单词 | 两者之间 |
释义 | 〔choose〕Elect strongly suggests deliberation in making a selection, usually between alternatives: Elect 强烈地暗示着通常在两者之间作出挑选时的深思细想: 〔metopic〕meta [between] * see meta- meta [在两者之间] * 参见 meta-〔on〕Similarly,upon cannot always be used in place of on when the relation is not spatial: 同样,当两者之间关系不是空间上的关系时,不总是能用upon 代替 on : 〔spread〕To make wider the gap between; move farther apart:分离:使两者之间缝隙更宽;移动得更远:〔can〕since it requires the pupil to distinguish explicitly between what is possible and what is allowed,a difference not always apparent to younger children.And even in later life,observance of the distinction is often advisable in the interests of clarity.Thus, the sentenceStudents can take no more than three courses allows the possibility that a student who is unusually capable may take more, whereasStudents may take no more than three courses does not. · The use ofcan to express permission is better tolerated in negative questions, as inCan't I have the car tonight? probably because the alternative contractionmayn't is felt to be awkward. 由于这要求学生清楚地区分可能的和得到许可的两者之间的差异,而这对小孩子们常常是不太明显的。并且在其今后的生活中,为明确起见,体会这种差异常常是很可取的。因此,句子学生们可以选修不超过三门的课程 给能力超常的学生学更多的课程提供了可能性, 然而学生们只能选修不超过三门的课程 则不能提供这种可能性。 can 的用法更可用于否定疑问句中表示许可, 如 我今晚不能使用这车吗? , 或许是由于可替代的缩写mayn't 感觉起来有些笨拙的缘故 〔admonish〕 reprimand both refer to sharp, often angry criticism;of the tworeprimand more frequently implies formal or official censure: reprimand 都表示刻薄的,通常是愤怒的批评;在两者之间reprimand 在更多情况下暗示正式的或官方的责难: 〔en〕Suffixed form*en-ter . entrails , inter- , interior , internal , from Latin inter , inter- , between, among. 添加后缀的形式*en-ter . entrails , inter- , interior , internal , 源自 拉丁语 inter , inter- , 在两者之间, 在…中间. 〔between〕According to a widely repeated but unjustified tradition,“between is used for two, and among for more than two.” It is true thatbetween is the only choice when exactly two entities are specified: the choice between (not among ) good and evil, the rivalry between (not among ) Great Britain and France. When more than two entities are involved, however, or when the number of entities is unspecified,the choice of one or the other word depends on the intended sense.Between is used when the entities are considered as distinct individuals; among, when they are considered as a mass or collectivity. Thus in the sentenceThe bomb landed between the houses, the houses are seen as points that define the boundaries of the area of impact (so that we presume that none of the individual houses was hit). InThe bomb landed among the houses, the area of impact is considered to be the general location of the houses, taken together (in which case it is left open whether any houses were hit). By the same token, we may speak ofa series of wars between the Greek cities, which suggests that each city was an independent belligerent, or ofa series of wars among the Greek cities, which allows as well the possibility that the belligerents were shifting alliances of cities. For this reason,among is most appropriate to indicate inclusion in a group: 根据重复多次但没什么根据的传统看法,“between 用于两者之间,而 among 用于二者以上。” 当只提到两个实体时,between 确实是唯一的选择: the choice between (而不用 among ) good and evil(善与恶之间的选择),the rivalry between (不用 among ) Great Britain and France(英法间的对抗)。 当牵涉到两个以上实体时,如果实体的数目不确定,选择其中之一则取决于倾向性。当实体被看作不同的个体时用between ; 当其被看作整体或集合时用among 。 因此在句子The bomb landed between the houses 中,房屋被看作一个限定了中弹地区的界限( 所以我们假设一所所单独的房子未被击中)。在The bomb landed among the houses 中,被中弹地区被看作是房屋的整体地区( 在这种情形下房屋是否被击中并未说明)。同样的表示法,我们可以说a series of wars between the Greek cities, 表示每个城市是独立的参战者,我们也可以说a series of wars among the Greek cities, 表示存在某些城市做为联合参战者的可能性。 因此,among 最适合表示包括在一群成一组人之内: 〔best〕According to rule,better should be used in comparisons between two things: Which house of Congress has the better (not best ) attendance record? In certain fixed expressions, however,best is used idiomatically for comparisons between two: Put your best foot forward. May the best man win! See Usage Note at better 1rather 按照规定,better 应用于两种东西的比较: which house of Congress has the better (而不是 best ) attendence record?(哪一次的议会出席率高一些?)。 在某些固定的表达中best 也被习惯用于两者之间的比较: 全力以赴。祝最佳的取胜! 参见 better1rather〔interchange〕entre- [between] from Latin inter- * see inter- entre- [在两者之间] 源自 拉丁语 inter- * 参见 inter-〔physics〕(used with a sing. verb)Abbr. phys.The science of matter and energy and of interactions between the two, grouped in traditional fields such as acoustics, optics, mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism, as well as in modern extensions including atomic and nuclear physics, cryogenics, solid-state physics, particle physics, and plasma physics.(与单数动词连用)缩写 phys.物理,物理学:有关物质和能量及两者之间相互作用的科学,传统上分为声学、光学、机械学、热力学和电磁学,现今又扩展到包括原子物理、核物理、低温学、固体物理学、微粒物理学和等离子体物理学〔bumpkin〕The termbumpkin may at one time have been directed at an entire people rather than that segment of the population living in a rural area. The first recorded appearance of the word in 1570 is glossed by the Latin wordBatavus, "Dutchman,” thus making plausible the suggestion thatbumpkin may come from either the Middle Dutch word bommekijn, "little barrel,” or the Flemish word boomken, "shrub.” The connection would be between a squat object and the short, rotund figure of the Dutchman in the popular imagination.Any bumpkin would surely prefer this etymology to another suggestion thatbumpkin is a derivative of bum, "the rear end.” 单词bumpkin 有一个时期意指住在乡下的所有人而不是其中的一部分, 这个词于1570年第一次出现是用拉丁词Batavus “荷兰人”注解的。 使得下面这个解释似乎是说得通的,即bumpkin 有可能起源于中古荷兰词语 bommekijn “小圆桶”的意思,或起源于法兰德斯语 boomken “灌木”的意思。 这两者之间的联系在一般的想象中就如同一个矮胖的物体同圆胖的荷兰人间的关系。而任何一个乡下人都确信无疑这个词源有另一个解释,即bumphin 是从 bum 演变而来的,该词的意思是“尾部末梢” 〔buffer〕To act as a buffer for or between.缓冲:为…冲当缓冲器,在两者之间充当缓冲剂 |
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