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单词 一件事
释义 〔deliberation〕deliberations Discussion and consideration of all sides of an issue: deliberations 审议,评议:对一件事的所有方面做出的商议:〔sweepstakes〕An event or a contest, especially a horserace, the result of which determines the winner of such a lottery.赌金独赢制比赛:以一件事或竞赛的最后结果决定彩票的赢者家,尤用于赛马〔remit〕To refer (a matter) to a committee or an authority for decision.移转:把(一件事)提交一个委员会或权威机构去作出决定〔friend〕A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.同志,同事:和你一起为同一件事而联合共同奋斗的人;同志〔desultory〕Moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected:杂乱的,不连贯的:从一件事跳到另一件事;不连贯的:〔stage〕The scene of an event or a series of events.场景:一件事的场景或一连串事件〔sequence〕A following of one thing after another; succession.连续:一件事接着另一件事;连续〔while〕The time, effort, or trouble taken in doing something:费时:做一件事情的花费时间、努力或工夫:〔look〕To think of (a future event) with pleasurable, eager anticipation:期望:以满意、急切的希望想着(将来的一件事):〔debut〕The beginning of a course of action:出台:一件事的开端:〔deliberate〕To consider (a matter) carefully and often slowly, as by weighing alternatives.See Synonyms at ponder 权衡:仔细考虑(一件事),常是慢慢想,如通过权衡各种可供选择项 参见 ponder〔shoot〕To act or speak on a matter without forethought.做一件事或谈话一件事时不仔细考虑〔relegate〕To refer or assign (a matter or task, for example) for decision or action.托付:为决定或行动提交或分配(如一件事或任务)〔birth〕an incident that took place before my birth; a Bostonian by birth.我出生前发生的一件事;波士顿出生的人〔script〕To orchestrate (behavior or an event, for example) as if writing a script:编造:把(例如行为或一件事)就象写剧本一般编造:〔contemporary〕 Concomitant refers to coincidence in time of events so clearly related that one seems attendant on the other: Concomitant 也指事件的同时发生,但这些事件有明显的相互联系以至于似乎一件事是随着另一件事而产生的结果: 〔utilitarianism〕The belief that the value of a thing or an action is determined by its utility.实用主义:认为一件事或物的价值是由它的实用所决定的看法〔fidelity〕These nouns denote faithfulness, as to a person or a cause.这些名词指的是对一个人或一件事的忠诚。〔trigger〕An event that precipitates other events.引发其他事件的一件事〔act〕Something done or performed; a deed:行为:已做的事;一件事〔article〕An individual thing or element of a class; a particular object or item:物件:一类中的一件事或成份;一件具体的物品或物件:〔connotation〕An idea or meaning suggested by or associated with a word or thing:含意:用一个词或一件事表示出的思想或意义:〔pleasure〕"The rule of joy and the law of duty seem to me all one" (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.).“快乐的标准与义务的法则对我来说是同一件事” (小奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯)〔ruminate〕To chew cud.在心里反复琢磨一件事〔straddle〕To appear to favor both sides of (an issue).对…骑墙,观望:看起来对(一件事的)两方面都持赞成态度〔ponder〕Ruminate andmull imply turning a matter over and over again in the mind: Ruminate 和mull 暗指把一件事情在脑子里翻来覆去地想: 〔shoe〕To defer action or decision until another matter is finished or resolved.推迟行动或决定,直到另一件事情做完或解决〔follow〕Supervene, in contrast, refers to the coming after of a thing that has little relation to what has precededand that is often unexpected: Supervene 则相反地指一件事的发生与前面发生的事几乎没有关系,通常是不期望的: 〔somnambulate〕To walk or perform another act while asleep or in a sleeplike condition.梦游:在睡觉或处于近似睡眠状态时行走或做另一件事




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