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单词 两块
释义 〔Babashoff〕American swimmer. She won eight Olympic medals, including one gold and two silvers in 1972 and one gold and four silvers in 1976.芭芭秀芙,雪莉:美国游泳运动员。她获得八块奥运会奖牌,包括1972年一块金牌和两块银牌,以及1976年的一块金牌和四块银牌〔join〕join two boards with nails; joined hands in a circle.用钉子把两块板钉在一起;手拉手围成一个圈〔hame〕One of the two curved wooden or metal pieces of a harness that fits around the neck of a draft animal and to which the traces are attached.颈轭:套在役畜脖颈上,用来系缰绳的轭具上的两块曲木或金属片之一〔symphysis〕A growing together of bones originally separate, as of the two pubic bones or the two halves of the lower jawbone.联合:原来分离的骨头长在一起,如两块共生骨或下颌骨的两块骨头〔scapula〕Either of two large, flat, triangular bones forming the back part of the shoulder. Also called shoulder blade 肩胛骨:构成肩背的两块大而扁平的三角形骨中的任意一块 也作 shoulder blade〔miter〕To make (two pieces or surfaces) join with a miter joint.使斜接:使两块或两个表面以45度角拼接〔rocker〕One of the two curved pieces upon which a cradle, rocking chair, or similar device rocks.弧形弯脚:两块弯曲部分中装有摇篮、摇椅或类似装置且可来回摇动的任何一块〔trapezius〕Either of two large, flat, triangular muscles running from the base of the occiput to the middle of the back that support and make it possible to raise the head and shoulders.斜方肌:从枕骨根部延伸到中背的两块大型扁平三角形肌肉中的一块,它支撑着头部和肩部,并且能完成抬头和耸肩的动作〔regelation〕The fusion of two blocks of ice by pressure.复冰:两块冰在压力下合二为一〔pterygoid〕Either of two processes descending from the body of the sphenoid bone.翼状突:从蝶骨主干上长出的两块突起中的任何一块〔apiece〕There is enough bread for everyone to have two slices apiece.这儿有足够的面包,每人可吃两块〔lister〕A plow equipped with a double moldboard that turns up the soil on each side of the furrow, often having an attached drill for seed planting.双壁开沟犁:犁头后部有两块曲面铁板的犁,可翻开犁沟两边的泥土,常附有播种机〔trapezius〕from Late Latin trapēzium [trapezium (from the shape of the muscles paired)] * see trapezium 源自 后期拉丁语 trapēzium [不规则四边形(源于两块肌肉合在一起的形状)] * 参见 trapezium〔trunk〕A shaft connecting two or more decks.连接两块以上甲板的通道〔gudgeon〕A metal pin that joins two pieces of stone.轴头销:把两块石头钉牢在一起的铁销钉〔Australia〕A commonwealth comprising the continent of Australia, the island state of Tasmania, two external territories, and several dependencies. The first British settlement, a penal colony at Fort Jackson (now part of Sydney), was established in 1788. The present-day states grew as separate colonies; six of them formed a federation in 1901. In 1911 Northern Territory joined the commonwealth and the Capital Territory, site of Canberra, was created. Canberra is the capital and Sydney is the largest city. Population, 15,544,500.澳大利亚:联邦制国家,由澳洲大陆塔斯马尼亚州岛,两块外部疆域及几个附属岛屿组成。英国于1788年在杰克逊堡(现悉尼一部分)建立第一块流放殖民者居住地。现今的各州已成为独立的殖民地;其中六州于1901年组建联邦。1911年北部地区加入联邦,作为首都地区的堪培拉这时也形成了。堪培拉为首都,悉尼为最大城市。人口15,544,500〔psoas〕Either of two muscles of the loin that rotate the hip joint and flex the spine.腰肌:腰部的两块肌肉中的任一块,能使髋关节摆动并屈伸脊椎〔joggle〕A joint between two pieces of building material formed by a notch and a fitted projection.啮合扣:两块建筑材料之间的连接,由一个槽口和一个与之相称的凸起物构成〔Heliopolis〕An ancient city of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta north of modern Cairo. It was the center of worship of the sun god Ra until the rise of Thebes (c. 2100b.c. ). Its importance as a historical repository with famed schools of philosophy and astronomy declined after the founding of Alexandria in the fourth century b.c. Two of its obelisks, both known as Cleopatra's Needle, are now in London and in New York City's Central Park. 赫利奥波利斯:埃及北部一座古城,位于尼罗河三角洲,在今开罗以北。在底比斯崛起(公元前 2100年)之前,一直是朝拜太阳神位的中心。它是一座历史的宝库,拥有众多闻名的哲学及天文学学校,其重要性直到 公元前 4世纪随着亚历山大城的建立才逐渐下降。有两块都被称作“克娄巴特拉方尖碑”,目前一块置于伦敦,另一块在纽约的中央公园里 〔Brabant〕A region and former duchy of the Netherlands. It became an independent duchy in 1190 and is now divided between the southern Netherlands and north-central Belgium.布拉班特:荷兰一地区和原公爵领地。于1190年成为独立的公爵领地,现在分为荷兰南部和比利时中北部两块区域〔trilithon〕A prehistoric structure consisting of two large stones set upright to support a third on their tops.三石塔:一种史前的建筑结构,由两块竖立的巨石上架另一块巨石构成〔arytenoid〕Either of two small pitcher-shaped cartilages at the back of the larynx to which the vocal cords are attached.杓状软骨:位于喉背部的两块小的瓶状软骨的任何一块,声带与其相连〔saddle〕A cut of meat consisting of part of the backbone and both loins.带脊骨的肉:由部分脊椎骨和两块腰肉组成的一块肉〔clapper〕clappers Two flat pieces of wood held between the fingers and struck together rhythmically. clappers 响板,拍板:两块平木板,夹在手指间有节奏地一起拍击〔equal〕It has been argued thatequal is an absolute term— two quantities either are or are not equal—and hence cannot be qualified as to degree.Therefore one cannot logically speak ofa more equal allocation of resources among the departments. However, this usage was accepted by 71 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.What is more, objection to the usage betrays a widespread but questionable assumptionthat it is in mathematics and logic that we find the model of accuracy most appropriate to the everyday use of language,a supposition that also underlies traditional grammatical discussions of words such asunique, parallel, and center. According to this account,the "precise" or "literal" meaning ofequal is realized in the use of the equal sign in an arithmetic expression such as 5 + 2 = 7; and the ordinary-language uses of the term,though they may be permissible,represent "loose" or "imprecise" extensions of that sense.But in fact the mathematical concept of equality is a poor model for using the wordequal to describe relations between things in the world. As applied to such things,statements of equality are always relative to an implicit standard of tolerance.When someone saysThe two boards are of equal length, we assume that the equality is reckoned to some order of approximation determined by the context;if we did not,we would be required always to usenearly equal when speaking of the dimensions of physical objects. What is more,we often want to predicate equality of things that do not admit of quantitative measurement,as when we sayThe college draft was introduced in an effort to make the teams in the National Football League as equal as possible, orThe candidates for the job should all be given equal consideration. In all such cases,equality is naturally a gradient notionand so is amenable to modification in degree.This much is evident from the existence of the wordunequal. The prefixun- attaches only to gradient adjectives: we sayunmanly but not unmale; and the worduneven can be applied to a surface (whose evenness may be a matter of degree) but not to a number (whose evenness is an either-or affair). ·The adverbequally is generally regarded as redundant when used in combination with as, and the following examples employingequally as were termed unacceptable by 63 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey: 单词equal 一向被认为是一个很绝对的词语—— 两个数量要么相同要么不同——这样就不能有程度上的差别。所以,如果有人说在各部门间对资源更公平的分配 ,那么就不合逻辑了。 但是这种用法在早先的用法调查中被百分之七十一用法使用小组的人接受。而且,对这种用法的反对体现出了一种很流行但却值得怀疑的假设,那就是我们从数学和逻辑中得出适用于日常语言准确性的实例,而这种假设也可从我们对一些词,如unique,parallel 和 center 传统的语法讨论中体现出来。 根据这个解释,equal “准确”或“书面”的意思则是由在算术表达式,如5+2=7中所运用的相同的符号而表达清楚的; 而该词在日常语言中的用法,虽然被允许,但却代表了其含意“松散”或“不严谨”的引申。但是实际上用数学概念上的相等来运用equal 这个词描述世上各种事物之间的关系是一个很差劲的例子。 当该词应用于生活中的事物时,相等的观念往往与暗含的容忍相关联。当有人说两块木板同样长 时, 我们会认为由于上下文的关系,相等可以被看作大约近似;如果我们不这样想,那么当我们谈到物体的尺寸时,就要经常使用nearly equal 。 另外,我们常常会预测和数量无关的事物的相同性,比如我们会说,引入大学的要求是为了使全国足球联合会中的各队尽可能平等 , 或者应给予该项工作的应征者同等的考虑 。 在所有这些例子中,相等是个可变化的概念,所以可在程度有所不同。Unequal 这个词的存在就是很好的证明。 un- 这个前缀只附加于有程序变化的形容词, 我们说unmanly 但不说 unmale ; 而uneven 这个词只能用于某物的表面(其平坦可有程度上的差别), 而不能用于数目(数目只能说相等或不相等)。Equally 这一副词在与 as 连用时通常被认为是多余的, 在早先的用法调查中,以下这些使用equally as 的句子遭到百分之六十三使用小组的人反对: 〔palatine〕Either of the two bones that make up the hard palate.颚骨:组成硬颚的两块骨头之一〔jaw〕Either of two bony or cartilaginous structures that in most vertebrates form the framework of the mouth and hold the teeth.颚:大部分脊椎动物具有的支持牙齿的骨架,由两块大骨或软骨结构组成〔palatine〕Of or relating to either of two bones that make up the hard palate.颚骨的:属于或有关于组成硬颚的两块骨头之一的〔regelation〕Successive melting under pressure and freezing when pressure is relaxed at the interface of two blocks of ice.重凝:两块冰重合面之间在压力下不断融解,当压力解除后又开始冻结〔tibia〕The inner and larger of the two bones of the lower human leg, extending from the knee to the ankle.胫骨:人的小腿两块骨中处于内侧且较大的一块,从膝部延伸至踝部〔premaxilla〕Either of two bones located in front of and between the maxillary bones in the upper jaw of vertebrates.前颌骨:位于脊椎动物上颚的上颚骨之前和之间的两块骨头中的一块〔hipbone〕Either of two large flat bones each forming one of the lateral halves of the pelvis and consisting of the fused ilium, ischium, and pubis. Also called innominate bone 髋骨:构成骨盆侧向部分的两块大而平的骨骼,由合并的髋骨,坐骨和耻骨组成 也作 innominate bone〔scapular〕A badge worn by affiliates of certain religious orders, consisting of two pieces of cloth joined by shoulder bands and worn under the clothing on the chest and back.肩章:某些宗教阶层成员所佩戴的徽章,由两块用肩带连接的布构成,佩戴在胸部和后背的衣饰下面〔slapstick〕When we talk about slapstick,we probably do not think of two sticks slapping together,yet the word has its origin in a device that was made of two flat pieces of wood fastened at one end.This device made a loud sound if one struck someone with it,a much louder sound than a single piece would have made.Such a sound and such a blow were the stuff of comedy,albeit the comedy of farce and pantomine in which this device was originally used (the word is first recorded in 1896).Through its use with other nouns,such ascomedy, slapstick developed an abstract sense that encompassed far more than its original literal meaning.Slapstick by itself (first recorded in 1926) could now refer to the whole genre of comedy in which the literal slapstick played a role. 当我们谈到闹剧时,我们可能不会想到两根木棍敲到一起,但这个词源于一种用两块一端绑在一起的平木板制成的装置。当一个人用这个装置打某人的时候,它会发出很大的声音,这种声音比一块木板所能发出的声音大得多。这种声音和打击是喜剧里的东西,尽管这种装置最初用于闹剧和哑剧中(这个词最早的有记载的使用是在1896年),通过与其它名词连用,如comedy, slapstick 发展到了抽象的含意, 包含了远比最初的字面意思要多的含意。Slapstick (最早的有记载的使用是在1926年)这个词本身现在指的是使用闹剧中的手法的一整类喜剧 〔seam〕A line of junction formed by sewing together two pieces of material along their margins.缝线:通过将两块材料沿边缘缝合而形成的结合处的线〔braze〕To solder (two pieces of metal) together using a hard solder with a high melting point.硬焊:用高熔点的硬质焊锡将(两块金属)焊在一起〔yoke〕A crossbar with two U-shaped pieces that encircle the necks of a pair of oxen or other draft animals working together.轭:两块U形板组成的横木,套在一起干活的一对公牛或载物动物的脖子上〔join〕where the two bones join.两块骨头的接合处〔flashover〕An unintended electric arc, as between two pieces of apparatus.飞弧:如在两块器械之间产生的一道随意性的电弧〔merlon〕A solid portion of a crenelated wall between two open spaces.城齿:城堡雉堞墙上两块敞开空间中的实墙




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