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单词 一样
释义 〔slither〕To glide or slide like a reptile.See Synonyms at slide 滑行:象爬行动物一样滑行 参见 slide〔brute〕Characteristic of a brute, especially:象野兽一样的,尤指:〔scarf〕To wrap (an outer garment) around one like a scarf.用(一外罩)象围巾一样四周包起〔bush〕To extend in a bushy growth.丛生:象灌木丛一样延伸〔father〕To act or serve as a father.保护:像父亲一样对待〔rake〕To gather or move with or as if with a rake:用耙子聚成:用或好象用耙子一样收集或移动:〔read〕I can read your mind like a book. He's a hard person to read.我可以像读书一样清楚地看到你的心理活动。他可是个令人难以理解的人〔tweed〕Calling the wordtweed an alteration of the form tweel obscures the fact that in this case, as in many others,human error has helped create a word.Tweed is indeed possibly the result of a misreading of tweel, an originally Scots form of twill. Tweed also could be a misreading of an abbreviated form oftweeled, a form of twilled. Association withTweed, the name of the river that is part of the border between England and Scotland, helped support the misreading,which was originally a trade name.The word is said to have first been used around 1831,but it is not recorded until 1847.Thus had it not been for the misreading,the tweedy look might have been the tweely look or the tweeledy look.把tweed 这个词当作 tweel 的一种变体形式掩盖了一个事实, 即和其它很多情况一样,这种情况使人类的错误创造了一个新词。Tweed 实际上很可能是 tweel 这一最早是 twill的苏格兰形式的误读造成的结果。 Tweed 也可能是派生词tweeled ,即 twilled 的另一种形式的误读。 与Tweed (特威德,英格兰和苏格兰边界上一条河的名字)相关联, 也促成了这种误读的形成。它最初是一个行业的名字。据说这个词最早应用于1831年,但直到1847年才有书面记录。因此,如果没有这种误读,衣着随便的样子就可能成了矫情的样子或斜纹毛呢装扮〔surge〕To roll or be tossed about on waves, as a boat.颠簸,起伏:象小船一样地在波涛中颠簸或摇荡〔burrow〕To move or progress by or as if by digging or tunneling:穿过:象挖洞或打隧道一样移动或前进:〔boozehound〕"All old . . . boozehounds are alike, aren't they?”(Jimmy Breslin)“所有老的…嗜酒的家伙都是一样的,不是吗?”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔intuit〕This lack of acceptance is often attributed to the verb's status as a back-formation fromintuition, but in fact the verb has existed as long as other back-formations, such asdiagnose and donate, that are now wholly acceptable. The source of the objections most likely lies in the fact that the verb is often used in reference to more trivial sorts of insight than would be permitted by a full appreciation of the traditional meaning ofintuition. In this connection, a somewhat greater percentage of the Panel, 46 percent,does acceptintuit in the sentence Mathematicians sometimes intuit the truth of a theorem long before they are able to prove it. See Usage Note at enthuse 这种观点上的差异通常归咎于这个动词作为源于intuition 的逆构词的地位, 但是事实上这个动词的存在时间与其他现已普遍接受的诸如diagnose 以及 donate 等逆构词的存在时间一样长。 反对的原因很可能在于这个动词常用以指“较差的洞察力”,而此意义是被intuition 传统意义的充分理解所禁止的。 在这方面,小组百分之四十六之多的人,确实接受intuit 用于句中 数学家们能在某些定理被证明以前凭直觉知道定理的正确性 参见 enthuse〔taxi〕"Taxi" is much easier to yell into the traffic thantaximeter cabriolet, the form from which taxi has ultimately been shortened. Taximeter comes from the French word taximètre, ultimately derived from Medieval Latintaxāre, "to tax,” and the French combining form -metre. Taximètre originally meant, as did its English companion, "a device for measuring distance traveled,” but this device was soon adapted to measure waiting time and compute and indicate the fare as well.Taximeter, first recorded in English in 1898 (an earlier form, taxameter, borrowed through French from German, was recorded in 1894), joined forces withcab, a shortening (1827) of cabriolet, "a two-wheeled, one-horse carriage.” This word, first found in English in 1766,came from Frenchcabriolet, of the same meaning, which in turn was derived fromcabriole, "caper,” because the vehicle moves along with a springing motion.Cab, the shortened form, was applied to other vehicles as well, including eventually public conveyances.Fitted with a taximeter, such a vehicle,first horse-drawn and then motorized,was known as ataxameter cab (1899), a taximeter cab (1907), and a taxicab (1907), among other names, includingtaxi (1907), a shortening of eithertaximeter or taxicab. Interestingly enough,the fullest form possible,taximeter cabriolet, is not recorded until 1959."Taxi"比taximeter cabriolet (最终缩写成 taxi 的形式)更容易在交通中叫出。 Taximeter 来源于法语 taximètre , 它最早来自中世纪拉丁文taxare (“征税”)和法语复合形式 -metre。 Taximètre(与它的英语同伴一样,最初意为“测量行驶距离的设备”), 这一设备很快适合于测量等待时间并计算和显示车费。Taximeter 在英语中首次记载于1898年(更早的形式 taxameter 是从德语通过法语借来的,记载于1894年), 同cabriolet (“一种双轮双马马车”)的缩写形式(1827年) cab 结合。 这一单词最早于1766年在英语中发现,来源于具有同一种意思的法语cabriolet , 它依次来源于cabride (“跳跃”), 因为这种车辆移动时有跳跃的运动;缩写形式cab 还可以适用于其它的车辆, 包括最终的公共运输工具;被安装了自动计费器的车辆,开始是马拉的,后来装上马达,被称作taxameter cab (1899年)、 taximeter cab (1907年)和 taxicab (1901年)。 在其它的名称中包括taxi (1907年), 它是taximeter 或 taxicab 的缩写形式。 非常有趣的是,可能是最全的形式的taximeter cabriolet , 直到1959年才有记载〔run〕To cause to compete in or as if in a race:使…象赛跑一样竞争:〔outflow〕To issue or stream out, in or as if in a flow:流出:以流动物形式或象流动物一样地排出或流出:〔grunt〕To utter a deep, guttural sound, as a hog does.喉鸣,作呼噜声:象猪一样发出深沉的喉音〔kind〕To this may be added a word of caution to American writers:despite the existence of ample literary precedent forthese kind of films, the construction has been so thoroughly stigmatized by native grammariansthat its use would have to be reckoned indiscreet, if not strictly incorrect.关于这一点也许可以给美国作家加上一句警告:尽管有大量的像these kind of films 一样的文学上的先例存在, 这一结构已被本国的语法专家彻底否定掉,以至于它的用法即使不认为是严格的错误,也会被认作不慎重〔powerful〕In the upper southern United States the wordspowerful and mighty are intensives used frequently like the adverb very : Your boy's grown powerful big.The new baby is mighty purty.Powerfulis used as an adjective in some expressions: The storm did a powerful lot of harm. In the same dialect regionthe nounpower has, in addition to its standard meaning, the sense of "a large number or amount.”This sense appears in theOxford English Dictionary as common in dialectal British English of the 18th and 19th centuries: "It has done a power of work" (Charles Dickens).All these derivative senses ofpower and might take advantage of the notion of strength inherent in these nouns, making them natural intensives. Colloquial English is always on the lookout for ways to make language more vivid with new intensives.We think of the upper southern part of the United States as linguistically conservative,but in fact it has preserved uses ofpower, powerful, and mighty that were innovative in their time. 在美国中南部powerful 及 mighty 这两个词用作强调词并与 very 一样用得很频繁: 你的儿子已长得很大了。新生儿非常干净。Powerful在有些表达中还用作形容词: 这暴风造成巨大灾害。 在同一方言区中,名词power 除了具有标准含义外, 还有“大的数字或数量”之意。该意义出现在牛津英语词典 中, 在18世纪及19世纪的英国英语方言中使用也十分普遍: “它已做了大量工作” (查尔斯·狄更斯)。所有power 及 might 的这些衍生意义都利用两个名词本身力量的含义而使它们成为强调词。 英语口语一直在寻求途径以运用新的强调词,使语言变得更为生动。我们认为美国中南部在语言的使用上是很保守的,但事实上,这部分地区却保留了在当时十分创新的power,powerful 及 mighty 的用法 〔cajole〕possibly blend of Old French cageoler [to chatter like a jay] from geai, jai [jay] * see jay 2可能混合了 古法语 cageoler [象鸟一样喋喋不休] 源自 geai, jai [鸟] * 参见 jay2〔sweat〕To exude in droplets, as moisture from certain cheeses or sap from a tree.渗出:象树液或某些奶酪的水份一样成滴渗出〔so〕In the same way; likewise:同样:以同样的方式;一样地:〔villainous〕a villainous band of thieves.一群恶棍一样的小偷〔protagonist〕Theprotagonist of a Greek drama was its leading actor, of whom there could be but one in any play.This is an etymological nicety that many modern writers continue to observe when using the word to refer to the main character of a drama or other fiction.Thus when the members of the Usage Panel were asked "How many protagonists are there inOthello ?” the great majority answered "One"and offered substitutes such asantagonist, villain, principal, and deuteragonist to describe Desdemona and Iago. But there is reputable precedent from the 17th century on for usingprotagonist to mean simply "important actor" or "principal party,”with no implication of uniqueness,as inThere are three protagonists in this sluggish novel. Smith and Jones were the protagonists in the struggle over the future of the computer company. Thus, while some writers may prefer to confine the word to a singular sense in their own usage,it is pedantic to insist that the looser use is incorrect. ·The use ofprotagonist to refer to a proponent has become common only in the 20th century and may have been influenced by a misconception that the first syllable of the word represents the prefixpro-, "favoring.” In sentences such asHe was an early protagonist of nuclear power, this use is likely to strike many readers as an errorand can usually be replaced byadvocate or proponent with no loss of sense.希腊戏剧的protagnist 是主角, 且在任何戏剧中仅有一个主角。许多现代作家在用这个词时都注意使它指代戏剧或其他小说的主要人物,因此当用法专题小组成员被问及“在奥赛罗 里有几个主要人物?”时, 大部分人回答“一个”,而且用如antagonist、villain、principal 和 deuteragonist 等词来描述苔丝德蒙娜和雅各。 但是从十七进纪开始,有一个使用protagonist 的规范惯例, 仅表示“重要的演员”或“首要的政党”,而丝毫没有独一无二的暗示,象在句子在这部文风拖沓的小说中有三个人物。 史密斯和琼斯是为计算公司的未来而奋斗的主角中一样。 因此,当某些作家可能在他们自己的用法中偏于把这个词限制在一个简单的含义中时,仍强调自由用法不正确就是卖弄学问的了。用protagonist 来指代建议者或支持者仅在20世纪开始变得常见, 而且被对于代表意为“支持的”前缀pro- 的该词第一个音节的误解所影响。 在句子他是核武力的早期支持者 中, 这种用法可能会使读者认为是个错误,而且常被advocate 或 proponent 所替代, 同时也不会有任何意思的遗漏〔hare〕To move hurriedly, as if hunting a swift quarry:象追逐灵活的猎物一样快速运动:〔obstinate〕 Mulish implies the obstinacy and intractability associated with a mule: Mulish 暗含象骡子一样的固执和难以驾御: 〔roll〕To pour or flow in or as if in a continual stream:涌入:象滚滚的河流一样倾泻或涌入:〔bush〕To grow or branch out like a bush.成灌木形:象灌木一样生长或分枝〔milk〕To draw out or extract something from, as if by milking:套出:象挤奶一样地取出或榨出:〔confit〕A condiment made by cooking seasoned fruit or vegetables, usually to a jamlike consistency.果菜酱:藉由把调味过的水果或蔬菜煮到像果酱一样的浓度来制成的佐料〔bone〕An animal structure or material, such as ivory, resembling bone.骨状物:动物的象骨头一样的结构或物质,如象牙〔rich〕"Texas air is so rich you can nourish off it like it was food"(Edna Ferber)“得克萨斯州的空气是如此醇厚,就象食物一样,使你能从中获取营养”(埃德娜·费伯)〔mushy〕Resembling mush in consistency; soft.烂糊的:黏得象烂糊食物一样;软的〔surly〕The fact that the wordsurly means "churlish" nicely indicates its fall in status. Churlish derives from the word churl, which in its Old English form ceorl meant "a man without rank, a member of the lowest rank of freemen,” as well as "peasant" in general. In Old Englishceorl may have been a term of contempt; it certainly became one in Middle English,wherecherl meant "base fellow, boor,” with churlish descending in meaning accordingly. Surly, on the other hand, started its life at the top of the scale but fell just as far. Looking at instances of this word in Middle English and Early Modern English,we see thatsurly was only one spelling for this word, another spelling beingsirly, which makes it clear that it came from the word sir, the term of honor for a knight or for a person of rank or importance in general. Thussirly, the form under which the early spellings of the word are entered in the Oxford English Dictionary, first meant "lordly.” Surly, entered as a separate word in the OED and first recorded in 1566, meant perhaps "lordly, majestic,” in its earliest use,subsequently being used in the sense "masterful, imperious, arrogant.” As the gloss "arrogant" makes clear, the wordsirly could have a negative sense, and it is this area of meaning that is responsible for the current "churlish" sense of the word.surly 意为“粗野的”事实生动地说明了这个词的地位下降。 Churlish 是 churl 的派生词,其古英文形式 ceorl 的意思是“没有爵位的男人,或者是自由民中最低等级的男人”,大概象“农民”一样。 古英语中ceorl 可能含有贬意; 中古英语中肯定是贬意,其cherl 的意思是“卑贱的人,粗野的人”,相应地 churlish 的意思也下降了。 另一方面,Surly 开始是个高尚的字,后来地位同样下降。 从中古英语和早期现代英语中的实例,我们可以看到,surly 的拼法只有一个, 另一个是sirly ,它清楚地表明这个字来自 sir (给于骑士或有等级或有身份的人的尊称)。 因此,sirly 这个字的最初形式记载在 牛津英语词典 中,开始的意思为(有威严的,高傲的)。 Surly 作为另一个字最初于1566年记录在 OED 中, 最初的意思是“老爷的、尊贵的”,以后的意思为“老爷般的、命令式的、傲慢的”。“傲慢”这个字条清楚地说明sirly 可能有过否定的意思, 也正是在这层意义上,它和目前“粗野的”意义有关〔lignify〕To make woody or woodlike by the deposit of lignin.使木质化:通过木质的沉淀使其木质化或木质一样〔ragged〕clothes as ragged as a scarecrow's.衣服象麦田里的稻草人穿的衣服一样破烂不堪〔underwhelm〕"He is just as entitled to be underwhelmed by the prospect of reigning over a fourth-class nation as the rest of us are by the prospect of living in it"(Peter Jay)“他恰被称作对统治第四等民族的展望漠不关心,就像我们其余人对生活在其中漠不关心一样”(彼得·杰)〔hardly〕The use ofhardly with a negative is avoided in Standard English. Some critics have been puzzled that adverbs such ashardly, rarely, and scarcely should be treated as negatives in the traditional strictures against double negation, which tars sentences likeI couldn't hardly see him with the same brush as I didn't get none. After all, they argue, the sentenceMary hardly laughed entails that Mary did laugh, not that she didn't,and therefore does not express a negative proposition.Buthardly and scarcely occur with other negative expressions in a number of ways. For one thing, they combine with items such asany and at all, which are characteristically associated with negative contexts: we sayI hardly saw him at all or I never saw him at all but notI occasionally saw him at all; we sayI hardly had any time or I didn't have any time but notI had any time, and so on. Like other negative adverbs,hardly triggers inversion of the subject and auxiliary when it begins a sentence. Thus we sayHardly had I arrived when she left, on the pattern of Never have I read such a book or At no time has he condemned the movement. Such inversion is not used with other adverbs:we would not sayOccasionally has he addressed this question or To a slight degree have they changed their position. The fact is that adverbs such ashardly are semantically negative in that they qualify a state or an event relative to the limiting case of nonoccurrence.Thus the meaning ofhardly is, roughly, "almost not at all"; the meaning ofrarely is "practically never"; and so forth. These adverbs are felt to have a negative component in their meaning,and it should not be surprising that grammarians have reacted to combinations ofhardly with negatives in the same way that they have reacted to combinations of pairs of negatives such as not and none. See Usage Note at double negative ,rarely ,scarcely Hardly 和一个否定词在一起的用法在标准英语中应尽量避免, 一些批评学家一直怀疑象hardly,rarely 和 scarcely 这样的副词在传统的双重否定的句中应被视为否定词, 这样的词使句子象I couldn't hardly see him 和 I didn't get none 一样被弄糟了, 他们争论说,毕竟句子Mary hardly laughed 的意思是玛丽的确笑了, 而不是她没笑,所以不表示否定的建议。但是hardly 和 scarcely 和其他的否定表示一起在许多方面出现, 举例说,他们和象any 和 at all 这样独特的和否定上下文联系的条目组合在一起, 我们说I hardly saw him at all 或 I never saw him at all , 但并不是I occasionally saw him at all; 我们说I hardly had any time 或 I didn't have any time 但不是I had any time 等。 象其它否定副词,hardly 在句子开头时引起主语和助动词的倒装, 于是我们说Hardly had I arrived when she left, 和 Never have I read such a book 或 At no time has he condemned the movement. 等同样的句型。 别的副词并不用这样的倒装:我们不能说Occasionally has he addressed this question 或 To a slight degree have they changed their position 。 事实是象hardly 这样的副词语义上是否定的, 他们限定修饰了与不发生有关的状态或事件。于是hardly 的意思大概是“几乎根本不”; rarely 的意思大概是“实际上没有”;等等。 这些副词在他们的意思里留有否定的成分,语法学家们对hardly 和否定词组合的反应和对一对否定词如 not 和 none组合的反应一样是不足为奇的 参见 double negative,rarely,scarcely〔drivel〕To flow like spittle or saliva.象口水一样流淌〔should〕Like the rules governing the use ofshall and will on which they are based, the traditional rules governing the use ofshould and would are largely ignored in modern American practice. Eithershould or would can now be used in the first person to express conditional futurity: 就象作为shall 和 will 词的基础的限用的用法规则一样, 适用于should 和 would 这个词的传统使用规则在现代美国英语中也已被忽略了。 现在should 或 would 这两个词中的任何一个都可以用于第一人称,表示条件式中的将来: 〔seethe〕To churn and foam as if boiling.沸腾,涌动:好象在沸腾一样翻腾和冒泡




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