单词 | 不好 |
释义 | 〔corner〕a truck that corners poorly.转弯角度不好的卡车〔call〕To stop or postpone (a game) because of bad weather, darkness, or other adverse conditions.停止或延期比赛:由于天气不好、天黑或其它不利条件而停止或推迟(一场比赛)〔ill〕In a sickly or unsound manner; not well.恶劣地:以一种病态的或不好的方式;不好地〔indifferent〕Being neither good nor bad; mediocre:一般的,平凡的:既不好也不差的;中等的:〔naive〕 Simple stresses absence of complexity, artifice, pretentiousness, or dissimulation;it may imply a favorable quality, such as openness of character, or an unfavorable one, such as lack of good sense: Simple 强调不复杂、无巧饰、不伪装或不掩饰;它也可以含有好的品质(如性格开朗)或不好的品质(如缺乏好的鉴赏力): 〔outwear〕"He . . . may outwear those unattractive qualities of character"(Westminster Gazette)“随着一天长大,他也许会改掉那些不好的品格”(威斯敏斯特公报)〔skimp〕To deal with hastily, carelessly, or with poor material:敷衍:匆忙地、马马虎虎地或用不好的材料处理:〔frowzy〕Having an unpleasant smell; musty:有不好闻气味的;霉臭的:〔ax〕Ax, a common nonstandard variant of ask, is often identified as an especially salient feature of African American Vernacular English. While it is true that the form is frequent in the speech of African Americans, it used to be common in the speech of white Americans as well, especially in New England. This should not be surprising since ax is a very old word in English, having been used in England for over 1,000 years. In Old English we find both āscian and ācsian, and in Middle English both asken and axen. Moreover, the forms with cs or x had no stigma associated with them. Chaucer used asken and axen interchangeably, as in the lines "I wol aske, if it hir will be/To be my wyf" and "Men axed hym, what sholde bifalle,” both from The Canterbury Tales. The forms in x arose from the forms in sk by a linguistic process called metathesis, in which two sounds are reversed. The x thus represents (ks), the flipped version of (sk). Metathesis is a common linguistic process around the world and does not arise from a defect in speaking. Nevertheless, ax has become stigmatized as substandard—a fate that has befallen other words, like ain't, that were once perfectly acceptable in literate circles. ask 的一般非标准变体 ax 常被认为是美国黑人英语极为显著的特色。尽管美国黑人在交谈中的确使用ax这种形式,但美国白人也在口语中普遍使用它,尤其是新英格兰的白人。不必对此表示惊奇,因为 ax 是个很古老的英语词汇,在英语中至少使用了1000年以上。古英语中有 āscian 和 ācsian, ,中古英语中有 asken 和 axen 。而且,带 cs 或 x 的形式同不好的含义无关。乔叟在下文中交替使用 asken 和 axen :"I wol aske, if it hir will be/To be my wyf(我问道,这是真是幻/将成为我的妻子)”和"Men axed hym, what sholde bifalle(人们问他,会降临什么)”,这两句话都出自 《坎特伯利故事集》 。带 sk 的形式经由 换位 的语言过程产生带 x 的形式,换位就是将两个音位置颠倒。因此 x 表示(ks)的发音,即(sk)的翻转发音。换位是世界通用的语言过程并且不会造成交谈中的欠缺。但 ax 已被记作非标准用法──同样降临在曾一度被知识界完全接受的其它单词(如 ain't )的命运 〔paper〕It is a good team on paper, but its members play poorly together.在理论上它是一支不错的队,可是队员们配合不好〔unfriendly〕Indicating a bad prospect; unfavorable:不利的,不祥之兆的:指示不好的前途的;不利的:〔scrub〕An undersized or poorly developed domestic animal.低劣的家畜:矮小的或生长不好的家畜〔parody〕Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty:拙劣的模仿,滑稽的模仿:模仿得不好以至不能与当初打算做的嘲弄相提并论的东西;拙劣的模仿作品:〔deportation〕The act or an instance of deporting.驱逐(不好的外国人)出境:驱逐的行为或举止〔split〕Let's split up into teams. This poem doesn't split up into stanzas very well.让我们分成小组。这首诗分节分得不好〔in〕got in bad with their supervisor.与监督者相处得不好〔snooker〕To lead (another) into a situation in which all possible choices are undesirable; trap.欺骗:(把某人)带入一种各种选择都不好的境地;诓骗〔ugly〕Marked by or inclined to anger or bad feelings; cross or disagreeable:脾气坏的:倾向于发怒或不好的感觉的;脾气坏的或令人不快的:〔impact〕Each generation of critics seems to select one particular usage to stand as the emblem of what they view as linguistic crassness.Thirty years ago it was the use ofcontact as a verb, but opposition to that form has more or less disappeared,and attention now focuses on the verbal use ofimpact meaning "have an effect, affect.” Eighty-four percent of the Usage Panel disapproves of the constructionto impact on, as in the phrasesocial pathologies, common to the inner city, that impact heavily on such a community; and fully 95 percent disapproves of the use ofimpact as a transitive verb in the sentence Companies have used disposable techniques that have a potential for impacting our health. But even these figures do not reflect the degree of distaste with which critics view the usage:in their comments some Panelists labeled the usage as "bureaucratic,” "pretentious,” "vile,” and "a vulgarism.” ·It may be that the particular pretentiousness associated with the verbal use ofimpact is caused by its derivation from an already questionable metaphoric use of the noun impact, as in phrases such asthe political impact of the decision or the impact of the program on the community, in which no more is usually meant than might have been expressed by effects or consequences. But thoughimpact may have begun life a generation ago as an inflated substitute for "affect significantly,” it has by now become so common in corporate and institutional contexts that younger speakers appear to regard it as wholly standard and straightforward usage.Within a few years, accordingly,the usage is likely to be no more objectionable thancontact is now, since it will no longer betray any particular pretentiousness on the part of those who use it.See Usage Note at contact 每一代的批评家好象都挑了一个特别的用法作为他们认为的语言上的愚蠢行为的象征。三十年以前是contact 作为动词的用法, 但是对这种形式的反对或多或少已经消失了,注意力现在集中到了impact 意思为“有不好的影响、影响”的动词用法上。 用法专题小组成员中百分之八十四不同意to impact on 的结构, 如在短语对内城区来说很普通的社会病理学,对这样一个社区产生了很大影响的 当中; 百分之九十五的成员完全不同意impact 在句子 公司已经使用了可能会对我们的健康产生不良影响的易处理技术 中当作及物动词来使用。 但是即使是这些数字也没有反映出批评家们对这种用法厌恶的程度:在他们的评论当中有些成员把这种用法说成是“官僚主义的”、“装腔作势的”,“可耻的”,还说这是“粗鄙的语言。”也许和impact 的动词用法有关联的虚饰成份是由于它是从名词 impact 的一个早有争议的比喻用法衍变而来造成的。 如在短语这个决定在政治上的影响 或者 这个计划对公众的影响 中它的意思并没有比用 effects 或者 consequences 表达出来的意思要多。 尽管impact 作为“明显地影响”的夸大了的替代可能在一代人之前开始产生, 但是现在的年轻一代使用者看上去把它当成了完全标准的、直接的用法,这在共同的和惯例的文章中已经很普遍了。相应地在几年内,这种用法很有可能不比今天的contact 更引起反对, 因为对于那些使用它的人来说这不会再显得有点矫揉造作了 参见 contact〔hurt〕"It never hurt to have a friend at court"(Tom Clancy)“有个在法院工作的朋友没什么不好”(汤姆·克兰西)〔bad〕weighing the good against the bad.衡量好与不好的事〔save〕The house would be finished by now, save that we had difficulty contracting a roofer.要不是我们找屋顶工人不好找,房子现在早就盖好了〔curtain〕"If the employee doesn't shape up, it's curtains"(Business Week)“如果雇员表现不好,就会被解雇”(商务周刊)〔anabaena〕Any of various freshwater algae of the genusAnabaena that sometimes occur in drinking water and cause a bad taste and odor. 项圈藻:项圈藻 属的各种淡水藻类,有时出现在饮用水中产生不好的味道和气味 〔rocky〕After a somewhat rocky start, the team went on to win the state championships.这个球队开始打得不好但后来获得了国家冠军〔cull〕To remove rejected members or parts from (a herd, for example).去掉,剔除:从(如牧群等)中剔除不好的成员或部分〔number〕The crowd was small in number. A number of people complained about the poor lighting in the museum.那群人的人数并不多。许多人抱怨博物馆照明不好〔malodor〕A bad odor; a stench.See Synonyms at stench 恶臭:不好的气味;恶臭 参见 stench〔malocclusion〕Faulty contact between the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed.错位咬合:当上下颚咬合时上齿和下齿接合不好的〔tremolo〕A vibrato in singing, often excessive or poorly controlled.颤音:唱歌中的颤音,通常指过度的或控制不好的〔soft〕Out of condition; flabby.松弛的:保存不好的;不结实的〔unwell〕Being in poor health; sick.健康状态不好的;生病的〔weak〕a weak student; weak in math.功课不好的学生;数学差〔average〕"One and the same thing can at the same time be good, bad, and indifferent, e.g., music is good to the melancholy, bad to those who mourn, and neither good nor bad to the deaf" (Spinoza).Something that istolerable is merely acceptable: “同一件事物在同一时间可以是好的、坏的、一般的,例如,音乐对忧郁者来说是好的,对悲哀者来说是坏的,对耳聋者来说既不好也不坏” (斯宾诺莎)。tolerable 只指可接受的事物: 〔exorcise〕To free from evil spirits or malign influences.驱邪:摆脱邪恶的灵魂或不好的影响〔taint〕To affect with a tinge of something reprehensible.使染有不好的气味〔stinko〕Of poor or inferior quality.蹩脚的:质量不好或低下的〔ozostomia〕From Greek ozostomos [having bad breath] 源自 希腊语 ozostomos [有不好的呼吸] 〔infliction〕The act or process of imposing or meting out something unpleasant.施以,加诸:将不好的东西强加或摊派的动作或过程〔bad〕The adverbbadly is often used as the complement of verbs such as feel, as inI felt badly about the whole affair, where the choice ofbadly as opposed to bad may convey an implication that the distress is emotional, rather than physical.Although the origin of this usage is a matter of dispute,the usage is now widespread and is supported by analogy to the use of other adverbs withfeel (as inWe feel strongly about this issue ). In an earlier survey,a majority of the Usage Panel accepted this use ofbadly in speech, thoughbad is less likely to occasion objections. · Badly is also used in some regions to mean "unwell,” as inHe was looking badly after the accident (comparepoorly, which is also used in this way). In an earlier survey, however, the usage was found unacceptable in formal writing by 75 percent of the Usage Panel.副词badly 常用作动词的补充,如 feel, 在句子我对整个事件感觉很糟 中, 选择badly 作为与 bad 的对立, 可能传达暗示这一压制的感觉是感情上的而不是身体上的。尽管对这一用法的起源有过争议,但现在已很普遍并被其他带动词feel 的类比词所支持, (如我们对这观点的感受很强烈 )。 在早期调查中,用法小组大多数接受在口语中使用badly , 尽管bad 相对不会引起异议。 Badly 也被有些地区用来表示“不好”,如在他在事故后看上去很糟 (和poorly 比较,也是同样用法)。 但在早期讨论中,75的用法专门小组成员不接受在正式书面语中使用这种形式 |
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