单词 | 一顿饭 |
释义 | 〔bargain〕bargained my watch for a meal.用我的表换了一顿饭〔potluck〕A meal at which each guest brings food that is then shared by all. Also called potluck supper 聚餐:每个客人都自带食物然后大家分而食之的一顿饭 也作 potluck supper〔banquet〕The linguistic stock of the wordbanquet has been fluctuating for a long time. The Old French wordbanquet, the likely source of our word, is derived from Old Frenchbanc, "bench,” ultimately of Germanic origin. The sense development in Old French seems to have changed from "little bench" to "a meal taken on the family workbench" to "feast.”The English wordbanquet is first recorded in a work possibly composed before 1475 with reference to a feast held by the god Apollo, and the word appears to have been used from the 15th to the 18th century to refer to the feasts of the powerful and the wealthy.Perhaps this association led a 19th-century newspaper editor to label the word "grandiloquent"because it was being appropriated by those lower down on the social scale.单词banquet 的词根很长时间来一直有变化。 古法语中的词banquet 可能是我们所使用的词的来源, 是由古法语banc 一词衍生而来的,在日耳曼族语中表“长凳”之意。 而在古法语中其意已由“小椅子”演变为“全家围坐在一起吃的一顿饭”,再演变为“宴席”。英语中的banquet 一词首次记载于1475年前一部描写阿波罗神举行的一次宴席的作品中。 从15世纪至18世纪该词一直用于特指权贵们举行的筵宴。也许正是由于这个原因,19世纪一位报纸编辑将该词归为“大言不惭的”一类,因为当时一些中下层人士也开始使用该词了〔leftover〕leftovers A dish made of food remaining from a previous meal. leftovers 残羹剩菜:上一顿饭菜中剩下的部分所做成的一道菜〔plate〕Service and food for one person at a meal:一人份的餐点:一顿饭中提供给一个人的服务或所吃的食品:〔skimpy〕a skimpy meal.See Synonyms at meager 不够吃的一顿饭 参见 meager〔dispatch〕To eat up (food); finish off (a dish or meal).吃完:吃完(食物);吃完(一盘菜或一顿饭)〔sherbet〕The wordsherbet has been in the English language for several centuries (first recorded in 1603) but not as a name for what one normally thinks of as sherbet.The word came into English from Ottoman Turkishsherbet or Persian sharbat, both going back to Arabicšarbah, "drink.” The Turkish and Persian words referred to a beverage of sweetened, diluted fruit juicethat was popular in the Middle East and imitated in Europe.Eventually in Europesherbet came to refer to a carbonated drink. Because the original Middle Eastern drink contained fruit and was often cooled with snow,sherbet was applied to the frozen dessert (first recorded in 1891). It is thus distinguished slightly fromsorbet, which can also mean "a fruit-flavored ice served between courses of a meal.”Sorbet (first recorded in English in 1585) goes back through French ( sorbet ) and then Italian ( sorbetto ) to the same Turkish sherbet that gave us sherbet. 单词sherbet 引入英语语言中已经有几个世纪了(首次记录于1603年), 但它并不是象人们通常认为的果汁牛奶冻名称。这个单词是由奥斯曼土耳其语sherbet 或波斯语 sharbat 形成英语的, 二者都可回溯到阿拉伯语sarbah ,意为“饮料”。 该词土耳其及波斯语指一种加甜的、稀释的水果汁饮料,它流行于中东并在欧洲被仿制。最后,在欧洲,sherbet 指一种碳酸饮料。 因为最初的中东饮品中包含有水果汁并常用雪冷却,所以sherbet 用于指冰冻甜点(首次记录于1891年)。 这样它与Sorbet 稍有区别, 但也可指“在一顿饭的几道菜之间供应的果味冰”。Sorbet (在英语中首次记录于1585年)通过法语( sorbet )和意大利语( sorbetto )可以回溯到向我们提供 sherbet 的相同的土耳其词 sherbet 〔dinner〕Eating foods such as pizza and ice cream for breakfastmay be justified by the fact that in Middle Englishdinner meant "breakfast,” as did the Old French worddisner, or diner, which was the source of our word. The Old French word came from the Vulgar Latin word.disiūnāre, meaning "to break one's fast;that is, to eat one's first meal,” a notion also contained in our wordbreakfast. The Vulgar Latin word was derived from an earlier word,.disiēiūnāre, the Latin elements of which aredis-, denoting reversal, and iēiūnium, "fast.” Middle Englishdiner not only meant "breakfast" but, echoing usage of the Old French worddiner, more commonly meant "the first big meal of the day, usually eaten between 9a.m. and noon.” Customs change, however,and over the yearswe have let the chief meal become the last meal of the day,by which timewe have broken our fast more than once.早餐吃些如比萨饼及冰淇淋的食物,既可以被中古英语dinner 表示早餐的事实所证实, 也可被该词的词源——古法语词disner 或 diner 证实。 该法语单词出自于通俗拉丁语单词disiunare , 其意思是“打破禁食后吃的第一餐饭”,同时也含有breakfast 的概念。 通俗拉丁字出自于更早的字disieiunare , 其拉丁文构成部分是dis- 表示反面和 ieiunium “禁食”。 中古英语diner 不仅指“早饭”, 还模仿了古法语diner 的用法, 一般指“一天中的第一次大餐,常常在上午 9点到中午之间吃”。 然而习惯改变了,许多年以来,我们常常把一天中的最后一顿饭当作主餐,从那时起,我们已不止一次地打破了禁食〔rime〕"A meal couldn't leave us feeling really full unless it laid down a rime of fat globules in our mouths and stomachs"(James Fallows)“一顿饭不能让我们感觉真得吃饱了,除非放入我们的嘴里和胃里已备有一层肥肉球”(詹姆斯·法洛斯)〔breakfast〕The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.早餐:一天的第一顿饭,通常在早晨吃〔indigestible〕an indigestible meal.难以消化的一顿饭〔unpalatable〕an unpalatable meal.平淡无味的一顿饭〔subsist〕subsisted on one meal a day.每天只吃一顿饭为生〔mess〕An amount of food, as for a meal, course, or dish:一份食物:一顿饭、一道菜或一份菜的食物份量: |
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