单词 | 一天 |
释义 | 〔holiday〕Middle English holidai [holy day] 中古英语 holidai [神圣的一天] 〔periodical〕A publication issued at regular intervals of more than one day.期刊:以多于一天的周期定期出版的出版物〔Wednesday〕We say the names of the days of the week constantly,but for most of us they are nonsense syllables. The seven-day system we use is based on the ancient astrological notion that the seven celestial bodies (the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) revolving around stationary Earth influence what happens on itand that each of these celestial bodies controls the first hour of the day named after it.This system was brought into Hellenistic Egypt from Mesopotamia,where astrology had been practiced for millenniums and where seven had always been a propitious number.Ina.d. 321 the Emperor Constantine the Great grafted this astrological system onto the Roman calendar, made the first day of this new week a day of rest and worship for all,and imposed the following sequence and names to the days of the week:Diēs Sōlis, "Sun's Day"; Diēs Lūnae, "Moon's Day"; Diēs Martis, "Mars's Day"; Diēs Mercuriī, "Mercury's Day"; Diēs Iovis, "Jove's Day" or "Jupiter's Day"; Diēs Veneris, "Venus's Day"; andDiēs Saturnī, "Saturn's Day.” This new Roman system was adopted with modifications throughout most of western Europe:in the Germanic languages, such as Old English, the names of four of the Roman gods were converted into those of the corresponding Germanic gods.Therefore in Old English we have the following names (with their Modern English developments):Sunnandæg, Sunday; Mōnandæg, Monday; Tīwesdæg, Tuesday (the god Tiu, like Mars, was a god of war); Wōdnesdæg, Wednesday (the god Woden, like Mercury, was quick and eloquent); Thunresdæg, Thursday ( the god Thunor in Old English or Thor in Old Norse, like Jupiter, was lord of the sky;Old NorseThōrsdagr influenced the English form); Frīgedæg, Friday (the goddess Frigg, like Venus, was the goddess of love); andSaeternesdæg, Saturday. 我们经常说一周各天的名字,但对我们中的大多数人来说,它们是毫无意义的音节。我们使用的七天制度是建立在古代星象学的观点上,即绕着静止不动的地球旋转的七个天体(太阳、月亮、火星、水星、木星、金星和土星),影响着地球上发生的事情,并且这些天体控制着以它们的名字命名的周日的第一个小时。这个体制从美索不达米亚引进到具有古希腊文明的埃及,在美索不达米亚,星象术已流行了上百万年,七一直是个吉利的数字。在公元 321年伟大的康斯坦丁国王把星相学系统用于罗马历, 把这种新星期的第一天作为休息与做礼拜的一天,并把以下的次序及名字加在其它的周日上:Dies solis ,“太阳日”; Dies Lunae “月亮日”; Dies Martis “金星日”; Dies Mercurii ,“水星日”; Dies Iovis, “朱维日”或“木星日”; Dies Veneris, “金星日”; 和Dies Saturni, “土星日”。 这种新罗马体制在西欧的大部地区有所改变后被采用:在日耳曼语言中,如古英语中,四位罗马神的名字被改为相应的日耳曼神的名字。所以在古英语中我们看到以下的名字(以及他们的现代英语形式):Sunnanhd?g, 星期日; Monand?g, 星期一; Tiwesd?g, 星期二(蒂乌神,象玛尔斯一样,是战神); Wodnesd?g, 星期三(沃登,象墨丘利一样,行动敏捷,善于词辩); Thunresd?g, 星期四( 古英语中的撒纳及古挪威语的索,象朱庇特一样,是宇宙之主;古挪威语的Thorsdagr 影响了英语中的该词的形式); Friged?g, 星期五(女神弗丽嘉,象维纳斯一样,是爱神); 和Saeternesd?g, 星期六 〔journey〕from neuter of Latin diurnus [of a day] 源自 拉丁语 diurnus的中性词 [一天的] 〔shell〕spent the day shelling on Cape Cod.费了一天时间在科德角搜集贝壳〔occultation〕The progressive blocking of light, radio waves, or other radiation from a celestial source during such a passage.星掩:在上述运行中,从一天体源发出的光,无线电波或其它射线被逐渐掩蔽〔celebrate〕To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing.See Synonyms at observe 庆祝:用荣誉、节日或欢乐的庆典庆祝(一天或一个事件) 参见 observe〔dinner〕Eating foods such as pizza and ice cream for breakfastmay be justified by the fact that in Middle Englishdinner meant "breakfast,” as did the Old French worddisner, or diner, which was the source of our word. The Old French word came from the Vulgar Latin word.disiūnāre, meaning "to break one's fast;that is, to eat one's first meal,” a notion also contained in our wordbreakfast. The Vulgar Latin word was derived from an earlier word,.disiēiūnāre, the Latin elements of which aredis-, denoting reversal, and iēiūnium, "fast.” Middle Englishdiner not only meant "breakfast" but, echoing usage of the Old French worddiner, more commonly meant "the first big meal of the day, usually eaten between 9a.m. and noon.” Customs change, however,and over the yearswe have let the chief meal become the last meal of the day,by which timewe have broken our fast more than once.早餐吃些如比萨饼及冰淇淋的食物,既可以被中古英语dinner 表示早餐的事实所证实, 也可被该词的词源——古法语词disner 或 diner 证实。 该法语单词出自于通俗拉丁语单词disiunare , 其意思是“打破禁食后吃的第一餐饭”,同时也含有breakfast 的概念。 通俗拉丁字出自于更早的字disieiunare , 其拉丁文构成部分是dis- 表示反面和 ieiunium “禁食”。 中古英语diner 不仅指“早饭”, 还模仿了古法语diner 的用法, 一般指“一天中的第一次大餐,常常在上午 9点到中午之间吃”。 然而习惯改变了,许多年以来,我们常常把一天中的最后一顿饭当作主餐,从那时起,我们已不止一次地打破了禁食〔morrow〕The following day:翌日:接着的一天:〔go〕The day went pleasantly enough until I received your call.接到你的电话前,我过了愉快的一天〔freshen〕freshened up after the day's work.经过一天的工作后精神焕发〔pass〕What passed during the day?这一天发生了什么事〔call〕To stop whatever one has been doing, for the remainder of the day or at least for the present.到此为止:对这一天的剩余时间或至少是现在,停止正在做的一切事情〔ephemeral〕Living or lasting only for a day, as certain plants or insects do.See Synonyms at transient 短命的:生命只延续一天的,如某些植物或昆虫 参见 transient〔tomorrow〕The day following today.明天:今天以后的一天〔month〕A period extending from a date in one calendar month to the corresponding date in the following month.一个月的时间:从日历上某月的一天到下个月这一天的一段时间〔morning〕The first or early part of the day, lasting from midnight to noon or from sunrise to noon.早晨:一天之中第一个或早些时段,从子夜持续至中午或从太阳升起时持续到中午〔week〕One week ago from a specified day:从某一天起的一周前的一天:〔orbit〕The path of a celestial body or an artificial satellite as it revolves around another body.运行轨道:天体绕另一天体或人造卫星绕一天体旋转所运行的轨道〔Hogmanay〕The eve of New Year's Day, on which children traditionally go from house to house asking for presents.大年夜,除夕:新年前夕,传统上在这一天孩子们会挨家挨户地讨礼物〔record〕the coldest day on record.历史记载最冷的一天〔watch〕Any of the periods of time into which the day aboard ship is divided and during which a part of the crew is assigned to duty.值班时间:一天中被划分的要求部分船员在甲板上值班的那段时间〔turn〕If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day.如果你停止闲逛,马上开始工作,清洁工作一天就能做完〔reveille〕The first military formation of the day.晨号列队:一天的第一次军事列队〔Lammas〕August 1, the day on which these feasts were celebrated.8月1日,在这一天庆祝这些节日〔workday〕The part of the day during which one works:一天中某人工作的那一部分时间:〔dayhop〕A trip that can be made in one day's time:一日游:能在一天的时间内完成的旅行:〔awful〕had an awful day at the office.在办公室里度过了糟糕的一天〔speed〕The days sped by. The months have sped along.一天又一天飞逝而过。一月又一月急驰而过〔intercalary〕Inserted in the calendar to make the calendar year correspond to the solar year. Used of a day or month.闰的(闰日、闰年的):在日历中加入一天或一月而使历年与太阳年相吻合的〔unity〕One of the three principles of dramatic structure derived by French neoclassicists from Aristotle'sPoetics, stating that a drama should have but one plot, which should take place in a single day and be confined to a single locale. 三一律:戏剧结构三原则之一,由法国新古典主义者从亚里斯多德的诗论 得出,叙述为戏剧只应当有一个情节,此情节应当在一天发生,并限制在一场所 〔popcorn〕Popcorn is very much an American institution.Particularly enjoyed by people in the United States,it is grown as a native product and denoted by a word that is an Americanism,a word or expression that was first used in English in the United States.Popcorn, from the verb pop and the noun corn, fits these criteriabecause the first recorded use of the word is found inMemorable Days in America, an account written by the British traveler William Faux and published in London in 1823: "I crossed the Big Wabash . . . at La Valette's ferry,where is beautiful land . . . and two lonely families of naked-legged French settlersfrom whom I received two curious ears of poss corn.”Notice that either Faux misunderstood the termor the French settlers mispronounced it.This type of corn, introduced to the settlers by Native Americans,was long grown by them,little knowing that their benefaction would one day be consumed by countless moviegoers while watching Westerns.爆玉米是美洲人非常熟知的事物。尤其为美国人喜欢,这种作物被他们作为本地作物而大量种植并以一个美国单词来命名,这个词首先在美国被用于英语中。Popcorn 源于动词 pop 和名词 corn, 并且它适应这些标准,因为有关这个词的最早记录见于由英国旅行者威廉·福克斯所著的、1823年在伦敦出版的游记在美国的难忘日子 中,福克斯在其中写道: “我在瓦莱特码头渡过大沃巴什河,那儿有美丽的田地…及两个孤零零的法国家庭,他们都是赤脚的法国拓荒者,从他们那儿我得到了两根奇怪的玉米棒。”请注意,要么也许是福克斯误解了该词,要么也许是法国拓荒者发错了音。这种类型的玉米是美洲印第安人介绍给这些拓荒者的,且已被这些印第安人种植很久了,但他们几乎无法料到他们的施惠有一天会被无数电影观众一边嚼着一边看西部片。〔McCartney〕British musician who as a member of the Beatles, a popular music group (1960-1971), wrote many notable songs with John Lennon, includingLove Me Do (1962) and A Day in the Life (1967). 麦卡尼,(詹姆斯)保罗:(生于 1942) 英国音乐家,为甲壳虫流行乐队的成员(1960-1971年),他曾与约翰·列农共同创作大量歌曲,其中有《爱我吧》 (1962年)和 《生命中的一天》 (1967年) 〔weekday〕Any day of the week except Sunday, or often except Saturday and Sunday.周日:除了星期日或常指除了星期六和星期日的一周中的任一天〔occultation〕The passage of a celestial body across a line between an observer and another celestial object, as when the moon moves between the earth and the sun in a solar eclipse.掩星现象:天体运行穿过观察者和另一天体连线,如日食时,月球移动到地球和太阳之间〔can〕The supervisor said that anyone who wants an extra day off may (not can ) have one, or 管理人说任何想要一日特别休假的人都可以得到(不是 can ) 一天, 或者 〔journey〕Middle English journei [day, day's travel, journey] 中古英语 journei [一天,一天的行程,旅行] 〔process〕In recent yearsthere has been a tendency to pronounce the plural ending-es of processes as (-ēz), perhaps by analogy with words of Greek origin such asanalysis and neurosis. Butprocess is not of Greek origin, and there is no etymological justification for this pronunciation of its plural.The pronunciation may someday become so widespread as to be a standard variant,but it still strikes some listeners as a bungled affectation.近年来,有把processes 的复数词尾 -es 读成(-ez)的趋势, 这也许与源于希腊语的词analysis 和 neurosis 相似。 但是process 不是来源于希腊语, 因此从词源学的角度来说,其复数形式不应这么发音。或许有一天这种发音会被广泛采用而成为标准的变体,但仍有一些人听了这种发音后会觉得这是一种拙劣的矫揉造作〔Solzhenitsyn〕Soviet writer and dissident whose works, includingOne Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962) and The Gulag Archipelago (1973-1975), exposed the brutality of the Soviet labor camp system. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1970. 索忍尼辛,亚历山大·伊萨耶维奇:(生于 1918) 苏联作家和持不同政见者,其作品包括《伊凡的一天》 (1962年)及 《古拉格群岛》 (1973年-1975年),揭露了苏联劳改营的野蛮残酷。他于1970年获诺贝尔文学奖 〔milch〕in thrīmilce [May (when cows can be milked thrice in a day)] * see melg- 在 thrīmilce之中 [五月(这一时期奶牛一天可挤三次奶)] * 参见 melg- |
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