单词 | 东北 |
释义 | 〔Lincoln〕A borough of eastern England northeast of Nottingham. Located on the site of Roman, Saxon, and Danish settlements, it was first chartered in 1157. Population, 75,900.林肯:英国东部诺丁汉东北一自治城市,位于罗马人、萨克森人和丹麦人拓居地的遗址,1157年首次获得特许。人口75,900〔Trinidad〕An island of Trinidad and Tobago in the Atlantic Ocean off northeast Venezuela. First sighted by Columbus in 1498, it was not settled until the 1570's and was a frequent target for Dutch, French, and British buccaneers. Ceded to Great Britain in 1802, Trinidad was joined with Tobago in 1888 to form the colony of Trinidad and Tobago (1898).特立尼达岛:大西洋上的特立尼达和多巴哥的一个岛屿,位于委内瑞拉东北的水域里。最早在1498年,哥伦布就看到过该岛,而直到16世纪70年代才有人定居,它经常是荷兰、法国、和英国海盗的目标。1802年该岛割让给英国,1888年特立尼达与多巴哥联合组成了特里尼达与多巴哥殖民地(1898年)〔Tourcoing〕A city of northern France northeast of Lille near the Belgian border. It is an important textile center. Population, 96,908.图尔宽:法国北部一城市,位于里尔东北、邻近比利时边界。它是一个重要的纺织中心。人口96,908〔Birmingham〕A city of north-central Alabama northeast of Tuscaloosa. The largest city in the state, it is in a mining and industrial region. Population, 265,968.伯明翰:美国亚拉巴马州中北部一城市,位于塔斯卡卢萨东北。该州最大城市,位于矿业和工业区。人口265,968〔Norwich〕[nŏrʹĭch] A borough of eastern England northeast of London. The city was sacked by Danes in the 11th century and devastated by the Black Death in 1348. Population, 125,900.[nŏrʹĭch] 诺里奇:英格兰东部伦敦东北的自治区。11世纪时被丹尼斯吞并,1348年被黑死病侵袭。人口125,900〔Plattsburgh〕A city of extreme northeast New York on Lake Champlain northwest of Burlington, Vermont. During the War of 1812 an American fleet decisively defeated the British in a naval battle here on September 11, 1814. Population, 21,255.普拉茨堡:美国纽约州东北端一城市,位于佛蒙特州伯灵顿西北的普兰湖畔。1812年战争期间,在1814年9月11日这里发生的一场海战中,美国舰队决定性地击败了英国舰队。人口21,255〔Wagram〕A town of northeast Austria northeast of Vienna. Napoleon defeated the Austrians here in July 1809.瓦格拉姆:奥地利东北部维也纳东北一个镇。1809年七月拿破仑在这里击败奥地利人〔Zagorsk〕A city of central European U.S.S.R. northeast of Moscow. It developed around a monastery founded in 1340. Population, 112,000.扎戈尔斯克:苏联中欧部分一城市,位于莫斯科东北。它是围绕着一座建于1340年的修道院发展起来的。人口112,000〔Millburn〕A community of northeast New Jersey, a residential suburb west of Newark. Population, 18,630.米尔本:美国新泽西州东北一社区,为纽瓦克西部的一个居住郊区。人口18,630〔Armenia〕A region and former kingdom of Asia Minor in present-day northeast Turkey, southeast European U.S.S.R., and northwest Iran. Established in the eighth centuryb.c. , it was probably the first state to adopt Christianity as a national religion (c. a.d. 303). 亚美尼亚:小亚细亚一地区和前王国,位于今土耳其东北,苏联欧洲部分东南,伊朗西北部公元前 8世纪建国,可能是第一个将基督教定为国教的国家(约 公元 303年) 〔Leeuwarden〕A city of northern Netherlands northeast of the Ijsselmeer. Chartered in 1435, it was noted for its manufacture of gold and silver articles from the 16th to the 18th century. Population, 85,435.陆瓦尔登:荷兰北部的一个城市,位于艾瑟尔湖东北。1435年被租赁,16世纪到18世纪期间以其金器和银器的制造而闻名。人口85,435〔Bedford〕A city of northeast Ohio, a residential suburb of Cleveland. Population, 15,056.贝德福德:美国俄亥俄州东北一城市,为克利夫兰的一个居住郊区。人口15,056〔Dhulia〕A city of west-central India northeast of Bombay. It is an important cotton market. Population, 210,759.杜里:印度中西部的一个城市,位于孟买东北,是一个重要的棉花市场。人口210,759〔Greenville〕A city of northeast Texas northeast of Dallas. It is a manufacturing center in a cotton-producing area. Population, 23,071.格林维尔:美国得克萨斯州东北部一城市,位于达拉斯东北。是位于产棉区的制造业中心。人口 23,071〔Amersfoort〕A city of central Netherlands northeast of Utrecht. The old section of the city has medieval houses. Population, 86,896.阿姆斯福特:荷兰中部一城市,位于乌得勒支东北,这个城市的老区有很多中世纪的房屋。人口86,896〔Lyndhurst〕An unincorporated community of northeast New Jersey, an industrial suburb of Newark. Population, 18,262.林德赫斯特:新泽西东北一个未统一的社区,是纽瓦克的工业郊区。人口18,262〔Wolds〕A range of chalk hills in northeast England along both banks of the Humber River.丘陵地:英格兰东北亨伯河两岸的一个石灰岩构成的山脉〔Lowell〕A city of northeast Massachusetts on the Merrimack River northwest of Boston. Settled in 1653, it was once a major textile center and now has diversified industries. Population, 103,439.洛威尔:美国马萨诸塞州东北一城市,位于波士顿西北部,梅里马克河上。建立于1653年,曾经是主要的纺织中心,现在有多种不同的工业,人口103,439〔Wigan〕A borough of northwest England northeast of Liverpool. An important market town in the Middle Ages, it is an industrial city in a coal-mining region. Population, 310,000.威根区:英格兰西北一区,位于利物浦东北。中世纪时曾是重要集镇,现在是煤矿区的工业城市。人口310,000〔Ternate〕An island of eastern Indonesia in the northern Moluccas west of northeast Celebes. Settled by the Portuguese (1521-1574), it was subjugated by the Dutch in 1683.特尔纳特岛:印度尼西亚东部一岛屿,位于西里伯岛东北以西、摩鹿加群岛北部的岛屿。开始为葡萄牙所占领(1521-1574年),1683年被荷兰人征服〔Rhodes〕An island of southeast Greece in the Aegean Sea off southwest Turkey. It is the largest of the Dodecanese Islands and was colonized by Dorians from Argos before 1000b.c. and strongly influenced by the Minoan culture of Crete. The ancient city of Rhodes, on the northeast end of the island near the present-day city of Rhodes, was founded c. 408 b.c. Its harbor was the site of the Colossus of Rhodes, a bronze statue erected 292-280 b.c. that was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The modern city has a population of 40,392. 罗得岛:希腊东南一岛屿,位于爱琴海畔,土耳其西南面。它是多德卡尼斯群岛中最大的岛屿,在公元前 1000年被来自阿尔戈斯的多利安人殖民同化,且受克里特的弥诺斯文化的强烈影响。 罗得 古城,在岛屿的东北端边缘,靠近现今的 罗得 城,建立于 公元前 408年。其港口是罗得岛巨像的位置,它是矗立于 公元前 292-280年的青铜雕像,为世界七大奇迹之一。现在的城市人口为40,392 〔Mykolayiv〕A city of southern Ukraine at the mouth of the Western Bug River northeast of Odessa. Founded c. 1784 as a fortress, it became a shipbuilding center in the 1780s. Population, 507,100尼古拉耶夫:乌克兰南部城市,位于敖德萨东北的西布格河河口。约1784年在此建成要塞,18世纪80年代成为造船业中心。人口507,100〔Essex〕A community of northeast Maryland, a manufacturing suburb of Baltimore. Population, 40,872.埃塞克斯郡:英国英格兰东北的一个郡,是位于马里兰郊区的一个手工业区。人口40,872〔Khanka〕A lake between southeast Far Eastern U.S.S.R. and northeast China north of Vladivostock. Most of it lies within Soviet territory.兴凯湖:苏联远东东南和中国东北之间的一个湖,在符拉迪沃斯托克北部。湖的大部分在苏联境内〔Scranton〕A city of northeast Pennsylvania northeast of Wilkes-Barre. Settled in the late 1700's, it is a commercial and industrial center in an anthracite coal region. Population, 81,805.斯克兰顿:美国宾夕法尼亚东北部的一个城市,在威尔克斯一巴里东北。18世纪后期开始有人居住,是一个无煤烟区的商业和工业中心。人口81,805〔Palouse〕A Sahaptin-speaking Native American people formerly inhabiting an area of southeast Washington and northwest Idaho, with present-day descendants in northeast Washington.帕卢斯族:讲萨哈泼丁话的土著美洲人,以前居住在华盛顿州东南与爱达荷州西北,现在他们的后代居住在华盛顿州东北〔Guernica〕A town of north-central Spain northeast of Bilbao. Its April 1937 bombing by German planes during the Spanish Civil War inspired one of Picasso's most famous paintings. Population, 12,100.格尔尼卡:西班牙中北部一城镇,位于毕尔包东北。1937年4月西班牙内战中,德国飞机轰炸了该镇。这个事件激发了毕加索创作其最负盛名的作品。人口12,100〔Voronezh〕A city of south-central European U.S.S.R. on the Don River northeast of Kharkov. Founded as a frontier fortress in 1586, it was a shipbuilding center during the reign of Peter the Great. Population, 850,000.沃罗涅什:苏联欧洲部分中南部一城市,位于卡尔科夫东北的顿河上。1586年作为边境堡垒建立,在彼得大帝统治时期是造船中心。人口850,000〔Bacabal〕A city of northeast Brazil south-southwest of Sào Luís. It is a trade center in an agricultural area. Population, 111,753.巴卡巴尔:巴西东北一城市,位于圣路易斯西南偏南,它是农业地区的贸易中心。人口111,753〔Jacksonville〕A city of central Arkansas northeast of Little Rock. A U.S. Air Force base is nearby. Population, 29,101.杰克逊维尔:阿肯色州中部一城市,位于小石城东北,美国空军基地在此附近。人口29,101〔Peterborough〕A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, northeast of Toronto. Settled in the 1820's as a lumbering town, it is now an industrial center and a railroad junction. Population, 60,620.彼得伯勒:加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于多伦多东北。于19世纪20年代作为一个伐木业小镇而建立,现在是一个工业中心和铁路枢纽。人口60,620〔Huron〕A Native American confederacy formerly inhabiting southeast Ontario around Lake Simcoe, with small present-day populations in Quebec and northeast Oklahoma, where they are known as Wyandot. The Huron traded extensively throughout eastern Canada until the confederacy was destroyed by war with the Iroquois in the mid-17th century.休伦族:美洲土著居民的一个联盟,曾居住于安大略省东南西姆克湖周围,现在人数已很少,主要居于魁北克省和俄克拉荷马东北,在那里他们被称为怀安多特人。休伦人曾在整个加拿大东部广泛地从事贸易,直至17世纪中期与易洛魁人的战争中联盟被摧毁〔Leavenworth〕A city of northeast Kansas on the Missouri River northwest of Kansas City. Settled in 1854 by proslavery partisans from Missouri, it is near Fort Leavenworth, the site of a federal penitentiary. Population, 38,495.莱文沃斯:美国堪萨斯州东北一城市,位于密苏里河河畔,堪萨斯城西北部。1854年由来自密苏里州的赞成奴隶制者在此定居。该城附近的莱文沃斯堡,是一个联邦监狱。人口38,495〔Rye〕A city of southeast New York on Long Island Sound northeast of New York City. It is primarily residential. Population, 15,083.拉伊:美国纽约州东南部一城市,位于纽约市东北的长岛海峡上。主要是住宅区。人口15,083〔Andover〕A town of northeast Massachusetts south of Lawrence. Phillips Andover Academy (founded 1778) is here. Population, 29,151.安杜佛:美国马萨诸塞州东北劳伦斯以南的一个城镇。菲利普斯·安杜佛学院(建于1778年)就在这里,人口29,151〔Mito〕A city of east-central Honshu, Japan, northeast of Tokyo. It was the center of an important shogunate after 1600. Population, 228,987.御津:日本本州岛中东部的一个城市,位于东京东北。是1600年后一个重要幕府的中心。人口228,987〔Hendersonville〕A city of northern Tennessee northeast of Nashville. It is a popular resort. Population, 32,188.亨德森维尔:美国田纳西州北部的一城市,位于纳什维尔东北。是有名的度假胜地。人口32,188〔northeast〕To, toward, of, facing, or in the northeast.东北的:向,朝,是,面对或在东北的〔Vichuga〕A city of central European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River northeast of Moscow. It is a textile-processing center. Population, 51,000.维丘加:苏联欧洲部分中部的一座城市,在莫斯科东北的伏尔加河上,它是纺织加工业中心,人口51,000〔Paragould〕A city of northeast Arkansas northeast of Jonesboro. It is a processing and trade center. Population, 18,540.帕拉戈尔德:美国阿肯色州东北一城市,位于琼斯博罗东北。是个加工业和贸易中心。人口18,540 |
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