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单词 下垂
释义 〔wilt〕To become limp or flaccid; droop:使枯萎:变得软垂而不挺括;下垂〔flagging〕Languid; drooping.萎靡的;下垂〔linden〕Any of various deciduous shade trees of the genusTilia having heart-shaped leaves, drooping cymose clusters of yellowish, often fragrant flowers, and peduncles united into a large lingulate bract. Also called basswood ,lime 2椴树:一种椴树属 落叶遮荫树木,长有心形叶,下垂的浅黄色聚伞状花序,通常花朵芳香,花梗下端有巨大舌状苞片 也作 basswood,lime2〔droop〕To bend or sag gradually:逐渐弯曲或下垂〔eyelift〕Cosmetic plastic surgery of the tissue surrounding the eye to reduce or eliminate folds, wrinkles, and sags.眼部活力霜:美容整形外科的细胞组织,置于眼的周围来减少或消除皱纹、褶痕或下垂〔baobab〕A tropical African tree(Adansonia digitata) having a swollen trunk that stores water, palmately compound leaves, and long, hanging, hard-shelled fruits. 猴面包树:一种热带非洲树木(猴面包树 猴面包树属) ,有储水的膨大树干、掌状复叶和长而下垂的硬壳果实 〔pendent〕Hanging down; dangling; suspended.下垂的;吊着的;悬挂的〔ptosis〕Abnormal lowering or drooping of an organ or a part, especially a drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle weakness or paralysis.下垂:一个器官或器官的一部分不正常的下降或垂落,尤其指由肌肉松弛或麻痹引起的上眼睑的下垂〔heavy〕heavy lids.因困倦而下垂的眼皮〔yellowwood〕A deciduous tree(Cladrastis lutea) of the southeast United States, having pinnately compound leaves, drooping clusters of white flowers, and yellow wood yielding a yellow dye. 黄香槐:产于美国东南部的一种落叶树(美洲香槐 香槐属) ,长有羽状的复叶、下垂白色花簇和产黄色染料的黄色树木 〔lungwort〕Any of various plants of the genusMertensia, such as the Virginia cowslip, having drooping clusters of tubular, usually blue flowers. 弗吉尼亚滨瓣庆:一种滨紫草 属的植物,比如弗吉尼亚黄花九轮草,有下垂的一簇簇的管,通常开蓝色花 〔prolapse〕The falling down or slipping out of place of an organ or part, such as the uterus.下垂,脱垂:整个或部分器官,比如子宫,从应在位置滑落或滑出〔heavy〕Weighed down; burdened:下垂的:沉沉下垂的;重负的:〔stoop〕To bend or sag downward.下弯:向下弯身或下垂〔sag〕To sink, droop, or settle from pressure or weight.下垂:因压力或重力而下沉、下垂或停留〔pinesap〕A fleshy white or reddish plant(Monotropa hypopithys) growing as a saprophyte or parasite on tree roots and having racemes with a few drooping flowers. 水晶兰:一种肉质的白色或红色植物(毛花松下兰 水晶兰属) ,靠长在树根上的腐生物和寄生生物而生长,有一些具总状花序的下垂花朵 〔droop〕The act or condition of drooping.下垂的动作或状态〔sourwood〕A deciduous tree(Oxydendrum arboreum) of the eastern United States, having drooping terminal panicles of small, white, urn-shaped flowers. Also called sorrel tree 酸树:一种每年落叶的乔木(酸叶树 杜鹃花科) ,生长于美国东部,开白色 小花,内有下垂的顶生圆锥花序 也作 sorrel tree〔dewlap〕A fold of loose skin hanging from the neck of certain animals.下垂的皮:某些动物颈部下垂的一块松软的皮肤形成的褶痕〔loppy〕Hanging limp; pendulous.下垂的:松松挂着的;悬垂摇摆不定的〔tippet〕A covering for the shoulders, as of fur, with long ends that hang in front.披肩:由皮毛等制成的覆盖肩部的覆盖物,长长的两端下垂在前面〔prolapse〕lābī [to fall] lābī [下垂] 〔veil〕The part of a nun's headdress that frames the face and falls over the shoulders.修女的头巾:勾勒出脸部并下垂到肩的修女头巾的那部分〔casuarina〕from Malay kĕsuari [cassowary (from the resemblance of its twigs to the drooping feathers of the cassowary)] 源自 马来语 kĕsuari [食火鸡(因其树枝与食火鸡下垂的羽毛相似而得名)] 〔poppy〕Any of numerous plants of the genusPapaver, having nodding buds with four crumpled petals, showy red, orange, or white flowers, a milky juice, and capsules that dehisce through terminal pores. 罂粟:任一种罂粟 属植物,生有下垂的花苞,四片花瓣紧挨在一起,开红色、桔黄色或白色花朵,有奶状果汁,其蒴果会通过气孔而开裂 〔pelican〕Any of various large, web-footed birds of the genusPelecanus of tropical and warm regions, having a long straight bill from which hangs a distensible pouch of skin for catching and holding fish. 鹈鹕,塘鹅:任一种生活在热带和温带地区的体型较大且蹼足的鹈鹕 属鸟,长有长而直且其下垂一用来捕食和盛放鱼的可膨胀皮囊的喙 〔snowdrop〕Any of several bulbous Eurasian plants of the genusGalanthus, having solitary, nodding white flowers that bloom in early spring. 雪花莲:一种欧亚植物,为银莲花属 ,有球茎并在早春开放下垂的白花 〔dewlap〕A pendulous part similar to this, such as the wattle of a bird.下垂的肉:类似悬垂的部分,如鸟类的垂肉〔spruce〕Any of various coniferous evergreen trees of the genusPicea, having needlelike foliage, drooping cones, and soft wood often used for paper pulp. 云杉:松柏科四季常绿树云杉 有针状叶、下垂结球果和通常用于纸桨的软木 〔cernuous〕Nodding; drooping.俯垂的;下垂〔decline〕To bend downward; droop.向下弯曲;下垂〔flews〕The pendulous corners of the upper lip of certain dogs, such as the bloodhound.下垂的上嘴唇:某类狗(如猎犬)的上唇两旁的下垂部分〔slump〕read defeat in the slump of his shoulders.从他肩膀的无力下垂上可以看出他失败了〔yoke〕A piece of a garment that is closely fitted, either around the neck and shoulders or at the hips, and from which an unfitted or gathered part of the garment is hung.披肩、裙腰:紧贴颈部和肩部或臀部的一部分衣服,衣服的不合适和皱褶部分从这里下垂〔pending〕French pendant [pendant, pending] from Old French * see pendent 1法语 pendant [下垂的,待决的] 源自 古法语 * 参见 pendent1〔laburnum〕Any of several trees or shrubs of the genusLaburnum, especially L. anagyroides, which is cultivated for its drooping clusters of yellow flowers. 金链花,水黄皮:任一种金链花属 的树木或灌木,尤指 下垂金链花 ,因其下垂的黄色花束而被种植 〔sag〕The degree or extent to which something sags.下垂度:某物下垂的程度或长度〔fuchsia〕Any of various tropical shrubs or trees of the genusFuchsia, widely cultivated for their showy, drooping purplish, reddish, or white flowers. 倒挂金钟属植物:任何一种灌木或树属倒挂金钟属, 因其绚烂、下垂的紫色及红色或白色花被广泛种植 〔whydah〕Any of several African weaverbirds of the genusVidua, the male of which grows long, drooping, predominantly black tail feathers during the breeding season. Also called widow bird 维达鸟,寡妇鸟:任一种寡妇鸟 属的非洲织巢鸟,雄鸟在繁殖季节会长出下垂的、主要为黑色的长尾羽毛 也作 widow bird〔jowly〕Having heavy or sagging jowls.下颌多肉或下垂的,双下巴的




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