕Having a common center.有同一个中心的〔epicycle〕In Ptolemaic cosmology, a small circle, the center of which moves on the circumference of a larger circle at whose center is Earth and the circumference of which describes the orbit of one of the planets around Earth.本轮:在托勒密宇宙论中的一个小的圆周,其中心在以地球为中心的一个更大的圆周上运动,其轨迹为环绕地球运行的行星的轨道〔centripetal〕Tending or directed toward centralization:倾向集中的:趋于或指向中心的




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