单词 | 一个名 |
释义 | 〔ice〕Often used to modify another noun:定语:经常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔tattoo〕The practice of tattooing the body is prehistoric,but the English wordtattoo was introduced fairly recently. Our word came from Polynesian languages such as Tahitian and Samoanand was introduced to English speakers by the explorer Capt. James Cook (who also gave us the wordtaboo ). The earliest use of the verbtattoo in English is found in 1769 in his account of a voyage around the world from 1768 to 1771. Cook also used a noun in his writings of 1769but treated it as a native wordso he is not given credit for the first use of the noun in English (recorded in 1777).In any event,sailors introduced the custom into Europe from the Pacific societies in which it was practiced,and it has remained associated with sailors,although many other people have tattoos as well.尽管在身体上刺出花纹这一做法在史前就已存在,但英语中tattoo 一词却是在距离现在较近的时候才被引入的。 我们这个词源于塔西提语或萨摩亚语等波利尼西亚语族,它是由探险家詹姆斯·库克船长介绍给英语使用者的(库克同时也给了我们taboo 一词)。 动词tattoo 在英语中的首次使用见于库克关于他在1768年-1771年所做的一次环球航行记录中。 库克在他1769年的日志中也把这个词用作一个名词,但因为他只是把它作为一个土著人的词汇对待,所以人们不认为他是第一个在英语中使用该词名词形式的人(记录于1777年)。但不管怎样,是水手们将这种原本是太平洋岛屿社会中的习俗带入欧洲的,所以直到今天这种做法仍然和水手们联系在一起,虽然各种职业的人们都在身上刺花纹〔item〕The worditem seems to us to be very much a noun, whether it refers to an article in a collection or a bit of information.But it began its life in English (first recorded before 1398) as an adverbmeaning "moreover, also, in addition.”Item as typically used in front of each object listed in an inventory, as we might putalso. This use in English simply reflects a meaning of the word in Latin.However, it is easy to see howitem could be taken to stand for the thing that it preceded, and so we get, for example, the sense "an article included in an enumeration.”The first such usages are found in the 16th century,while the sense "a bit of information" is not found until the 19th century.In the 20th century we added a computer sense,a further addition toitem. 单词item 对我们来说只是一个名词, 它可以指一个文集中的一篇文章或者是一些信息。但是它的起源却是一个副词(最早见于1398年以前),意思为“此外,而且,同样”。Item 最典型是用在商品目录的每一个物品的前面, 就象我们使用also 一样。 这种用法反映在拉丁词语上仅有一个含义。然而,明白item 是怎样被用来代表它前面的事物是很容易的, 所以我们得到了像“文集中的一篇文章”等这种含义。这种用法最早见于16世纪,而含义“一些信息”一直到19世纪才被发现使用。在20世纪时,我们加了一个计算的含义,进一步形成了今天的item 〔case〕The syntactic relationship of a noun, a pronoun or a determiner to the other words of a sentence, indicated by declensional endings, by the position of the words within the sentence, by prepositions, or by postpositions.格:一个名词、代词或一个限定词与一个句子中其它词的句法关系,通过词尾变化、这些词在句子中的位置、介词或者后置词表示出来〔London〕The capital and largest city of the United Kingdom, on the Thames River in southeast England. Greater London consists of 32 boroughs surrounding the City of London, built on the site of a Roman outpost named Londinium. Its growth as an important trade center dates from 886, under the rule of Alfred the Great. During the Elizabethan period (1558-1603) London achieved new heights of wealth, power, and influence and has continued to dominate its country's political, economic, and cultural life. The old city was devastated by the plague in 1665 and by the Great Fire of 1666; the modern city was damaged severely by bombs during World War II. Population, 6,851,400.伦敦:英邦联合王国的首都和最大城市,位于英格兰东南部泰晤士河沿岸。大伦敦由环绕伦敦市的三十二个自治城市组成,它建在一个名为伦迪尼厄姆的罗马前哨站上。自886年开始发展成为一个重要的贸易中心,当时由阿尔弗雷德一世执政。在伊丽莎白统治时期(1558-1603年),伦敦在财富、权力和影响力上达到新的高峰,并一直主宰着本国的政治、经济和文化生活。老城遭1665年瘟疫和1666年大火后摧毁;新城在第二次世界大战中被炸弹严重毁坏。人口6,851,400〔underling〕People trying to build their vocabulary often study affixes,a not unreasonable way to proceed.But studying a group of words that share an affix can be fascinating in its own right in the way that studying common features in a photograph of an extended family can be fascinating.The suffix-ling is Germanic in origin and had several uses already in Old English.For example, it could be added to a noun to make a second noun that referred to something connected with or similar to the first noun;thus, adding the suffix to the Old English wordyrth, "ploughland,” produced the Old English word yrthling, "plowman.” The suffix could also be added to an adjective to make a noun that referred to something having the quality denoted by the adjective:from Old Englishdēore, "dear, beloved,” was derived dēorling (Modern English darling ). Adding-ling to an adverb produced a noun referring to something having the position or condition denoted by the adverb: from Old Englishunder came underling. The last use of the-ling family to be described here was actually borrowed from another Germanic source, Old Norse. The Old Norse version of the-ling suffix was used to form diminutives; thus, our wordgosling was a borrowing in Middle English of an Old Norse word, gæslingr, "gosling.” 想要扩大词汇量的人常常去研究词缀,这不失为一种明智的方式。就象研究一个扩大了的家庭的照片中家人的共同特征一样吸引人,研究一组词缀相同的单词本身可能也会令人意醉神迷。-ling 这一后缀源于日耳曼语, 在中古英语中便已有已几种用法。例如,它可以和一个名词相连形成另一个与之关联或相似的名词;这样,把这个后缀加到古英语单词yrth “耕地”后边便形成了另一古英语单词 yrthling “农夫”。 这个后缀还可以加在一个形容词后边形成具有该形容词所示特征的名词:从古英语单词deore, “亲爱的,被爱的”中派生出 deorling (现代英语中的 darling )。 把-ling 加在一副词后边可以产生具有该副词所示情况或状态的名词: 从中古英语的under 形成 underling 。 这里所要描述的-ling 家族的最后一个用法事实上是来源于另一支日耳曼语言,古挪威语。 在古挪威语中-ling 这一后缀被用作小后缀; 这样,我们的单词gosling 便是中世纪英语中的一个外来词,来源于古挪威语单词 goeslingr, “小鹅” 〔college〕Often used to modify another noun:通常修饰另外一个名词:〔slum〕Often used to modify another noun:经常用于修饰另外一个名词:〔ultrasound〕Often used to modify another noun:常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔lunch〕Often used to modify another noun:经常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔sale〕Often used to modify another noun:常用于修饰另外一个名词:〔public〕Admirers or followers, especially of a famous person.See Usage Note at collective noun 追随者:崇拜者或追随者,尤指一个名人的追随者和崇拜者 参见 collective noun〔catalog〕A publication, such as a book or pamphlet, containing such a list or display:有目录的出版物:包含这样一个名单的出版物,如书或小册子:〔smart〕Smart is a word that has digressed considerably from its original meaning of "stinging, sharp,”as in a smart blow. The standard meaning of "clever, intelligent,”probably picks up on the original semantic element of vigor or quick movement.Smart has taken on other senses as a regionalism. In New England and in the Southsmart can mean "accomplished, talented.” The phraseright smart can even be used as a noun meaning "a considerable number or amount": "We have read right smart of that book" (Catherine C. Hopley).smart 这个词的原意是 “刺痛的,剧烈的”,就象在词组 一次强烈的打击中一样,后来这个词的意思有了很大的转变。 它的标准意思“聪明的,智慧的”,也许是从原来的词素“活力或快速运动”中来的。Smart 有地区性的其它意思。 在新英格兰和南方,smart 可以译为“有才能的,有天赋的”。 词组right smart 还可以用作一个名词, 意为“数量大的”: “我们读过了那本书的大半部分” (凯瑟琳·C·霍普雷)〔promo〕Often used to modify another noun:经常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔curmudgeon〕The etymology of the wordcurmudgeon has eluded us for at least two centuries, although some lexicographers have thought the solution was at hand, one to his embarrassment.When Samuel Johnson stated in his famous dictionary of 1755 thatcurmugeon "is a vicious manner of pronouncing c÷ur méchant, Fr. an unknown correspondent,” he was giving credit to an anonymous writer for the statement thatcurmudgeon came from French c÷ur, "heart,” and méchant, "evil.” Another lexicographer, John Ash, following in Johnson's tracks though none too carefully,gave the etymology a bit differently in his dictionary of 1775:"from the Frenchc÷ur unknown, and mechant a correspondent"; thus misinterpreting Johnson's attribution as a gloss for the French.Although its origin is unknown,curmudgeon has been around for some time, being first recorded in a work published in 1577. 单词curmudgeon 的词源已经使我们困惑了至少有两个世纪, 虽然有些词典的编辑者已经认为快找到解决方式了,但仍使某些人局促不安。当塞缪尔·约翰逊在他的举世闻名的1755年词典中指出Curmugeon “是对 cour mechant 这一法语词语的错误发音方式(它意指不知名的通讯记者)”时, 他认同一位不署名作家认为curmudgeon 一词来自法语 cour “心”和 mechant “罪恶”的陈述是正确的。 另一个名叫约翰·艾什的词典编辑者承袭了约翰逊的思路,但他也并非很严格地遵循,在他的1775年词典中对该词源作了稍有差别的解释: “从法语cour (不知名的)和 mechant (一名通讯记者)而来”; 由此他误解了约翰逊对于法语的译注。虽然该词词源未知,curmudgeon 已有了一定的历史,它首次被记录于1577年出版的一部作品中 〔woman〕Often used to modify another noun:经常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔denominative〕A word, especially a verb, that is derived from a noun or an adjective.从一个名词或形容词导出的词(尤指动词)〔slalom〕Often used to modify another noun:经常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔hybrid〕Often used to modify another noun:通常用于修饰另外一个名词:〔logography〕The use of logotypes in design and printing.连合活字法:用面上有一个名词的单个铅字或印版来设计或印刷〔harvest〕Often used to modify another noun:收获的:通常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔pair〕Pair as a noun can be followed by a singular or plural verb. The singular is always used whenpair denotes the set taken as a single entity: This pair of shoes is on sale. A plural verb is used when the members are considered as individuals:The pair are working more harmoniously now. After a number other than onepair itself can be either singular or plural, but the plural is now more common:She bought six pairs (or pair ) of stockings. 作为一个名词pair 后面可接单数动词或复数动词。 当pair 意味着把一套当成单个整看时,通常用单数形式: 这双鞋在打折 当把各组成部分当成单独的个体时, 用动词的复数形式:这对搭档现在合作得更加和谐 。 在一些而不是一个物体后,pair 本身既可是单数也可是复数, 但现在用复数更为普遍:她买了六双 (或 pair ) 裤袜 〔haywire〕It may seem oddthat the wordhaywire should have come to describe something or someone that is not functioning properly. Haywire originally was in fact simply a compound of the words hay and wire, denoting wire used to bale things such as hay or straw.The term is first recorded as a noun in a debate that occurred in the Canadian House of Commons (1917);hence it is a Canadianism, or since it soon thereafter appeared in a United States publication, a North Americanism.We find an earlier (1905) attributive use,however, in the phrasehay wire outfit, a term used contemptuously for poorly equipped loggers. What lies behind this term is the practice of making repairs with haywire.Haywire is found in other contexts with the general sense "makeshift, inefficient,” from which comes the extended senses "not functioning properly" and "crazy.”看起来或许很奇怪,haywire 一词竟可以用来形容某物或某人不能正常运转。 事实上,haywire 是由 hay 和 wire 两个词组成的一个简单复合词, 指用来捆绑诸如干草或麦秆的铁丝,这个词在1917年加拿大众议院的一次辩论中第一次以一个名词的形式被记录下来,因此这是一个加拿大俗语或者说是北美俗词,因此这词很快就出现在美国出版物中。我们可以找到一个更早的(1905年)形容性用法,词组hay wire outfit, 是对装备不足的伐木工人的鄙称。 这个词的内涵是指准备用铁丝捆干草的工作。在其它语境中,haywire 被用来表示“临时的,效率低的”这种笼统的意思, 由此扩展出“不能正常工作的”以及“疯狂的”这些意义〔rehab〕Often used to modify another noun:经常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔software〕Often used to modify another noun:常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔G〕Often used to modify another noun:常用于修饰另外一个名词:〔my〕Used as a modifier before a noun:我的:用于一个名词前作为修饰词:〔slave〕Often used to modify another noun:经常用于修饰另外一个名词:〔lube〕Often used to modify another noun:用作定语:经常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔gender〕Often used to modify another noun:通常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔gunshot〕Often used to modify another noun:用来修饰另外一个名词:〔garment〕Often used to modify another noun:通常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔woodcutting〕Often used to modify another noun:经常可以用来修饰另外一个名词:〔sophomore〕Often used to modify another noun:常用以修饰另外一个名词:〔hendiadys〕A figure of speech in which two words connected by a conjunction are used to express a single notion that would normally be expressed by an adjective and a substantive, such asgrace and favor instead of gracious favor. 重言法:用连词连接两个单词以表达通常由一个名词和形容表达的单个意思的修辞法,如用grace and favor 代替 gracious favor 〔Mafia〕Often used to modify another noun:黑手党:通常用来修饰另外一个名词:〔principal〕Principal and principle are often confused but have no meanings in common. Principle is only a noun, and most of its senses refer to that which is basic or to rules and standards.Principal is both a noun and an adjective. As a noun (aside from its specialized meanings in law and finance)it generally denotes a person who holds a high position or plays an important role: Principal 和 principle 的意思完全不同,但常常被混淆。 Principle 仅仅是一个名词, 其主要意义指基本的东西或规则和标准。Principal 既是名词又是形容词。 作为名词(除了其在法律或财政金融上的特殊含义),它一般指居于高位或担任重要角色的人: 〔trot〕"His novel trots out an Irish president named Finn"(Charles E. Claffey)“他的小说展示了一个名叫芬的爱尔兰总统”(查尔斯E.克拉弗)〔speed〕The fable of the tortoise and the hare teaches us that speed does not always spell success.Historically in English, however, it does:the Old English wordspēd, from which our word speed is descended, originally meant "prosperity, successful outcome, ability, or quickness.” A corresponding verb,spēdan, in Modern English the verbspeed, meant "to succeed, prosper, or achieve a goal"; and an adjective,spēdig, the ancestor of our word speedy, meant "wealthy, powerful.” Except for archaic usesthe words today relate only to the general sense of "velocity.”The meaning "success" is retained chiefly in the compoundGodspeed, a noun formed from the phrase meaning "God prosper you.”乌龟与兔子这则寓言故事告诉我们速度并不总意味着成功。然而在英语的历史中,速度就意味着成功:speed 这个词来自古英语单词 spēd , 原意为“繁荣昌盛,成功的结果,能力或速度”。与之相应的动词spedan , 即现代英语中speed 一词,意为“取得成功,繁荣昌盛或实现一目标”; speedy 的前身,形容词 spēdig ,则表示“富有的,有力的”。 除了其古代用法,这些词今天只和“速度”这一一般意义有关。“成功”之意主要保留于Godspeed (成功、幸运、天惠) 这个词中, 这是一个来自词组“祝你成功”的一个名词 |
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