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单词 一股
释义 〔sickening〕a sickening stench.一股令人讨厌的恶臭〔smell〕"The breeze smelled exactly like Vouvray—flowery, with a hint of mothballs underneath"(Anne Tyler)“清风中散发着一种花香般的完全象法国白葡萄酒的气味,其中还夹杂着一股樟脑球的香味”(安妮·泰勒)〔twist〕To wind together (two or more threads, for example) so as to produce a single strand.扭成一束:捻合(例如两根或更多的线)成为一股〔offensive〕an offensive odor.一股刺鼻的气味〔gantlet〕A section of double railroad tracks formed by the temporary convergence of two parallel tracks in such a way that each set remains independent while traversing the same ground, affording passage at a narrow place without need of switching.套式铁轨:一段铁路轨道,其中两股道由于两条平行轨道暂时会聚而重叠,并使得每一股轨道都各有一根钢轨位于另一股轨道的两根钢轨之间,使得在狭窄的地方不需要换轨〔flesh〕"The maritime strategy has an all but unstoppable institutional momentum behind it . . . that has given force and flesh to the theory"(Jack Beatty)“海上战略学背后有一股几乎是不可遏制的习惯力量…这股力量给予了这种学说力度和物质后盾”(杰克·贝蒂)〔suck〕To draw in by or as if by a current in a fluid.吸入:通过或似通过流体中的一股流动力而吸入〔lay〕To place together (strands) to be twisted into rope.编,绞:把(绳子)放在一起以捻成一股绳索〔salute〕A foul smell saluted our nostrils.一股难闻的气味扑鼻而来〔whiffle〕To blow in fitful gusts; puff:一阵阵地吹,一股股地喷:〔whirlpool〕A bathtub or pool having jets of warm water that can be directed toward a body part as for therapeutic purposes.旋涡浴:一种浴缸或浴池可喷出一股热水,喷向身体的一个部位以达到治疗目的〔rival〕"They achieved more than they had ever dreamed, lending a magic to their family story that no tale or ordinary life could possibly rival"(Doris Kearns Goodwin)“他们取得的成就比他们所梦想的还要多,这给他们的家族史注入了一股魔力,使得任何神话及日常生活都没法匹敌”(多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温)〔squirt〕A squirted jet of liquid.喷出的一股液体〔offensive〕a nasty smell;一股恶心的气味;〔blast〕The violent effect of such an explosion, consisting of a wave of increased atmospheric pressure followed immediately by a wave of decreased pressure.震动:爆炸引起的强烈效果,包括一股被升高的气压,紧接一股低气压〔fid〕A large, tapering pin used to open the strands of a rope before splicing.硬木钉:一种大的、两头渐尖的钉,在接合绳头前用来解开一股〔race〕The channel of such a current.湍急的水道:这样一股水流的渠道〔indraft〕An inward flow or current, as of air.向内的流体:一股向内的气流或水流,如空气〔waft〕Something, such as an odor, that is carried through the air.一股:通过空气传送的东西,如一股气味〔ply〕One of the strands twisted together to make yarn, rope, or thread. Often used in combination:股:绞在一起来制成纱、绳或线的几股中的一股,常用在复合字中:〔sluice〕To flood or drench with or as if with a flow of released water.开水闸灌溉:用或象用一股放出的水流一样淹没或浸满〔palindrome〕A segment of double-stranded DNA in which the nucleotide sequence of one strand reads in reverse order to that of the complementary strand.回文结构:含有双股脱氧核糖核酸的一部分,其中的核苷酸系列的一股颠倒顺序来读取即为互补的一股〔jolt〕a jolt of electricity; a jolt of whiskey.一股电流;一口威士忌〔blast〕A sudden loud sound, especially one produced by a stream of forced air:巨响:一声巨响,尤指由一股受挤压的空气发出的响声:〔freshet〕A stream of fresh water that empties into a body of salt water.淡水水流:进入咸水体的一股淡水流〔unlock〕The news unlocked a torrent of emotion.这个消息引发了一股情感的狂潮〔noisome〕a noisome odor.一股令人作呕的气味〔cutoff〕A device that cuts off a flow of fluid.截止阀:把一股液体截断的装置〔monstrous〕a monstrous tidal wave.一股巨大的浪潮〔concert〕"One feels between them an accumulation of gentleness and strength, a concert of energies"(Vanity Fair)“感觉到他们之间有一股温柔与强大的凝聚力,一股活力的和谐”(名利场)〔fetid〕Having an offensive odor.发臭的:有一股难闻气味的〔strand〕To break a strand of (a rope, for example).弄断:弄断(如绳的)一股〔updraft〕An upward current of air.上升气流:一股向上的气流〔fight〕To defend against or drive back (a hostile force, for example).抵抗,击退:防御或击退(例如一股敌对势力)〔obscure〕"an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"(Anatole Broyard)See Synonyms at ambiguous “一股冲动爆发出来,与他的灵魂正处于难解的交战状态中”(阿纳托尔·布鲁瓦亚尔) 参见 ambiguous〔plow〕To move or progress with driving force:费力前进:以一股进击力量移动或前进:〔tatting〕Handmade lace fashioned by looping and knotting a single strand of heavy-duty thread on a small hand shuttle.梭织花边:在一只小型手工操作的梭子上将一股厚重耐磨的线绕圈打结所做成的手制花边




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