单词 | 东征 |
释义 | 〔Damascus〕The capital and largest city of Syria, in the southwest part of the country. Inhabited since prehistoric times, the city became a thriving commercial center under the Romans and was a Saracen stronghold during the Crusades. Population, 1,259,000.大马士革:叙利亚的首都和最大城市,位于叙利亚西南部。史前时代就有人居住,在罗马统治时成为繁华的商业中心,在十字军东征期间是穆斯林的大本营。人口1,259,000〔Callisthenes〕Greek philosopher who chronicled the eastern expedition of Alexander the Great.卡利赛内斯:希腊哲学家,他记录了亚历山大大帝东征这一历史事件〔Acre〕A port of northern Israel on the Bay of Haifa. During the Crusades it changed hands many times between Christians and Moslems. Acre was ceded to the Arabs in the United Nations partition of Palestine in 1948 but was captured by Israel shortly thereafter. Population, 37,700.艾可:以色列北部海法湾上一港口,在十字军东征时期被基督徒和伊斯兰教徒轮番控制。艾可港在1948年被在联合国的巴勒斯坦人的代表割让给了阿拉伯人,但不久之后即被以色列人占领。人口37,700〔mattress〕The history of the wordmattress is a small lesson in the way amenities have come to Europe from the Middle East. During the earlier part of the Middle Ages,Arabic culture was more advanced than that of Europe.One of the amenities of life enjoyed by the Arabs was sleeping on cushions thrown on the floor.Derived from the Arabic wordṭaraḥa, "to throw,” the word maṭraḥ meant "place where something is thrown" and "mat, cushion.”This kind of sleeping surface was adopted by the Europeans during the Crusades,and the Arabic word was taken into Italian (materasso ) and then into Old French ( materas ), from which comes the Middle English wordmateras , first recorded in a work written around 1300. The Arabic word also became Medieval Latinmatracium, another source of our word.mattress 这个词的由来是康乐设施从中东传到英国的一个小小见证。 中世纪早期,阿拉伯人的文化要比欧洲文化进步。阿拉伯人生活中享受的一个康乐设施就是睡在铺在地上的垫子上。由阿拉伯语中的词taraha “扔”派生出来的词 matrah , 意思是“铺着东西的地方”和“垫子,沙发”。这种睡觉方式被十字军东征时期的欧洲人采用,这个阿拉伯词因此进入意大利语(materasso )和古法语( materas )。 从这两个词又引出最早出现于1300年左右的一部著作中的中古英语词汇materas 。 这个阿拉伯词同时也被收入中世纪拉丁语,即matracium , 这也是我们这个单词的另一个来源〔Genoa〕A city of northwest Italy on theGulf of Genoa, an arm of the Ligurian Sea. An ancient settlement, Genoa flourished under the Romans and also enjoyed great prosperity during the Crusades. Today, it is Italy's chief port and a major commercial and industrial center. Population, 760,300. 热那亚:意大利西北的一座城市,濒临利古里亚海的一个港湾热那亚湾 。作为一个古老的聚居地,热那亚在罗马人统治下繁盛起来,并在十字军东征期间聚敛了大量财富。今天,它是意大利的主要港口和重要的商业、工业中心。人口760,300 〔Saladin〕Sultan of Egypt and Syria who captured (1187) Jerusalem and defended it during the Third Crusade (1189-1192).萨拉丁:埃及和叙利亚的苏丹,1187年占领耶路撒冷,抗击第三次十字军东征期间(1189-1192年)保卫此城 |
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