单词 | 不熟悉 |
释义 | 〔dialect〕 Lingo is applied, often humorously or contemptuously, to language that is unfamiliar or so specialized that it is difficult to understand. Lingo 常常幽默和鄙视地用于不熟悉或十分专业难懂的语言。〔strange〕"I do hate to be chucked in the dark aboard a strange ship. I wonder where they keep their fresh water" (Joseph Conrad).“我的确憎恨黑夜中在一艘不熟悉的船上被抛弃。我不知道他们在哪里保存淡水” (约瑟夫·康拉德)。〔plunge〕To begin an unfamiliar venture, especially after hesitating:冒险,采取断然行动,结婚:开始进行一次不熟悉的冒险,尤其是在踌躇一阵之后:〔new〕Not previously experienced or encountered; novel or unfamiliar:新奇的:从未经历的或从未遇到的;新奇的或不熟悉的:〔innumerate〕A person who is unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods.对数学概念和方法不熟悉的人〔amateur〕When Mrs. T.W. Atkinson remarked in her 1863Recollections of the Tartar Steppes and their Inhabitants, "I am no amateur of these melons,” she usedamateur in a sense unfamiliar to us. That sense, "a lover, an admirer,” is, however, clearly descended from the senses of the word's ultimate Latin source,amātor, "lover, devoted friend, devotee, enthusiastic pursuer of an objective,” and from its immediate Latin-derived French source,amateur, with a similar range of meanings. First recorded in English in 1784 with the sense in which Mrs. Atkinson used it,amateur is found in 1786 with a meaning more familiar to us, "a person who engages in an art, for example, as a pastime rather than as a profession,” a sense that had already developed in French.Given the limitations of doing something as an amateur,it is not surprising that the word is soon after recorded in the disparaging sensewe still use to refer to someone who lacks professional skill or ease in performance.当T.W.阿特金森夫人在她1863年出版的塔塔·史坦普和其居民回忆录, 中提到“我并不喜欢这些瓜果”时, 她使用的amateur 是我们所不熟悉的一个意思。 可是这种“爱好者,喜爱者,”的意思显然有其正宗拉丁语来源,amator, 意思是“爱人,忠实的朋友,奉献者,对某目标热情的追求者”, 还有由拉丁语直接派生出的法语来源,amateur, 具有相似的意思。 1784年记录在英语文字中出现的这个词正是阿特金森夫人使用的意思,1786年出现的amateur 有我们更为熟悉的意思, “如一个从事艺术,把它作为一项消遣,而不是一个职业的人,”法语的词早已发展了这种意思。如果把意思限定为从事业余活动的人,这个词被记录下来后不久就有了贬义含意,也就不足为奇了,我们用它来指在表演中缺乏专业技巧或缺乏得心应手的感觉〔stick〕stick together in a crowd; stuck with me on the unfamiliar trail.在人群中贴在一块;在不熟悉的山路上与我一起走〔new〕Inexperienced or unaccustomed:无经验的或不熟悉的:〔stranger〕One who is unaccustomed to or unacquainted with something specified; a novice:生手,新手:对某种特定事物不习惯或不熟悉之人;生手:〔casual〕Not close or intimate; passing:不熟悉的:不接近的或不亲近的;忽略的:〔innumerate〕Unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods.对数学概念和方法不熟悉的〔shall〕The sentenceYou shall have your money expresses a promise ("I will see that you get your money"), whereasYou will have your money makes a simple prediction. · Such, at least, are the traditional rules.But the distinction has never taken firm root outside of what H.W. Fowler described as "the English of the English" (as opposed to that of the Scots and Irish), and even there it has always been subject to variation.Despite the efforts of generations of American schoolteachers, the distinction is largely alien to the modern American idiom.In Americawill is used to express most of the senses reserved for shall in English usage, andshall itself is restricted to first person interrogative proposals, as inShall we go? and to certain fixed expressions, such asWe shall overcome. Shall is also used in formal style to express an explicit obligation,as inApplicants shall provide a proof of residence, though this sense is also expressed bymust or should. In speech the distinction that the English signal by the choice ofshall or will may be rendered by stressing the auxiliary, as in I will leave tomorrow ("I intend to leave"); by choosing another auxiliary, such as must or have to; or by using an adverb such as certainly. · Many earlier American writers observed the traditional distinction betweenshall and will, and some continue to do so.The practice cannot be called incorrect,though it may strike American ears as somewhat mannered.But the distinction is difficult for those who do not come by it natively,and Americans who essay ashall in an unfamiliar context run considerable risk of getting it wrong, and so of being caught out in that most embarrassing of linguistic gaffes, the bungled Anglicism.See Usage Note at should 句子你将得到你的钱 表达了一种承诺(“我将保证你得到你的钱”), 而你会得到你的钱 仅仅做出了简单预测。 这些至少是传统规则。但是这种用法上的区别仅局限于H·W·福勒所描述的“英格兰人的英语”(与苏格兰人和爱尔兰人的英语相对),即使在英格兰英语中它一直在变化。尽管经过几代美国学校教师的努力,这种区别对现代美国习惯用语仍是相当生疏的。在美国,will 被用来表达在英国用法中大多为 shall 保留的含义, 而shall 则限于第一人称疑问句式的提议, 如在我们该走了吧? 及某些固定表达中, 例如我们会克服的。 Shall 也用在正式文体中表示明确职责,如申请者应提供居留证明 , 虽然这个意义也可用must 或 should 表达。 在口语中可以通过强调助动词shall 或 will ,如 我 将 于明天离开 (“我打算明天离开”);或通过选择另一个助动词 must 或 have to ;或通过使用如 certainly 这样的副词来表达英国人用这两个词时的区别。 许多早期的美国作家注意到了shall 和 will 之间的传统区别, 而且一些人仍在继续这样做。这种用法不能被称作不正确,虽然美国人听起来有点矫揉造作的意味。但是这种区别对于那些不能通过母语了解它的人是困难的,而且在一个不熟悉的上下文中,试图用shall 的美国人很有可能犯错误, 因而在许多令人难堪的语言即被搞得一团糟的英式英语中出丑 参见 should〔strange〕Not previously known; unfamiliar.生疏的:以前不知的;不熟悉的〔helicopter〕The origin of the wordhelicopter is apparent only upon due recognition of its Greek ancestors. Helicopter was borrowed from the French word hélicoptère, a word constructed from Greekheliko- and pteron, "wing.” Heliko- is a form of helix, "spiral,” that combines with other words and word forms to create new words.The consonant clusterpt in pteron begins many Greek words but relatively few English words,so English speakers who are unfamiliar with Greek do not think of the word's elements ashelico-pter. At least some English speakers have analyzed the word into the elementsheli-copter, as is shown by the clipped formcopter. Helicopter 一词的来源正好可以明显地在希腊语的古代词汇中找到相对应的词。 Helicopter 一词是从法语中的 helicoptere 借用过来的, 这个词义是由希腊词heliko 和 pteron (翅膀之意)组成的, 而Heliko 正好是 helix (螺旋)的另一种形式, 用于与其它单词相拼合而产生新的词汇。Pteron 中的辅音群 pt 作为字首在希腊语中是很多的, 但在英语词汇中就相对少得多,所以,那些不熟悉希腊语的英语使用者就不会把该词的成分看作是helico-pter 。 至少有的英语使用者已经把该词分析成了heli-copter , 正如缩写形式copter 所示那样 〔bait〕The wordbaited is sometimes incorrectly substituted for the etymologically correct but unfamiliar word bated ("abated; suspended") in the expression bated breath. 在bated breath 这一表达中, baited 有时被错误地替代成词源正确但不熟悉的词 bated (“减弱的;中止的”) 〔quaint〕Unfamiliar or unusual in character; strange:古怪的:特征不熟悉或不寻常的;奇怪的:〔orienteering〕A cross-country race in which competitors use a map and compass to find their way through unfamiliar territory.越野识途比赛:一种参赛人在比赛中运用地图和罗盘在不熟悉的地区找到前进道路的越野比赛〔speed〕I'm not up to speed on these issues yet.我对这些事情还不熟悉〔new〕ideas new to her; visiting new places.对她来说是新思想;参观不熟悉的地方〔unknown〕Not known; unfamiliar:未知的:未被人知晓的;不熟悉的:〔unfamiliar〕unfamiliar with the roads here.对这里的路不熟悉〔unfamiliar〕Not being acquainted with; not conversant:不熟悉的;不认识的:〔unacquainted〕Not familiar or acquainted with another.不熟悉或不相识的〔strange〕 Strange refers especially to what is unfamiliar, unknown, or inexplicable: Strange 尤指不熟悉的,不知道的或无法解释的事物: |
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