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单词 不尊敬
释义 〔irreverence〕Lack of reverence or due respect.不虔诚,不尊敬:缺乏虔诚或应有的尊敬〔irreverence〕A disrespectful act or remark.无礼:不尊敬的行为或言辞〔irreverent〕Lacking or exhibiting a lack of reverence; disrespectful.不虔诚的;不尊敬的:缺乏或显出缺乏虔诚的;不尊敬〔disrespectful〕Having or exhibiting a lack of respect; rude and discourteous.失礼的;无礼的:具有或表现出不尊敬的;粗鲁无礼的〔slighting〕Conveying or constituting a slight; belittling:轻蔑的,不尊敬的:表达或含有轻蔑的;轻视的:〔nap〕The famous verse 4 in Psalm 121,rendered in the King James Version as "Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep,”is rendered in a Middle English translation as "Loo, ha shal not nappen ne slepen that kepeth ireal.”The wordnappen is indeed the Middle English ancestor of our wordnap. Lest it be thought undignified to say that God could nap,it must be realized that our wordnap was at one time not associated only with the younger and older members of society nor simply with short periods of rest.The ancestors of our word,Old Englishhnappian and its descendant, Middle Englishnappen, could both refer to prolonged periods of sleep as well as short ones and also, as in the quotation from Psalm 121, to sleepiness.But these senses have been lost.Since the word has become less dignified,we would not findnap used in a translation of Psalm 121 any longer. 圣经诗篇121中著名的第四节,在钦定圣经译本中记为“看吧,他,守卫以色列的人既不能熟睡也不能打盹,”在中世纪英语中被译为"Loo , ha shal not nappen ne slepen that kepeth ireal"。单词nappen 在中世纪英语中就存在, 是单词nap 的前身。 避免人们不尊敬地认为上帝也能打盹,我们必须认识到单词nap 某些时候不只是与社会中的年轻人和老年人相关, 当然它也不仅指短暂的休息。这个单词的前身,古英语中hnappian 及后来它的衍生词, 中世纪英语中的nappen 都能表示延长时间的睡眠及短暂的睡眠, 如同圣经诗篇121中的引语,表示小睡。但这些意思都已经失传了。因为这个单词逐渐变得不再神圣,我们已无法再找到nap 用于圣经诗篇121的翻译中的意思了 〔ungodly〕Not revering God; impious.不敬神的:不尊敬上帝的;不敬神的〔sacrilegious〕Grossly irreverent toward what is or is held to be sacred.See Synonyms at profane 渎圣的:对于神圣的或被认为是神圣的东西极大地不尊敬的 参见 profane〔disrespect〕disrespected her elders; disrespected the law.她不尊敬长者;蔑视法律〔profane〕These adjectives mean showing or marked by irreverence or contempt for what is sacred.这些形容词的意思是显示出或特征为对神圣事物不尊敬或鄙视的。〔disrespect〕Lack of respect, esteem, or courteous regard.不尊敬,无礼,轻蔑〔disrespect〕To show a lack of respect for:不尊敬,蔑视:表现出对…不尊重:〔profane〕To treat with irreverence:亵渎,不敬:不尊敬地对待:〔saucy〕Impertinent or disrespectful.无礼的:粗鲁的和不尊敬〔profane〕 Sacrilegious implies the profanation or desecration of what is or is held to be sacred: Sacrilegious 暗含亵渎或不尊敬被奉为神圣的事物的意思: 〔gringo〕The wordgringo is an offensive term in Latin America for a foreigner, particularly an American or English person.But the word existed in Spanish before this particular sense came into being.In fact,gringo may be an alteration of the word griego, the Spanish development of LatinGraecus, "Greek.” Griego first meant "Greek, Grecian,”as an adjective and "Greek, Greek language,” as a noun.The saying "It's Greek to me" exists in Spanish,as it does in English,and helps us understand whygriego came to mean "unintelligible language" and perhaps, by further extension of this idea,"stranger, that is, one who speaks a foreign language.”The altered formgringo lost touch with Greek but has the senses "unintelligible language,” "foreigner, especially an English person,”and in Latin America, "North American or Britisher.”Its first recorded English use (1849) is in John Woodhouse Audubon'sWestern Journal: "We were hooted and shouted at as we passed through, and called ‘Gringoes.’”在拉丁美洲,gringo 一词是对外国人, 尤其是英美人的不尊敬的称呼。但在有这一特定含义之前这个词已存在于西班牙语之中。事实上,gringo 也许是 griego 一词的变体, 而后者则是西班牙语对拉丁语中Graecus “希腊的”一词的发展。 Griego 开始作形容词时意为“希腊的”; 作名词时意为“希腊,希腊语”。在西班牙语中也有“这对我来说象希腊语一样”的说法,这同英语中一样。这就帮我们理解为什么griego 开始有“胡说八道”的意思, 随着这层意思地延伸,就指“陌生人,即一个讲外语的人”。gringo 的变体已与希腊毫无关系而却有了“胡说八道”、 “外国人,尤指讲英语的人”等含义;在拉丁美洲它更指“北美人或英国人”。此词有记载的第一次在英语中的运用(1849年)是在约翰·伍德豪斯·奥杜邦的西部游记 中: “我们走过时四周都是叫喊声、怪叫声和‘外国佬’的叫骂声”




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