单词 | 一个部分 |
释义 | 〔compart〕Latin partīrī [to divide] from pars part- [a part] * see perə- 2拉丁语 partīrī [分开] 源自 pars part- [一个部分] * 参见 perə- 2〔paneling〕A section of panels or paneled wall.镶板面:镶板或镶板的墙的一个部分〔division〕An area of government or corporate activity organized as an administrative or functional unit.部门:政府或公司的一个部分,属一行政或功能单位〔doubt〕Doubt and doubtful may be followed by clauses introduced by that, whether, or if. The choice among these three is partly guided by the intended meaning of the sentencebut is not cast in stone. Whether normally introduces an indirect questionand is therefore the traditional choice when the subject is in a state of genuine uncertainty about alternative possibilities: Doubt 和 doubtful 后面可以跟由 that,whether, 或 if 引导的从句。 三者之间选哪一个部分地由句子要表达的意义决定的,但其用法并不是固定不变的。 Whether 一般引导一个间接问句,所以当主语所代表的人确实不知如何选择判断时,传统上就用该词: 〔Tweed〕A river, 156 km (97 mi) long, of southeast Scotland forming part of the Scottish-English border. It flows eastward to the North Sea and has rich salmon fisheries.特威德河:苏格兰东南部的一条河,流约156公里(97英里),形成苏格兰与英格兰边界的一个部分。它向东流注入北海,富产大马哈鱼〔radiometer〕A device that measures the intensity of radiant energy, consisting of a partially evacuated glass bulb containing lightweight vertical vanes, each blackened on one side, suspended radially about a central vertical axis to permit their revolution about the axis as a result of incident radiation.辐射计:检测辐射能强度的一种装置,装有一个部分抽干的玻璃管,管内有若干轻质的垂直翼,每个翼的一边为黑色,在一个垂直的周围辐射悬垂,在受到投射辐射时它们可以绕轴旋转〔example〕Each of these nouns refers to what is representative of or serves to explain a larger group or class.Anexample represents, usually typically, something of which it is a part and thereby demonstrates the character of the whole: 这里的每一个名词都指的是代表或用来解释一组或一类事物。example 这个词通常很典型地表示某事物的一个部分并由此可以表示整个事物的特点: 〔corolla〕The petals of a flower considered as a group or unit.花冠:被认为是一组或一个部分的花瓣〔orgy〕The wordorgy has become connected in the minds of many of us with unrestrained sexual activity, but its origins are much less licentious.We can trace the word as far back as the Indo-European rootwerg-, meaning "to do"and the source of our wordwork. Greekorgia, "secret rites, worship,” also comes from the rootwerg-, by way of the form.worg-. The Greek word was used with reference to the worship and the ritespracticed in the worship of various deities,such as Orpheus and Dionysus.The word in Greek did not denote sexual activity,although this was a part of some of the various rites.The rites of Dionysus, for example, included only music, dancing, drinking, and the eating of animal sacrifices.Having passed through Latin and Old French into Englishthe wordorgy is first recorded in English with reference to the secret rites of the Greek and Roman religions in 1589. It is interesting to note that the word is first recorded with its modern sense in 18th-century English and perhaps in 17th-century French.Whether this speaks to a greater licentiousness in society or not must be left to the historian,but certainly the religious nature of the word has gone into eclipse.单词orgy 已经以不加节制的性行为的概念深植于我们许多人的头脑之中, 但它的原意却并非是很放荡的。我们可以追溯该词到印欧的词根werg- 当中, 意思是“做”,并且是我们work 一词的来源。 希腊语orgia, “秘密仪式,崇拜”, 也来源于词根werg-, 形式为worg- 。 希腊语中用其指崇拜以及一些仪式,这些仪式用于表达对各神明的崇拜,比如俄耳甫斯和狄俄尼索斯。该词在希腊语中并不是表示性行为,尽管性行为也是各种仪式中的一个部分。例如,狄俄尼索斯的仪式中仅仅包括音乐、舞蹈、饮酒和吃祭祀动物。从拉丁语和古法语转到英语,orgy 这一词在1589年首次在英文有记载表示希腊和罗马秘密宗教仪式含义。 有趣的是,该词早在18世纪也许17世纪就已有其现代意义的首次记载了。不论它是不是指社会中的一种大型的狂欢节(这是历史学家的事了),有一点是非常明确的,那就是这个词的宗教本质已经逐渐消失了〔example〕gave an illustration of her courage. Asample is an actual part of something larger, presented as evidence of the quality or nature of the whole: 举一个关于她勇敢的例子。 sample 是指大型事物的可代表整体特征或性质的一个部分; 〔canker〕A localized diseased or necrotic area on a plant part, especially on a trunk, branch, or twig of a woody plant, usually caused by fungi or bacteria.植物溃疡:植物一个部分,尤指一株木本植物的主干、枝干或小枝上局部的患病或坏死区域,通常由真菌或细菌造成〔subtotal〕To total part of (a series of numbers).求…的部分和:计算(一系列数字的)一个部分之和〔proportion〕"In all perfectly beautiful objects, there is found the opposition of one part to another, and a reciprocal balance" (John Ruskin).“在所有完美的物体中,都可发现一个部分与另一个部分的对立和相互的平衡” (约翰·罗斯金)〔Paestum〕An ancient city of southern Italy on the Gulf of Salerno. Founded as a Greek colony before 600b.c. , it flourished as part of Magna Graecia and was taken by Rome in 273 b.c. 柏埃斯图姆:意大利南部的一个古老城市,位于萨勒诺港之上在公元前 600年前建立为希腊的殖民地,成为希腊的一个部分而繁荣兴旺,并于 公元前 273年被罗马占领 〔triad〕A section of a Pindaric ode consisting of the strophe, antistrophe, and epode.品达体颂歌的一个部分包括诗节、反诗节和抒情诗的第三部分〔sector〕A part or division, as of a city or a national economy:部门:一个部分或分支,如城市的或国民经济的:〔canon〕Canon The part of the Mass beginning after the Preface and Sanctus and ending just before the Lord's Prayer. Canon 弥撒中的祭献经文:弥撒中始于序言和《圣哉经》之后,结束于主祷经之前的一个部分〔dangling〕Of or being a modifier, especially a participle or participial phrase, that grammatically modifies the subject of its sentence but semantically modifies another element of the sentence or an unstated referent, asapproaching Dallas in the sentence Approaching Dallas, the skyline came into view. 垂悬:属于或是修饰词的,尤指分词或分词词组,其在语法上修饰句子的主语,但语意上是修饰句子的另一个部分或未说明的指示对象,例如在Approaching Dallas, the skyline came into view 这个句子里的 Approaching Dallas 〔eleven〕Something with 11 parts or members, especially a football team.十一个一组:指有十一个部分或成员的东西,尤指足球队〔subtotal〕To arrive at a subtotal.小计达到:达到一个部分和〔subtribe〕A subdivision of a tribe.分部落:部落再划分的一个部分〔perineum〕The portion of the body in the pelvis occupied by urogenital passages and the rectum, bounded in front by the pubic arch, in the back by the coccyx, and laterally by part of the hipbone.会阴:身体上有尿道和直肠口的盆骨里的一个部分,前邻阴道,后临尾骨,再后是臀骨的一部分〔convector〕A partly enclosed, directly heated surface from which warm air circulates by convection.对流式加热机:一个部分被封闭,暖空气在其直接加热的表面上通过对流进行循环的装置〔Danakil〕A desert region of northeast Ethiopia and northern Djibouti bordering on the Red Sea. It is part of the Great Rift Valley.达纳基勒:位于埃塞俄比亚东北部和吉布提共和国北部的一个沙漠地区,靠近红海,它是东非大裂谷的一个部分〔cornu〕A part or structure, such as a bony protuberance, that resembles a horn.角:象角一样的一个部分或结构,例如骨隆凸〔transmit〕To convey (force or energy) from one part of a mechanism to another.传到:把(力或能量)从机械装置的一个部分传到另一个部分〔comprehend〕To take in as a part; include.See Synonyms at include 包含:作为一个部分加入;包括 参见 include〔socket〕A hollow or concavity into which a part, such as the eye, fits.穴孔:容纳一个部分,例如眼睛的空洞或凹陷〔region〕A large, usually continuous segment of a surface or space; area.区域:一块大的,通常是表面或空间的一个部分;范围 |
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