单词 | 一个分支 |
释义 | 〔hedonics〕The branch of psychology that studies pleasant and unpleasant sensations and states of mind.快感学:心理学的一个分支,研究快乐和不快乐的感觉及大脑状态〔gasdynamics〕The branch of dynamics that deals with the motion of gases and the thermal effects of this motion.气体动力学:研究气体的运动以及这种运动的热效应的动力学的一个分支〔clan〕A division of a tribe tracing descent from a common ancestor.部族:可追溯到同一祖先的部落的一个分支〔lexicology〕The branch of linguistics that deals with the lexical component of language.词汇学:语言学的一个分支,主要研究构成一种语言的词〔counterintelligence〕The branch of an intelligence service charged with keeping sensitive information from an enemy, deceiving that enemy, preventing subversion and sabotage, and collecting political and military information.反情报组织:情报组织的一个分支,任务是使敌人得不到高级机密,欺骗敌人,避免颠覆和阴谋破坏并收集政治和军事情况〔Baltimore〕A city of northern Maryland on an arm of Chesapeake Bay northeast of Washington, D.C. It has been a busy port since the 18th century. Population, 736,014.巴尔的摩:美国马里兰州北部一城市,位于华盛顿特区东北面的切萨皮克湾的一个分支处。自18世纪以来一直是繁忙的港口。人口736,014〔Sihasapa〕A Native American people constituting a subdivision of the Teton Sioux.西哈萨帕人:美国印第安人,是特顿族苏人的一个分支〔petrology〕The branch of geology that deals with the origin, composition, structure, and alteration of rocks.岩石学:地质学的一个分支,研究岩石的起源、成分、结构和演变〔jurisprudence〕A division or department of law.法学的一个分支或法律的一个部门〔histophysiology〕The branch of physiology that deals with the structure and function of tissues.组织生理学:生理学的一个分支,主要研究组织的结构与功能〔oology〕The branch of zoology that deals with the study of eggs, especially birds' eggs.鸟卵学:动物学中研究卵的一个分支,尤其是鸟卵〔Italic〕A branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Latin, Faliscan, Oscan, Umbrian, and other languages or dialects.意大利语族的:印欧语系的一个分支,包括拉丁语、法利希语、奥斯坎语、翁布里亚语和其它语言或方言〔congregation〕A division of the Curia.罗马教廷的一个分支〔arm〕A branch of a military force:军种:军事力量的一个分支:〔metazoan〕A multicellular animal of the subkingdom Metazoa, a division of the animal kingdom in traditional two-kingdom classification systems.后生动物:属后生动物亚界的一种多细胞动物,此亚界是动物界传统的两界区分系统内的一个分支〔neonatology〕The branch of pediatrics that deals with the diseases and care of newborn infants.新生儿学:儿科学的一个分支,研究新生儿疾病和护理〔geostrategy〕The branch of geopolitics that deals with strategy.地缘战略学:地缘政治学的论述战略问题的一个分支〔palmation〕A division or part of a palmate structure.掌状结构的一部分:掌状结构的一个分支或部分〔endodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue.牙髓病学:研究牙根、牙髓及其周围组织疾病的牙医学的一个分支〔Biafra〕A region of eastern Nigeria on theBight of Biafra, an arm of the Gulf of Guinea stretching from the Niger River delta to northern Gabon. It formed a secessionist state from May 1967 to January 1970. 比夫拉:尼日利亚东部一地区,位于比夫拉湾, 几内亚湾内从尼罗河三角洲向北到刚果的一个分支。从1967年5月至1970年1月成立一脱离主义者州 〔Dhegiha〕A branch of the Siouan linguistic family comprising the Omaha, Ponca, Osage, Kansa, and Quapaw languages.德基赫语:为印第安语群的一个分支,包括奥马哈语、彭加语、奥赛治语、堪萨语和夸保语〔angelology〕The branch of theology having to do with angels.天使学:神学中与天使有关的一个分支〔analysis〕A branch of mathematics principally involving differential and integral calculus, sequences, and series and concerned with limits and convergence.解析:数学的一个分支,主要包括微分、积分和序列,并侧重于极限和收敛〔hydrometeorology〕The branch of meteorology that deals with the occurrence, motion, and changes of state of atmospheric water.水象学:气象学的一个分支,与大气中水分的现象,运动及状态的变化有关〔pharmacognosy〕The branch of pharmacology that deals with drugs in their crude or natural state.生药学:药理学的一个分支,研究处于天然或原始状态的药物〔tribe〕from Latin tribus [division of the Roman people] 源自 拉丁语 tribus [罗马人的一个分支] 〔Lycian〕A language of the extinct Anatolian branch of Indo-European, found in inscriptions down to the beginning of the third centuryb.c. in southwest Turkey. 利西亚语:已绝迹的印欧语系中小亚细亚的一个分支语种,发现的碑文可追溯到公元前 3世纪初,碑文发现于土耳其西南部 〔ornithology〕The branch of zoology that deals with the study of birds.鸟类学:动物学中进行鸟类研究的一个分支〔kinetics〕The branch of chemistry that is concerned with the rates of change in the concentration of reactants in a chemical reaction.动力学:化学的一个分支,考虑化学反应中反应物变化的速率〔lichenology〕The branch of biology that deals with the study of lichens.地衣学:生物学的一个分支,主要从事地衣的研究〔Trebizond〕A former Greek empire occupying much of the land bordering the Black Sea. It was founded as an offshoot of the Byzantine Empire by Alexius I Comnenus in 1204 and retained its autonomy until it was conquered by Ottoman Turks in 1461.特拉勃森:古希腊的一个帝国,曾占据了黑海附近的大片土地。1204年作为拜占庭帝国的一个分支,阿列克塞一世康尼努斯建立了该帝国,在1461年被奥斯曼土耳其帝国征服以前一直保持自治〔hydrostatics〕The branch of physics that deals with fluids at rest and under pressure.流体静力学:物理学的一个分支,研究静止压力下的液体〔planetology〕The branch of astronomy that deals with the planets, satellites, and meteors of the solar system.行星学:天文学的一个分支,研究太阳系中的行星、卫星和流星〔radiology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease.医疗辐射学:医学的一个分支,从事用放射性物质进行疾病诊断和治疗〔cytochemistry〕The branch of biochemistry that deals with the study of the chemical composition and activity of cells.细胞化学:生物化学的一个分支,它从事研究这种化学构成成分和细胞活动〔Lydian〕A language of the extinct Anatolian branch of Indo-European, found in inscriptions of the fourth centuryb.c. in western Turkey. 吕底亚语的:一种已绝迹的语言,是印欧语系小亚细亚的一个分支,见于公元前 4世纪土耳其西部的碑文 〔mechanics〕(used with a sing. verb)The branch of physics that is concerned with the analysis of the action of forces on matter or material systems.(与单数动词连用)力学:物理学的一个分支,研究分析力对事物或物质系统的作用〔epistemology〕The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its extent and validity.认识论:哲学的一个分支,研究知识的本质,先决条件和基础及其程度和效力〔hydrogeology〕The branch of geology that deals with the occurrence, distribution, and effect of ground water.水文学:地理学的一个分支,研究地面水的出现、分布以及作用〔ichthyology〕The branch of zoology that deals with the study of fishes.鱼类学:动物学的一个分支,研究鱼类 |
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