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单词 下面
释义 〔underwood〕Shrubs and small trees growing beneath taller trees; underbrush.林下灌丛:生长在高树下面的灌木和小树;灌木丛〔supply〕sub- [from below] * see sub- sub- [从下面] * 参见 sub-〔cerebellum〕The trilobed structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance.小脑:脑的三裂叶状组织,位于脑桥和延髓之后脑半球的枕叶下面,负责调节和协调复杂的自发肌肉运动,同时负责保持身体姿势的平衡〔sublunary〕Latin sub- [sub-] 拉丁语 sub- [前缀,表示“在下面”] 〔meadowlark〕Any of various songbirds of the genusSturnella of North America, especially S. magna, the eastern meadowlark, and S. neglecta, the western meadowlark, having brownish plumage, a yellow breast, and a black crescent-shaped marking beneath the throat. 草地鹨:一种产于北美洲的草地鹨 属鸣鸟,尤指东部草地鹨的 东美草地鹨, 和西部草地鹨的 西美草地鹨 ,长有深褐色羽毛,胸部为黄色,喉部下面有黑色新月形标记 〔nilgai〕A large, long-legged antelope(Boselaphus tragocamelus) of India, the male of which has short, sturdy horns and a tuft of long hair under the chin. 鹿牛羚:印度产的一种大型长腿羚羊(鹿牛羚 羚羊属) ,雄兽生有短且强健的角且下鄂部下面有一撮长毛 〔anesthesia〕The following passage, written on November 21, 1846, by Oliver Wendell Holmes,a physician-poet and the father of the Supreme Court justice of the same name,allows us to pinpoint the entry ofanesthesia and anesthetic into English: "Every body wants to have a hand in a great discovery. All I will do is to give you a hint or two as to names—or the name—to be applied to the state produced and the agent. The state should, I think, be called ‘Anaesthesia’ [from the Greek word anaisthēsia, "lack of sensation"]. This signifies insensibility . . . The adjective will be ‘Anaesthetic.’ Thus we might say the state of Anaesthesia, or the anaesthetic state.”This citation is taken from a letter to William Thomas Green Morton,who in October of that year had successfully demonstrated the use of ether at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.Althoughanaesthesia is recorded in Nathan Bailey's Universal Etymological English Dictionary in 1721, it is clear that Holmes really was responsible for its entry into the language.TheOxford English Dictionary has several citations for anesthesia and anesthetic in 1847 and 1848, indicating that the words gained rapid acceptance.下面是奥立佛·万德·霍姆斯写于1846年11月21的一段话。作者是个诗人医生和与其同名的最高法庭法官的父亲。这段话能使我们断定anesthesia 和 anesthetic 进入英语的背景: “每个人都希望能够参与一次伟大的发现。我所要做的是告诉你一两个提示去命名,或能被应用于某种状态的名称。我认为这种状态应该被叫做Anaesthesia [从希腊词anaisthesia “感觉缺失”发展而来]。 这个词表示无感觉…其形容词应该是‘Anaesthetic’。这样我们可以说感觉缺失的状态或感觉缺失”。这段话是从寄给威廉·托马斯·格林·莫顿的一封信上摘录下的,莫顿同年十月在波士顿的马萨诸塞总医院曾成功使用了醚。尽管南森·巴利于1721年把anaethesia 选入了 通用英语词源词典 , 但是很显然是霍姆斯首先把这个词引入英语。牛津英语词典 上有几处引用了1847年和1848年有 anesthesia 和 anesthetic 的句子, 说明这两个词很快就被人们所接受〔netherworld〕The world of the dead; Hades.下面的世界:死人的世界;地狱〔subside〕sub- [sub-] sub- [前缀,表示“下面”] 〔subterranean〕sub- [sub-] sub- [前缀,表示“在下面”] 〔suppository〕from Latin suppositus [past participle of] suppōnere [to put under] * see suppose 源自 拉丁语 suppositus suppōnere的过去分词 [放在…下面] * 参见 suppose〔pad〕The cushionlike flesh on the underpart of the toes and feet of many animals.趾肉:许多动物的脚趾和脚下面的象垫子状的肉〔underpass〕A passage underneath something, especially a section of road that passes under another road or a railroad.地道:在某物下面的通道,尤指穿过另一道路或铁路下面的一段道路〔subpoena〕Latin sub [under] * see sub- 拉丁语 sub [在…下面] * 参见 sub-〔Loafer〕"Under the . . . private label, there is a simple black patent loafer for $175"(New York Times)"Popular looks for men include: knee-length shorts worn with a blazer, white socks and loafers; or turtlenecks, often white"(San Francisco Chronicle)"The groom wore jeans, loafers and no socks"(Sports Illustrated)“在那张隐蔽的标签下面,摆着一双价值175美元的简洁而新颖的黑色路夫便鞋”(纽约时报)“男人流行的打扮包括:长至膝高的短裤,单排扣运动上衣,白色短袜和路夫皮鞋;或只穿一件白色高圆领绒衣”(旧金山记事)“马夫穿着仔衣和路夫皮鞋,没穿袜子”(运动插图)〔succinct〕from Latin succīnctus [past participle of] succingere [to gird from below] 源自 拉丁语 succīnctus succingere的过去分词 [从下面用带子束紧] 〔under〕a rug under a chair.椅子下面的小地毯〔below〕In or to a lower place; beneath.在下面:在或到较低位置;在下面〔secondo〕from Latin secundus [second, following] * see sek w- 1源自 拉丁语 secundus [第二,下面的] * 参见 sek w- 1〔undermine〕To dig a mine or tunnel beneath.在下面挖矿或挖隧道〔bloomer〕A costume formerly worn by women and girls that was composed of loose trousers gathered about the ankles and worn under a short skirt.布卢姆服:妇女和少女以前的一种装束,由束紧在脚踝的宽松裤组成,并且穿在短裙的下面〔inviolable〕an inviolable reliquary deep beneath the altar.圣坛下面不可亵渎的圣骨盒〔underneath〕On the lower face or underside.在下面,在下层〔turn〕To change the position of so that the underside becomes the upper side:翻转:改变…的位置而使下面的成为上面的:〔bed〕A supporting, underlying, or securing part, especially:底座:一个支撑,垫在下面的或固定的部分,尤指:〔under〕In a lower position or place than:在…下面:在比…低的位置或地方上:〔beetle〕Any of numerous insects of the order Coleoptera, having biting mouthparts and forewings modified to form horny coverings that protect the underlying pair of membranous hind wings when at rest.甲虫:一种甲壳虫类昆虫,具有锐利的嘴部和可变为角质形式的前翼,用来保护休息时收在它下面的一对很薄的后翼〔beneath〕In a lower place; below.在下方;在下面〔prop〕An object placed beneath or against a structure to keep it from falling or shaking; a support.支撑物:放在结构下面或紧靠结构的物体,目的是防止结构落下或抖动;支撑物〔plow〕To cause to vanish under something piled up.隐匿不见:使消失于被堆积起来的东西下面〔underneath〕Under the power or control of.在…下面:在…领导或控制下〔slug〕Any of various small, snaillike, chiefly terrestrial gastropod mollusks of the genusLimax and related genera, having a slow-moving elongated body with no shell or only a flat rudimentary shell on or under the skin. 蛞蝓蛞蝓 属和相关的几个属的小型软体动物,象蜗牛,主要为陆生腹足纲,移动缓慢,身体可以拉长,没有外壳,或在皮肤表面或下面有扁平的、发育不全的壳 〔sierozem〕Any of a group of soils found in cool to temperate arid regions that is brownish gray at the surface with a lighter layer below and is based in a carbonate or hardpan layer.灰钙土:一种发现于从凉爽到温带干旱地区的土壤,表面为灰褐色,下面一层颜色稍淡,存在碳化或硬土层之中〔scotch〕A block or wedge used as a prop behind or under an object likely to roll.楔子:作为一支撑物放在好象要滚动的物体后面或下面的石头或楔形物〔news〕If you take the first letters of the directions North, East, West, and South,it is true that you have the letters of the wordnews, but it is not true that you have the etymology ofnews, contrary to what has often been thought. The history of the word is much less clever than this and not at all unexpected.News is simply the plural of the noun new, which we use, for example, in the adage "Out with the old, in with the new.”The first recorded user of this plural to mean "tidings" may have been James I of Scotland;a work possibly written by him around 1437 contains the words "Awak . . . I bring The [thee] newis [news] glad.”It is pleasant to see that the first news was good.However, his descendant James I of England is the first person recorded (1616) to have said"No newis is better than evill newis,”or as we would put it, "No news is good news.”如果你取北、东、西、南四个单词各自的首字母,就得到单词news 的所有字母, 但是这并非news 的出处。 这个词的历史远比这巧妙且不是完全不可想象的。News 是名词 new 的复数形式, 举例来说,我们在谚语“旧的去了,新的来了”中使用了这个词。关于把这个词的复数作为“音讯”来用的最早记录是苏格兰的詹姆士一世,在他写的一本约1437年的书里有这样的话语“阿瓦克……,我给你带来好消息,”看到第一条是好消息是很让人高兴的。然而,他的后代英格兰的詹姆士一世却是记载(1616年)最先说出下面的话的人:“没有消息比坏消息好”或者如我们所说的“没有消息就是好消息”〔ironic〕though some Panelists noted that this particular usage might be acceptable if Susie had in fact moved to California in order to find a husband,in which case the story could be taken as exemplifying the folly of supposing that we can know what fate has in store for us).By contrast,73 percent accepted the sentence 虽然一些成员注意到如果苏茜搬到加利福尼亚的目的确是为寻找一位丈夫的话,那么这一句的用法还是可以接受的,因为这个故事可视为代表了这样一种愚行,认为我们能够知道命运为我们保留着什么)。与此形成对照的是,百分之七十三的成员接受了下面这句话 〔dentin〕The main, calcareous part of a tooth, beneath the enamel and surrounding the pulp chamber and root canals.牙质,齿质:牙齿主要的钙质部分,在珐琅质下面,牙髓周围,植根于牙床的管道内〔under〕Located or situated on a lower level or beneath something else:下面的:处于或置于一较低平面或…以下的:〔disinterested〕Despite critical disapproval, disinterested has come to be widely used by many educated writers to mean "uninterested" or "having lost interest,”as inSince she discovered skiing, she is disinterested in her schoolwork (a sense it had at an earlier stage of English, but which had in the interim become outmoded).Many maintain that the word can legitimately be used only in its sense of "having no stake in (an outcome or issue),”as inSince the judge stands to profit from the sale of the company, she cannot be considered a disinterested party in the dispute. In our most recent survey,89 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the sentence 尽管批评界的不赞成, disinterested 已逐渐成为许多有学识的作家们广泛用来指“不感兴趣的”或“失去兴趣的”,如在因为发现了滑雪这一运动,她就对功课失去了兴趣 (该词在英语的早期阶段就有这个词义,但在过渡时间,该词义已不再用)许多人认为在法律上该词只可用来表示“与(结果或事件)无利害关系,”如因为法官站在这一方是为了从公司所售物品中获利,她不能被看作是在这场争论中无任何关系的一方。 在最近的统计中,用法专题使用小组中百分之八十九的成员不接受下面的句子 〔Gomorrah〕An ancient city of Palestine near Sodom, possibly covered by the waters of the Dead Sea. According to the Old Testament, the city was destroyed by fire because of its wickedness.哥摩拉城:索达姆旁边的巴勒斯坦古代城市,现在可能位于死海下面。据旧约圣经记载,这座城市因其居民罪恶深重而毁于一场大火




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