单词 | 下午 |
释义 | 〔hear〕heard the last witness in the afternoon.下午听取最后证词〔schedule〕Can you fit me into your schedule Tuesday afternoon?你能在日程计划中把我安排在星期二下午吗〔memory〕spent the afternoon lost in memory.用整个下午回想往事〔laze〕lazed the afternoon away in a hammock.在吊床中懒散地打发了一下午时光〔by〕by 5:30p.m. 不迟于下午 5:30 〔crest〕The swollen river crested at 9P.M. 这条涨水的河流在下午 九点涨到最高点 〔lift〕By afternoon the smog had lifted.到下午雾气散尽〔afternoon〕Abbr. aft.,a.The part of day from noon until sunset.缩写 aft.,a.下午:一天中从中午到日落间的时段〔clock〕clocks in at 8a.m. and out at 4 p.m. 早上 8点上班, 下午 4点下班 〔slate〕slated the art history lecture for Thursday afternoon.把艺术史讲座排在星期四下午〔look〕We looked all afternoon but could not find it.我们找了一个下午但是找不到它〔enough〕You've been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough!你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了!〔wile〕wile away a Sunday afternoon.消磨掉星期天下午的时光〔diddle〕The children diddled with the knobs on the television all afternoon.这些孩子一下午都在玩弄电视机钮〔tea〕An afternoon refreshment consisting usually of sandwiches and cakes served with tea.下午茶:下午喝的包括三明治和蛋糕的提神饮料〔noon〕from Old English nōn [canonical hour of nones (3] p.m. in early Middle Ages) 源自 古英语 nōn [规定的祈祷时间(中世纪早期的] 下午 3点) 〔enclose〕was caged in the office all afternoon;整个下午都关在办公室;〔Seurat〕French painter. A founder of neoimpressionism, he developed pointillism, the technique used in his masterpieceSunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (1886). 秀拉,乔治斯·皮尔:(1859-1891) 法国画家。新印象主义的奠基者,他创新点描派画法并将之用于其经典之作《拉格雷吉特岛的星期天下午》 (1886年) 〔wake〕The scent of the azaleas awakened my memory of his unexpected appearance that afternoon years ago. 杜鹃花的味道唤醒了我对许多年前那个下午他突然出现的记忆。 〔evening〕The period of decreasing daylight between afternoon and night.傍晚:从下午到夜晚日光逐渐减弱的时期〔circumambulate〕"Circumambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath afternoon"(Herman Melville)“绕行一个处在梦幻般的安息日下午的城市”(赫尔曼·梅尔维尔)〔soggy〕a soggy afternoon in August.八月一个湿热的下午〔vespers〕A worship service held in the late afternoon or evening in many Western Christian churches.晚祷:在许多西方基督教堂中下午或者晚间进行的祈祷〔hour〕1730 hours is 5:30p.m. 十七点三十分即下午 五点三十分 〔postmeridian〕Of, relating to, or taking place in the afternoon.午后的:下午的,与下午有关的,或发生于下午的〔turnaround〕Stock prices fell in the morning but rallied in a dramatic afternoon turnaround.股票价格在早上下跌,但在下午又戏剧性的爬升〔device〕left the child to her own devices for an hour in the afternoon.允许孩子在下午有一个小时的自由支配时间〔visitor〕Sunday afternoon visitors; lost the game to the visitors.星期日下午的来访者;输给了客队〔push〕She spent the afternoon pushing paper for her boss.她用了整个下午的时间为她的老板整理文字材料〔exhibit〕spent the afternoon at the space exhibit.花了一个下午的时间看太空展〔benumb〕"The anesthetic afternoon benumbs, sickens our senses"(Karl Shapiro)See Synonyms at daze “那个令人麻醉的下午使我们的感觉迟钝,麻木不仁”(卡尔·夏皮罗) 参见 daze〔freedom〕We have the freedom to do as we please all afternoon.整个下午我们都做自己喜欢做的事情 |
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