单词 | 不定式 |
释义 | 〔go〕Used in the progressive tense with an infinitive to indicate future intent or expectation:将要,打算:用于进行时与不定式连用,表示将来的打算,期望:〔ragout〕a [to] from Latin ad * see ad- a [动词不定式符号to] 源自 拉丁语 ad * 参见 ad-〔convince〕 If the distinction is accepted, thenconvince should not be used with an infinitive: 如果这一区别被接受的话,那么convince 就不应和不定式连用: 〔use〕Used in the past tense followed byto in order to indicate a former state, habitual practice, or custom: 用于过去时,后接to (不定式),表示过去的状态,习惯做法或习俗: 〔liable〕Liable, apt, and likely are often used interchangeably in constructions with following infinitives, as inJohn is liable to lose, John is apt to lose, and John is likely to lose. The three words are distinct in meaning.A widely repeated rule holdsthatliable should only be used if the subject would be adversely affected by the outcome expressed by the infinitive. The rule therefore permitsJohn is liable to fall out of his chair if he doesn't sit up straight but notThe chair is liable to be slippery, though constructions of the latter type have long been common in reputable writing.Apt usually suggests that the subject has a natural tendency enhancing the probability of an outcome, and that the speaker is in some way apprehensive about the outcome.Thusapt is more naturally used in a sentence like The fuel pump is apt to give out at any minute than in Even the clearest instructions are apt to be misinterpreted by those idiots (since the instructions are not at fault)or inThe fuel pump is apt to give you no problems for the life of the car (since there is no reason that the speaker should regard such an outcome as unfortunate).Likely is more general than either liable or apt. It ascribes no particular property to the subject that enhances the probability of the outcome:whileJohn is apt to lose the election may suggest that the loss will result from something John does or fails to do, John is likely to lose the election does not. Nor does it suggest anything about the desirability of the outcome from the point of view of either the speaker or the subject.A football coach who saysWe are apt to win may be suspected of sarcasm,and one who saysWe are liable to win may be suspected of having bet on the opposition;onlyWe are likely to win is consistent with the expression of an unambivalent expectation of victory. See Usage Note at likely Liable,apt 和 likely 在如下不定式结构中经常可以互换, 例如 John is liable to lose,John is apt to lose 和 John is likely to lose 。 这三个词的意思是有区别的。一条公认的语法规则认为,只有当主语受不定式所表示的动作或结果的不利影响时,才使用liable 。 因此这条规则允许说如果约翰不坐直身子的话,他很容易从椅子上掉下来的 , 但不允许说椅子可能很滑 , 尽管在规范的写作中,后一种类型的句型已经很普遍了。Apt 通常表示主语有增加某种结果的可能性的自然倾向, 而且说话者对此结果多少有些忧虑。因此,apt 用在句子 燃料泵可能随时停止运转 中,比用在 即使是最明了的指令也有可能被那些白痴误解 中更自然 (因为错的不是指令),也比用在燃料可能不会对你的车的使用寿命带来什么问题 中更合适 (因为说话者没有理由认为这样一个结果很不幸)。Likely 比 liable 或 apt 更具概括性。 它并不说明增加了一个结果的可能性的主语是否具有何特性:句子约翰在选举中可能会失败 可能暗示失败归因于约翰所做的或没能做的某件事, 而句子约翰在选举中有可能失败 则没有这种暗示。 另外,它也没有关于说话者或主语是否喜欢某一结果的暗示。如果一位足球教练说We are apt to win , 他可能带有讽刺意味,但如果他说We are liable to win , 他的意思是他认为他们可能会输;只有说We are likely to win ,才明确表示有希望获胜 参见 likely〔wish〕Wish is widely used as a polite substitute for want with infinitives: Wish 已广泛地成为与不定式连用表示 want 的礼貌的代替语。 〔particle〕An uninflected item that has grammatical function but does not clearly belong to one of the major parts of speech, such asup in look up or to in English infinitives. 不变词:有语法功能但不明确地归于某个主要词类的无变化词,如up 在 look up 中或 to 在英语不定式中 〔lunge〕a [to] from Latin ad * see ad- a [对…,表不定式的词] 源自 拉丁语 ad * 参见 ad-〔fix〕Fixing to ranks with y'all as one of the best known markers of Southern dialects, although it seems to be making its way into the informal speech and writing of non-Southerners. Fixing to means "to be on the verge of or in preparation for (doing a given thing),” but like the modal auxiliaries, it has only a single invariant form and is not fully inflected like other verbs. Its form is always the present participle followed by the infinitive marker to : They were fixing to leave without me. Semantically, fixing to can refer only to events that immediately follow the speaker's point of reference. One cannot say, "We're fixing to have a baby in a couple of years.” Fixing to 与 y'all 齐名,都是南方方言的典型代表,但它开始也在非南方人不正式的讲话和写作中运用。 Fixing to 意指“向…报仇或准备好(做交给的事情)”,但它与情态动词一样,只有一种变形形式,不象其它动词那样有完整的一套词尾变形。它常用带动词不定式的符号 to 加现在分词的形式: 他们正准备不等我就离开。 从语义上来看, fixing to 仅用于紧跟在说话者观点后的事情。不能说,“我们准备在近几年内要个孩子” 〔to〕Used before a verb to indicate the infinitive:用在动词前表示不定式:〔convince〕In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel held that this distinction should be maintained,but the use ofconvince with an infinitive has become increasingly common even among reputable writers, and it is unlikely that this stricture can be maintained for much longer.在更早的一次调查中,用法专题使用小组成员的大多数人认为这一区别应当保持,但是甚至在知名作家中convince 和不定式连用的用法也已变得日渐普遍起来, 这一限制不可能会保持很久〔be〕Used with the infinitive of a verb to express intention, obligation, or future action:与动词不定式连用表示倾向、义务或将来的动作:〔give〕To guide or direct, as by persuasion or behavior. Used with an infinitive phrase:促使,引起:通过劝说或行为来带领或指引。用于不定式词组中:〔raffinose〕affiner [to refine] from Old French a- [to] from Latin ad- * see ad- fin [fine] from Old French * see fine 1affiner [提炼] 源自 古法语 a- [动词不定式符号to] 源自 拉丁语 ad- * 参见 ad- fin [好的] 源自 古法语 * 参见 fine1〔to〕Used alone when the infinitive is understood:当别人已知道不定式部分时单独使用:〔want〕Whenwant is followed immediately by an infinitive construction, it does not take for : I want you to go (not want for you ). When want and the infinitive are separated in the sentence, however, for is used: What I want is for you to go. I want very much for you to go. See Usage Note at wish 当want 后紧跟一个不定式结构的时候,它不能接 for : I want you to go(我希望你走) (不是 want for you )。但是当 want 和不定式在句中分开的时候, for 就用于此: 我所希望的是你离开。我非常希望你离开 参见 wish〔infinitive〕From Middle English infinitif [of an infinitive] 源自 中古英语 infinitif [不定式的] 〔kwacha〕kw- [infinitive pref.] kw- [不定式前缀] 〔infinitive〕A verb form that functions as a substantive while retaining certain verbal characteristics, such as modification by adverbs, and that in English may be preceded byto, as in To go willingly is to show strength or We want him to work harder, or may also occur without to, as in She had them read the letter or We may finish today. See Usage Note at split infinitive 不定式:一种动词的形式,起名词作用而又保持了某些动词的特征,如由副词来修饰。在英语中,不定式由to 引导,比如 愿意去是为了显示力量 或 我们希望他工作更加努力 ,也可不带 to ,如 她让他们看那封信 或 我们可以今天结束 参见 split infinitive |
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