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单词 一条河
释义 〔Selenga〕A river of northern Mongolia and southern Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about 1,207 km (750 mi) east and north to Lake Baikal.色楞格河:蒙古人民共和国北部和苏联西伯利亚南部的一条河,流程约1,207公里(750英里),向东和向北注入贝加尔湖〔Struma〕A river, about 348 km (216 mi) long, of western Bulgaria and northeast Greece flowing southward to an inlet of the Aegean Sea.斯特鲁马河:保加利亚西部,希腊东北部的一条河流,长约348公里(216英里),向南流入爱琴海海口〔Saguenay〕A river, about 201 km (125 mi) long, of southern Quebec, Canada, flowing from Lake St. John eastward to the St. Lawrence River. First visited by Jacques Cartier in 1535, it was long an important route for explorers, missionaries, and fur traders.萨格奈河:加拿大魁北克省南部的一条河流,流程约201公里(合125英里),从圣约翰湖向东注入圣劳伦斯河。1535年雅克·卡蒂埃首先到达这条河,长期以来这条河是探险者、传教士和皮毛生意人的重要通道〔Cottonwood〕A river, about 225 km (140 mi) long, of southwest Minnesota flowing generally eastward to the Minnesota River.科顿马德河:明尼苏达州西南部一条河,长大约225公里(140英里),通常向西流向明尼苏达河〔Bug〕Also Western Bug A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising in the southwest Ukraine and flowing about 772 km (480 mi) through Poland to the Vistula River near Warsaw. 也作 Western Bug 布格河:西欧的一条河流,位于苏联乌克兰西南部,全长772公里(480英里),流径波兰流入华沙附近的维斯杜拉河〔Lomami〕A river of Zaire flowing about 1,448 km (900 mi) northward to the Congo River.洛马米河:扎伊尔境内的一条河,流程约1,448公里(900英里),向北汇入刚果河〔Rhine〕A river of western Europe formed by the confluence of two tributaries in eastern Switzerland and flowing about 1,319 km (820 mi) north and northwest through Germany and the Netherlands to its two-pronged outlet on the North Sea. It is a major commercial shipping waterway linked by canals to other important European rivers and passes through a number of scenic valleys.莱茵河:西欧的一条河流,由瑞士东部的两条支流汇合而形成,向北及西北穿过德国及荷兰到北海的两叉流出口,流经约1,319公里(820英里)。它是一条主要的商业航运水道,通过运河与其它重要的欧洲河流相连并途经许多天然景色的山谷〔Afton〕A river, about 14 km (9 mi) long, in southwest Scotland. It is the "sweet Afton" of Robert Burns's 1789 poem.阿夫顿河:位于苏格兰西南部的一条河流,流程约14公里(9英里),为罗伯特·彭斯1789所作诗歌中之“甜蜜的阿夫顿河”〔Ob〕A river, about 3,700 km (2,300 mi) long, of western Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing generally northward to theGulf of Ob, an arm of the Arctic Ocean. 鄂毕河:原苏联西西伯利亚的一条河流,流长约3700公里(2300英里),向北流至大西洋的一个海湾鄂毕湾 〔Tippecanoe〕A river, about 274 km (170 mi) long, rising in northeast Indiana and flowing generally southwest to the Wabash River. Gen. William Henry Harrison defeated the Shawnee in the Battle of Tippecanoe (1811).蒂帕卡怒河:发展于美国印第安纳州东北部的一条河流,全长约274公里(170英里),大致向西南流入沃巴什河。威廉·亨利·哈里森将军曾在蒂帕卡怒战役中打败了肖尼人〔Pilcomayo〕A river of central South America rising in central Bolivia and flowing about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) southeast along the Argentina-Paraguay border to the Paraguay River.皮科马约河:南美洲中部的一条河,起源于玻利维亚中部,流程约1,609公里(1,000英里),沿阿根廷与巴拉圭边界向东南注入巴拉圭河〔Eder〕A river rising in central Germany and flowing about 177 km (110 mi) generally eastward to the Fulda River.伊德河:发源于德国中部的一条河流,流程约为177公里(110英里),大致向东注入佛尔达河〔Attawapiskat〕A river, about 748 km (465 mi) long, of northern Ontario, Canada, flowing fromAttawapiskat Lake east and northeast into James Bay. 阿塔瓦皮斯基特河:加拿大安大略湖北部的一条河流,流程约748公里(465英里),发源于阿塔瓦皮斯基特湖 向东及东北方向汇入詹姆斯湾 〔Peribonca〕A river, about 451 km (280 mi) long, of central Quebec, Canada, flowing southward throughPeribonca Lake to Lake St. John. 佩里邦卡河:位于加拿大魁北克中部的一条河流,流长约451公里(280英里),向南流经佩里邦卡湖 汇入圣约翰湖 〔Sepik〕A river, about 1,126 km (700 mi) long, of northern Papua New Guinea.塞匹克河:流经巴布亚新几内亚北部的一条河,全长约1,126公里(700英里)〔Vistula〕A river of Poland, about 1,091 km (678 mi) long, rising near the Czechoslovakian border and flowing in an arc northeast, northwest, and north to the Gulf of Gda÷sk.维斯图拉河:波兰的一条河流,长约1,091公里(678英里),发源于捷克斯洛伐克边境,呈h弧形流向东北、西北,向北注入格旦斯克湾〔Vetluga〕A river, about 850 km (528 mi) long, of central European U.S.S.R. flowing generally southward to the Volga River.韦特卢哥河:位于苏联欧洲部分中部的一条河流,大约850公里(528英里)长,它向南流向伏尔加河〔Tanana〕A river of eastern and southern Alaska flowing about 764 km (475 mi) from the Wrangell Mountains northwest to the Yukon River.塔纳纳河:美国阿拉斯加州东部和南部的一条河流,流程约764公里(475英里),从兰格尔山脉向西北注入育空河〔Caniapiscau〕A river of northern Quebec, Canada, rising inLake Caniapiscau (or Lake Kaniapiskau ) and flowing about 925 km (575 mi) generally northward to the Larch River. 坎尼亚皮斯科河:加拿大魁北克省北部一条河流,发源于坎尼亚皮斯科湖 (或 坎尼亚皮斯科湖 ),流程约925公里(575英里),总体向北注入拉奇河 〔Beni〕A river of central and northwest Bolivia rising in the Andes and flowing about 1,599 km (994 mi) to the Mamoré River.贝尼:发源于安第斯山的一条河流,流经玻利维亚中部和西北部,流程约1,599公里(994英里),注入马莫雷河〔Alpheus〕A river of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece flowing about 113 km (70 mi) to the Ionian Sea.阿尔斐俄斯河:希腊南部伯罗奔尼撒的一条河,全长约113公里(70英里),流入爱奥尼亚海〔Calcasieu〕A river rising in west-central Louisiana and flowing about 322 km (200 mi) east, southeast, then southwest to the Gulf of Mexico. Near its outlet it passes throughLake Calcasieu. 加尔卡修河:源于美国路易斯安那州中西部的一条河流,流程322公里(200英里),向东、东南、后向西南流至墨西哥湾。在其出口处流进加尔卡修湖 〔riverbed〕The area between the banks of a river ordinarily covered by water.河床:常被水覆盖的一条河流两岸之间的区域〔Kennebec〕A river, about 257 km (160 mi) long, of west-central and southern Maine flowing generally south to the Atlantic Ocean.肯纳贝克河:美国缅因州中西部和北部的一条河,流程约257公里(160英里),大体向南流注入大西洋〔Chubut〕A river rising in the Andes of southwest Argentina and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) eastward to the Atlantic Ocean.秋波河:发源于阿根廷西南安第斯山的一条河,流程约805公里(500英里),向东注入大西洋〔Om〕A river, about 724 km (450 mi) long, of western Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing westward to join the Irtysh River at Omsk.鄂木河:独联体西伯利亚西部的一条河,流程约724公里(450英里),向西流并在鄂木斯克汇入伊尔土什河〔Meuse〕A river of western Europe flowing about 901 km (560 mi) from northeast France through southern Belgium and the southeast Netherlands to the North Sea. Its valley was the scene of severe fighting during World Wars I and II.默兹河:西欧的一条河流,长901公里(560英里),源自法国东北部,流经比利时南部,在荷兰东南部注入北海,在两次世界大战期间此流域是激烈的战场〔Charente〕A river of France rising in the foothills of the Massif Central and flowing about 354 km (220 mi) westward to the Bay of Biscay.沙伦特河:发源于法国马西弗中部低矮山峦的一条河流,流程约354公里(220英里),向西注入比斯开湾〔Zambezi〕A river, about 2,735 km (1,700 mi) long, of central and southern Africa rising in northwest Zambia and flowing south and west to the Mozambique Channel.赞比西河:流经非洲中部和南部的一条河流,全长约2,735公里(1,700英里),发源于赞比亚西北部,向南然后向西流入莫桑比克海峡〔Chariton〕A river rising in southern Iowa and flowing about 451 km (280 mi) east then south to the Missouri River in northern Missouri.卡里同河:发源于南衣阿华州的一条河,流程约451公里(280英里),向东然后向南流入密苏里州北部的密苏里河〔Tay〕A river of central Scotland rising in the Grampian Mountains and flowing about 190 km (118 mi) throughLoch Tay to the Firth of Tay, an inlet of the North Sea. 泰河:苏格兰中部的一条河流,发源于格兰扁山脉,流程约190公里(118英里)。通过泰湖 进入北海入海口 泰湾 〔Aldan〕A river of southeast Siberian U.S.S.R. rising in the Stanovoy Range and flowing about 2,253 km (1,400 mi) north and east around theAldan Plateau then generally northwest to the Lena River north of Yakutsk. 阿尔丹河:位于苏联西伯利亚东南部的一条河流,发源于斯塔诺夫山脉(外兴安岭)。流长2,253公里(1,400英里),向北、向东流经阿尔丹平原 之后大体向西北注入雅库茨克以北的勒拿河 〔Neuse〕A river of east-central North Carolina flowing about 442 km (275 mi) generally southeast to Pamlico Sound.纽斯河:美国北卡罗来纳中东部一条河流,流程约442公里(275英里),总体向东南注入帕姆里科海峡〔Xingu〕A river of central and northern Brazil rising in several streams and flowing about 1,979 km (1,230 mi) generally northward to the Amazon River at the head of the Amazon delta.兴古河:流经巴西中部和北部的一条河流。由多条河流汇集成源,流程约1,979公里(1,230英里),大体向北在亚马逊三角洲末端注入亚马逊河〔Vilyui〕A river of eastern Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about 2,446 km (1,520 mi) eastward to the Lena River.维柳伊河:苏联西伯利亚东部的一条河流,向东流入勒拿河,流程约为2,446公里(1,520英里)〔Songhua〕A river of northeast China rising near the North Korean border and flowing about 1,850 km (1,150 mi) northwest, east, and northeast to the Amur River.松花江:中国东北的一条河流,发源于与朝鲜交界的附近,流程约1,850公里(1,150英里),向西北、东、和东北方向注入阿穆尔河〔Essequibo〕A river rising on the Brazilian border of southern Guyana and flowing about 965 km (600 mi) generally northward to the Atlantic Ocean.埃塞库柏河:发源于盖亚纳南部与巴西交界处的一条河流,向北流经大约965公里(600英里)并注入大西洋〔Arauca〕A river rising in northern Colombia and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) eastward to the Orinoco River in central Venezuela.阿劳卡河:发源于哥伦比亚北部的一条河流,流程约805公里(500英里),向东注入委内瑞拉中部的奥里诺科河〔Cauca〕A river rising in the Cordillera Central of western Colombia and flowing about 965 km (600 mi) northward to the Magdalena River.考加河:发源于哥伦比亚西部科迪勒拉中央山脉的一条河流,流程约965公里(600英里),向北注入马格得连纳河〔Scheldt〕A river rising in northern France and flowing about 434 km (270 mi) generally northeast across western Belgium and southwest Netherlands. It empties into the North Sea through two estuaries.斯海尔德河:发源于法国北部的一条河流,流程约为434公里(270英里),向东北流经比利时西部和荷兰西南部,经两河口注入北海




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