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单词 东欧
释义 〔Hasid〕A member of a movement of popular mysticism founded in eastern Europe in the 18th century.哈西德派教徒:18世纪兴起于东欧的大众神秘主义运动的成员〔satrapy〕"No military legions from the West are going to liberate their Eastern European satrapies"(John Hughes)“来自西方的军团不会去解放他们在东欧的殖民地”(约翰·休斯)〔Yiddish〕The language historically of Ashkenazic Jews of Central and Eastern Europe, resulting from a fusion of elements derived principally from medieval German dialects and secondarily from Hebrew and Aramaic, various Slavic languages, and Old French and Old Italian.意第绪语:历史上中欧和东欧的犹太人所用的语言,是多种语言的混合,主要来自于中世纪日耳曼方言,其次来自于希伯来语、阿拉姆语和各种斯拉夫语、古法语及古意大利语〔Tartar〕Also Ta.tar [täʹtər] A member of any of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples of central Asia who invaded western Asia and eastern Europe in the Middle Ages. 也作 Ta.tar [täʹtər] 鞑靼人:在中世纪入侵西亚和东欧并居住于中亚的突厥和蒙古部落的成员〔east〕The former Communist bloc of countries in Asia and especially in Eastern Europe.东方集团:以前由亚洲和特别是东欧几个国家组成的共产主义集团〔Yaroslavl〕A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River northeast of Moscow. Traditionally founded in 1010, it was annexed by Moscow in 1463. Population, 626,000.雅罗斯拉夫尔:苏联东欧部分一城市,位于伏尔加河畔、莫斯科东北。传统上认为建于1010年,1463年被莫斯科公国吞并。人口626,000〔kurgan〕A type of tumulus or barrow characteristic of a culture located on the steppes of southern Russia about 5000b.c. and later spreading to the Danube, northern Europe, and northern Iran from around 3500 b.c. (东欧或西伯利亚的)坟头,坟墩:一种古坟或古冢,为公元前 5000年左右俄罗斯南部大草原上的文明所特有的,后来这种文明大约从 公元前 3500年扩展到多瑙河流域、北欧和伊朗北部 〔kolacky〕A square, sweet bun with a fruit or poppy seed filling.东欧水果面包:一种有水果或罂粟籽馅的甜味方形小面包〔Zlatoust〕A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. in the southern Ural Mountains west of Chelyabinsk. It is a rail junction and metallurgical center. Population, 204,000.兹拉托乌斯特:苏联东欧部分一城市,位于乌拉尔山南部、平里雅宾斯克以西,它是一个铁路枢纽和冶金中心。人口204,000〔dominant〕The Soviet Union is the dominant nation of Eastern Europe.苏联是东欧的主要国家。〔Novgorod〕A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. south-southeast of Leningrad. One of the oldest cities in Russia, it was strategically and economically important in the Middle Ages because of its location on the chief trade routes of eastern Europe. The city was overrun by Moscow in 1478 and lost its commercial dominance to St. Petersburg after 1703. Population, 220,000.诺夫哥罗德:欧洲西北苏联内的城市,在列宁格勒的东南偏南。俄国最古老的城市之一,在中世纪时曾因其在东欧主要商路上的位置而占有重要的战略和经济地位。1478年被莫斯科吞并,1703年之后其商业统治地位让与圣彼得斯堡。人口220,000〔Slav〕A member of one of the Slavic-speaking peoples of eastern Europe.斯拉夫人:生活在东欧的几个说斯拉夫语的民族之一的成员〔Oder〕A river of central Europe flowing about 904 km (562 mi) from north-central Czechoslovakia through Poland and Germany to the Baltic Sea. It is a major waterway of Eastern Europe.奥德河:一条欧洲中部的河流,流程约904公里(562英里),从捷克斯洛伐克中北部,经过波兰和德国流入波罗的海。它是东欧的一条主要水上通道〔Perm〕A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. on the Kama River in the foothills of the Ural Mountains. Settled since early times, it grew rapidly as an industrial center in the 19th century. Population, 1,056,000.彼尔姆:苏联东欧部分一城市,位于卡马河畔、乌拉尔山脉的山脚下。从很早的时候就有人居住,在19世纪迅速发展成为一个工业中心。人口1,056,000〔shtetl〕A small Eastern European Jewish community of former times.犹太人小村:以前东欧的一种犹太人小社区〔desman〕Either of two aquatic, insectivorous, molelike mammals,Desmana moschata of eastern Europe and western Asia or Galemys pyrenaicus of southwest Europe, having dense, brownish fur, a long snout, and a flattened, scaly tail. 俄罗斯麝鼹:两种水生的象鼹鼠一样的食虫哺乳动物,东欧和西亚的Desmamamoschate 以及欧洲西南部的 Galemyspyrenaicus 中任一种,有浓密的褐色的毛,长长的鼻子,扁平而多鳞的尾巴 〔Sarmatia〕An ancient region of eastern Europe northeast of the Black Sea. The Sarmatian people occupied the area after the fourth centuryb.c. and fled across the Carpathian Mountains and along the Danube River after the onslaught of the Huns. The term is also applied to the territory between the Vistula and Volga rivers in present-day eastern Poland and western European U.S.S.R. 萨尔马提亚:东欧一古老地区,位于黑海东北部。萨尔马提亚人于公元前 4世纪占领了该地,并在受到匈奴人的攻击之后穿过喀尔巴迁山脉沿着多瑙河逃遁。该名称也适用于今天的波兰东部和原苏联欧洲部分西部的维斯图拉河与伏尔加河中间的地带 〔landsman〕A fellow Jew who comes from the same district or town, especially in Eastern Europe.同胞:来自同一地区或城镇尤其是东欧的犹太人同伴〔Permian〕After Perm , a historical region of eastern European U.S.S.R. 源自 波尔姆 ,苏联东欧部分的一个历史地区 〔Tartary〕A vast region of eastern Europe and northern Asia controlled by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries. It extended as far east as the Pacific Ocean under the rule of Genghis Khan.鞑靼地区:13和14世纪被蒙古人统治的东欧和北亚的广大地区。在成吉思汗统治时期这一地区向东一直延伸到太平洋〔klezmer〕A traditionally itinerant Jewish folk musician of eastern Europe performing in a small band, as at weddings.犹太乐师:在东欧的小型乐团中演奏(如在婚礼上)的习惯于巡回演出的犹太民间乐师




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