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pip 1 AHD[pĭp] D.J.[pɪp]K.K.[pɪp]n.(名词) pip3pips on a gaming die (top) and on a domino (bottom)- The small seed of a fruit, as that of an apple or orange.种子,籽:如苹果或桔子水果的小种子
- Short for pippin pippin的简写
pip 2 AHD[pĭp] D.J.[pɪp]K.K.[pɪp]v.tr.(及物动词)pipped, pip.ping, pips 【多用于英国】 - To wound or kill with a bullet.打伤,射杀:用子弹打伤或打死
- To get the better of; defeat.打败;击败
- To blackball.投票反对,排斥
- Possibly from pip 3可能源自 pip3
pip 3 AHD[pĭp] D.J.[pɪp]K.K.[pɪp]n.(名词)- Games 【游戏】
- A dot indicating a unit of numerical value on dice or dominoes.点:表示骰子或骨牌上数值的点
- A mark indicating the suit or numerical value of a playing card.(纸牌)符号:纸牌上表示数值单位的点或符号
- A spot or a speck.小点,斑点
- A rootstock of certain flowering plants, especially the lily of the valley.单根茎:某些花类植物的根茎,尤指山谷铃兰
- Any of the small segments that make up the surface of a pineapple.菠萝菱形状:组成菠萝表层的各个小部分
- Informal A shoulder insignia indicating the rank of certain officers, as in the British Army.【非正式用语】 星:英国军队中,表示一定军官等级的肩章符号
- See blip 参见 blip
- [Origin unknown] [来源不明]
pip 4 AHD[pĭp] D.J.[pɪp]K.K.[pɪp]v.(动词)pipped, pip.ping, pips v.tr.(及物动词)- To break through (the shell) in hatching. Used of a chick.破壳而出:孵卵过程中破壳而出。指小鸡
v.intr.(不及物动词)- To peep or chirp, as a chick does.唧唧喳喳地叫:象小鸡那样喳喳地叫
n.(名词)- A short, high-pitched radio signal.短而尖的广播信号
- Variant of peep 1 peep1的变体
- peep 2peep2
pip 5 AHD[pĭp] D.J.[pɪp]K.K.[pɪp]n.(名词)- A disease of birds, characterized by a thick mucous discharge that forms a crust in the mouth and throat.禽类舌喉炎:一种禽类疾病,症状为分泌的粘液在口腔或喉咙内形成痂
- The crust symptomatic of this disease.痂,鳞屑:这种病的痂症
- Slang A minor, unspecified human ailment.【俚语】 小病,微恙:人类的小病或无以名状的毛病
- Middle English pippe 中古英语 pippe
- from Middle Dutch [phlegm, pip] 源自 中古荷兰语 [痰,小毛病]
- from Medieval Latin *pippīta 源自 中世纪拉丁语 *pippīta
- alteration of Latin pītuīta * see peiə- 拉丁语 pītuīta的变化 * 参见 peiə-