单词 | 一种游戏 |
释义 | 〔nim〕A game in which players in turn remove small objects from a collection, such as matchsticks arranged in rows, and attempt to take, or avoid taking, the last one.拿子游戏:一种游戏,参加者轮流从排成行的火柴棍等聚集处抽拿这些物品,并试图拿到或避免拿到最后一个〔forfeit〕forfeits A game in which forfeits are demanded. forfeits 罚物游戏:一种游戏,必须有惩罚物〔jackstraw〕jackstraws (used with a sing. verb)A game played with a pile of straws or thin sticks, with the players attempting in turn to remove a single stick without disturbing the others. jackstraws (与单数动词连用)跳棒游戏:一种游戏,将很多草或细棍放在一起,游戏者依次地试着每次拣起一根,不得触动其它〔pushball〕A game in which two opposing teams attempt to push a heavy ball, 6 feet (1.8 meters) in diameter, across a goal.推球:一种游戏,对阵双方试图把一个直径为6英尺(1.8米)的重球推到终点〔racquetball〕A game played on a four-walled handball court by two or four players with short-handled rackets and a hollow rubber ball 2¼ inches (5.7 centimeters) in diameter.网拍墙球:在四面有墙的手球场内由两名或四名选手玩的一种游戏,使用一种短柄球拍和一个直径2¼英寸(5.7厘米)的空心橡皮球〔limerick〕Etymologies can sometimes be a bit disappointing,as, for example,when one is told thatlimerick is named after a city or county in Ireland without being told why it is so named.Unfortunately, we run into a difficulty here that is not uncommonly faced by etymologists,namely, that no one is precisely sure why this piece of humorous verse was so named.One theory is that it was named for a group of poets who wrote in Limerick in the 18th century;another, that it came from a custom at parties of making up a nonsense verse and following it with a chorus of "Will you come up to Limerick.”In any case,the first limericks appeared in books published in 1820 and 1821,and the form was popularized by Edward Lear in a collection published in 1846.The word itself, however, is not recorded until 1896.Let us sum up by saying:"There once was a verse form named limerick./No one can account for the name of it./Some think from a game/Or from poets it came./If you know please come up to Limerick.”查看词源学后会经常令我们失望,这是因为,比如,当某人得知limerick 是由爱尔兰的一城市(或一个郡的)名字而来, 却并不告知这样命名的原因。不幸的是,我们碰到了一个词源学家经常遇到的难题,那就是,没有一个人能确定为什么这种幽默的诗歌这样命名。一种理论认为它是源于18世纪在利默里克写作的一群诗人;还有一种看法认为它是源于一种集会上的风俗,这种风俗要求写完一毫无意义的诗后众人合唱“你将去利默里克吗”。不管怎样,1820年和1821年出版的这种五行打油诗集子广为流传,爱德华·利尔于1846年出版的集子使这种形式得到普及。但是,这个单词直到1896年才有记载。我们可以通过这么说来总结:“曾经有种诗的形式名叫利默里克。/但没有人能解释它的名字。/有人认为源于一种游戏/或源于一群诗人。/如果你知道就到利默里克来。”〔lurch〕from lorche [a kind of game] 源自 lorche [一种游戏] 〔tiddlywinks〕A game in which players try to snap small disks into a cup by pressing them on the edge with a larger disk.一种游戏,游戏者尽量用一个大圆盘压一些小圆盘的边以把它们弹到一个大杯子里去〔bocce〕A game of Italian origin similar to bowling that is played with wooden balls on a long, narrow court covered with fine gravel.(意大利)室外地滚球戏:意大利的一种游戏,起源与滚球相似,用木球在一个长而窄、放有五个石子的球场上玩〔racquets〕A game played on a large, netless, four-walled court by two or four players with long-handled rackets and a hard, fast-moving ball 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) in diameter.网拍墙球戏:由两名或四名选手在一个大的、无网的、四面有墙的场地玩的一种游戏,使用一长柄球拍和一个直径1英寸(2.5厘米)的快速飞动的硬球〔polo〕A game played by two teams of three or four players on horseback who are equipped with long-handled mallets for driving a small wooden ball through the opponents' goal.马球:由骑在马上的三名或四名队员的两个队来玩的一种游戏,两方队员都配有长柄的球棍来推动小木球击入对方的球门〔gotcha〕A game or endeavor in which one party seeks to catch another out, as in a mistake or lie.这下抓住你了:一种游戏或是尽力使其中一方找到并抓住另外一方,例如抓到一个错误或是拆穿一个谎言〔paddleball〕A game for two to four participants played with a wooden or plastic perforated paddle and a ball similar to a tennis ball on a court having one, three, or four walls.板手球:两个到四个参加者一起玩的一种游戏,用一块木头的或塑料的有孔的桨和一个类似于网球的球,在一块有一面墙、三面墙或四面墙的网球场上玩〔shuffleboard〕A game in which disks are slid with a pronged cue along a smooth, level surface toward one of two usually triangular targets painted on the surface and divided into numbered scoring areas.打圆盘游戏:一种游戏,用带尖角的弹子棒击打圆盘,使其沿着一光滑、水平的表面滑向一个或两个通常为三角形的被绘在平面上且分成标有数码的得分区的目标物〔raffle〕Middle English rafle [a game using dice] 中古英语 rafle [使用骰子的一种游戏] 〔hosey〕Children in New England, especially in the Boston area,use the expressionI hosey when they are choosing sides for a game. TheBoston Globe asked readers about it in late 1987 and received responses from Boston; Belmont, Massachusetts; New Hampshire; and Maine.Its users agree that it is a children's expressionbut are unsure of its origin—some think that it derives from a pronunciation ofchoose with a heavy Irish brogue. Another possible origin of the expression is French-Canadianchoisir, "to choose.” 新英格兰,特别是波士顿地区的孩子们在进行一种游戏时,用我加入 表示选择加入哪一边来分组。 波士顿环球 杂志在1987年后半年时就此用语向其读者进行征询, 得到了波士顿地区、马萨诸塞州贝尔蒙特地区、新罕布什尔州及缅因州的读者的响应。此语使用者同意此语为孩童用语这一说法,但都不能确定其来源。有些读者认为其来自choose 这一词的带有浓重爱尔兰土腔的发音。 另一可能的词源是加拿大法语中choisir 一词“选择” 〔ringtoss〕A game in which players toss rings at a stake so as to encircle it or come closer to it than the other players.套圈圈:一种游戏,玩家要把圈圈掷向一根棒子,来套住它或比别的玩家更接近它〔leapfrog〕A game in which one player kneels or bends over while the next in line leaps over him or her.跳背游戏:一种游戏,一个游戏者跪下或弯腰,队列中紧挨着的人从他或她身上跃过〔quoit〕quoits (used with a sing. verb)A game in which flat rings of iron or rope are pitched at a stake, with points awarded for encircling it. quoits (与单数动词连用)掷环套桩游戏:一种游戏,将扁平的铁圈或绳套掷向标桩,套中者奖以得分 |
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