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单词 世俗
释义 〔muckrake〕[From the man with the muckrake, who cannot look up to heaven because he is so obsessed with the muck of worldly profit, in] Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan [来自于有丑闻的人不能够指望天堂因为他太看重于世俗名利,见于约翰·班扬的] 天路历程 by John Bunyan 〔hieratic〕Constituting or relating to a simplified cursive style of Egyptian hieroglyphics, used in both sacred and secular writings.手写草书体的:与古埃及一种草书手写体有关的,这种草书手写体用于宗教或世俗书写中〔severe〕Ascetic suggests self-discipline and self-denial and often renunciation of worldly pleasures for spiritual improvement: Ascetic 指自我约束和自我克制并且通常为达到精神进步而放弃世俗享乐: 〔shivaree〕Shivaree is the most common American regional form of charivari, a French word meaning "a noisy mock serenade for newlyweds"and probably deriving in turn from a Late Latin word meaning "headache.”The term, most likely borrowed from French traders and settlers along the Mississippi River,was well established in the United States by 1805;an account dating from that year describes a shivaree in New Orleans: "The house is mobbed by thousands of the people of the town, vociferating and shouting with loud acclaim . . . many[are] in disguises and masks; and all have some kind of discordant and noisy music, such as old kettles, and shovels, and tongs. . . . All civil authority and rule seems laid aside" (John F. Watson).The wordshivaree is especially common along and west of the Mississippi River, giving it an unusual north-south dialect boundary (most dialect boundaries run east-west in the United States).Alva L. Davis and Raven I. McDavid, Jr., callshivaree "one of the most widely distributed folk terms borrowed by American English from any European language.” Some regional equivalents arebelling, used in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio; horning, from upstate New York, Rhode Island, and western New England; andserenade, a term used chiefly in the South Atlantic states. Shivaree 是 charivari 这个词在美国的最普通的地方形式, charivari是个法语词,意思是“一种为新婚夫妇演奏的喧闹的嘲弄式小夜曲”,这个词本身可能是从一个意思为“头痛”的后期拉丁文演变而来。这个词极有可能是从密西西比河沿岸的法国商人和拓居者那儿借用而来,到了1805年这个词已经在美国深深地扎根了;一份可以追溯到这一年的记录描写了新奥良的演奏这种小夜曲的情况: “房子里挤满了成千从镇上来的人,喧嚷着,叫喊着,大声欢呼…许多人 化了装,带了面具,所有的人都搞出某种不和协、喧闹的音响,比如用旧水壶,铲子,钳子…一切世俗的权威和规则好象已经被放到了一边” (约翰F·华生) 。shivaree 这个词在密西西比河沿岸和该河以西尤为常见, 这样密西西比河就成了一个不寻常的方言区的南北分界线(而在美国大多数方言区的分界线都是东西向的)。阿尔瓦·L·戴维斯和小拉文·I·麦克戴维把shivaree 这个词称为“美国英语从欧洲语言中借来的民间用语中流传最广的一个”。 其它地方方言中相当于这个词的词有belling 在宾夕法尼亚州、弗吉尼亚西部和俄亥俄州流传; 纽约州上半部份,罗德岛州,新英格兰西部的horning , 而大西洋沿岸南部各州主要用serenade 这个词 〔materialism〕A great or excessive regard for worldly concerns.物质中心主义:对世俗非常或过分的关心〔sensual〕Lacking in moral or spiritual interests; worldly.世俗的:缺乏道德或精神兴趣的;俗气的〔Buddhism〕The doctrine, attributed to Buddha, that suffering is inseparable from existence but that inward extinction of the self and of worldly desire culminates in a state of spiritual enlightenment beyond both suffering and existence.佛教:佛教教义,认为生存与痛苦是不可分割的,但在超越这两者的精神开悟状态下,可以将我执和世俗的欲望彻底消除〔lay〕Of, relating to, or involving the laity:世俗的:世俗的、与世俗有关的或包含世俗的:〔myth〕A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the world view of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society:神话;神话故事:一种传统的、通常是古代的故事,它涉及有超自然的生灵、祖先或作为人们世俗目光中重要而典型的英雄人物,如通过解释自然界的方面或描写心理、风俗或社会思想:〔earthly〕earthly delights; one's earthly possessions.世俗快乐;一个人在尘世上的所有财产〔worldly〕In a worldly manner.世俗地:以世俗的方式〔ingenuous〕Lacking in sophistication or worldliness; artless.纯真的,无邪的:缺乏老练或世俗的;无心计的〔temporal〕Of or relating to the material world; worldly:世俗的:物质世界的或与之有关的;世俗的:〔world〕Secular life and its concerns:世俗,尘世:世俗的生活和它的事:〔Hinduism〕A diverse body of religion, philosophy, and cultural practice native to and predominant in India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils.印度教:源于印度的最重要的宗教、学和文化习俗的一种复合体特征是信仰轮回和一种具有多种形态或性质的至高无上的神,还认为一切相反的理论都是一种永恒不变的真理的表现,并期望从世俗的罪恶中解脱出来〔terrene〕from terra [earth] * see ters- 源自 terra [世俗] * 参见 ters- 〔workaday〕Mundane; commonplace:世俗的;平凡的:〔earthy〕Relating to or characteristic of this world; worldly.世俗的:现世的或有此特征的;世俗〔terrestrial〕Having a worldly, mundane character or quality.世俗的:具有人间或尘世特征或特性的〔secularity〕The condition or quality of being secular.现世性:世俗的状态或性质〔lewd〕Middle English leued [unlearned, lay, lascivious] 中古英语 leued [无知的,世俗的,猥亵的] 〔materialism〕The theory or doctrine that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life.实利主义,物质主义:认为物质上的富足、世俗财物的拥有是人生中最有价值的、最美好的事物的理论或信条〔renunciation〕the renunciation of all earthly pleasures.对所有的世俗享乐的摒弃〔mundane〕Of, relating to, or typical of this world; secular.世俗的:属于、有关或者象征世界的;尘世的〔earthbound〕an earthbound existence.世俗的生活方式〔profane〕Nonreligious in subject matter, form, or use; secular:非宗教的,世俗的:在主题、形式或用途上非宗教的;世俗的:〔earthen〕Earthly; worldly.尘世的;世俗〔canon〕A secular law, rule, or code of law.世俗法规:世俗的法律、制度或法典〔temporality〕temporalities Temporal possessions, especially of the Church or clergy. temporalities (教会山)不动产:世俗的财产,尤指教会或教职人员拥有的〔bohemian〕from Bohême [Bohemia (from the unconventional life style of its Gypsy inhabitants)] 源自 Bohême [波希米亚(源于该地不同于世俗生活方式的吉卜赛居民)] 〔fleshly〕Not spiritual; worldly:非精神的;世俗的:〔carnal〕Worldly or earthly; temporal:世俗的:非精神的或尘世的;世间的:〔rise〕"Ascend above the restrictions and conventions of the world, but not so high as to lose sight of them" (Richard Garnett).“上升到超越世俗的限制和风俗习惯的高度,但是不要高到看不见它们” (理查德·加尼特)。〔temporal〕Secular or lay; civil:凡俗的:世俗的或凡俗的;非宗教的:〔archdeacon〕A church official, as in the Anglican Church, who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese, with powers delegated from the bishop.会吏总,大助祭:教堂官员,如在英国国教中掌管一个教区中的世俗及其它事务,具有主教授予的权力的人〔earthbound〕Attached or confined to the earth or to earthly concerns:世俗的:与尘世相关的或为尘世或尘世利益所束缚的:〔workaday〕"the practical, workaday world, of . . . ordinary undistinguished things"(Lionel Trilling)“普通平凡事物的实际而世俗的世界”(赖恩内尔·特里林)〔lewd〕from Old English lǣwede [ignorant, lay] 源自 古英语 lǣwede [无知的,世俗的] 〔subcelestial〕Mundane.世俗的,尘世的〔laic〕Of or relating to the laity; secular.外行的,世俗的:外行的或与之有关的;世俗




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