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单词 perform
释义 per·form AHD[pər-fôrmʹ] D.J.[pəˈfɔːm]K.K.[pɚˈfɔrm]v.(动词)per.formed,, per.forms及物动词)
    1. To begin and carry through to completion; do:做,执行:开始并且执行以完成某事;做:The surgeon performed the operation.医师做了手术
    1. To take action in accordance with the requirements of; fulfill:履行:根据…需要而采取行动;满足:perform one's contractual obligations.履行合同规定的义务
    1. To enact (a feat or role) before an audience.表演:在观众面前表演(一项技艺或角色)
    2. To give a public presentation of; present:演出:进行公开的展示;上演:The theater group performed a three-act play.剧团排演了一出三幕剧
    1. To carry on; function:执行,做:执行;执行…的功能:a car that performs well on curves.拐弯功能良好的汽车
    1. To fulfill an obligation or requirement; accomplish something as promised or expected.覆行,完成:满足要求或完成责任;完成所保证或希望的事情
    1. To portray a role or demonstrate a skill before an audience:表演:在观众面前扮演角色或展示技艺:The juggler performed atop a unicycle.杂技演员骑在独轮车上表演
    1. To present a dramatic or musical work or other entertainment before an audience.演出,演奏:在观众面前表演戏剧、音乐作品或其它节目
    1. Middle English performen 中古英语 performen
    1. from Anglo-Norman performer 源自 英法语 performer
    1. from Old French parfornir 源自 古法语 parfornir
    1. par- [intensive pref.] from Latin per- [per-] par- [强调语气的前缀] 源自 拉丁语 per- [前缀,表“完全,彻底”等意思]
    1. fournir [to furnish] * see furnish fournir [供给,提供] * 参见 furnish
Related Forms继承用法performʹable adj.(形容词)performʹer n.(名词)References参考词汇perform, execute, accomplish, achieve, effect, fulfill, discharge
    1. These verbs signify to carry through to completion. To这些动词都表示执行以完成。
    1. perform is to carry out an action, an undertaking, or a procedure;the word often connotes observance of due form or the exercise of skill or care: Perform 是采取某行动、任务或步骤;此词通常暗含对适当形式的遵守或技艺或小心的执行: The ship's captain performed the wedding ceremony.船长举行了婚礼。The orchestra and chorus performed an Easter oratorio.乐团和合唱队表演了复活节圣乐。Sophisticated laser experiments are performed regularly in the laboratory.复杂的激光实验定期在实验室举行。
    1. Execute implies performing a task or putting something into effect in accordance with a plan or design: Execute 暗指根据计划或设计来完成任务或使某事产生影响: "To execute laws is a royal office;to execute orders is not to be a king" (Edmund Burke). “执行法律是项神圣的工作;执行命令不能成为国王” (埃蒙德·伯克)。 The violinist had the technical skill to execute the cadenza, with its double stops and harmonics, with brilliance.小提琴手有用双倍停顿及和弦来精彩地演奏华彩乐段的技能。
    1. Accomplish connotes the successful completion of something,often of something that requires tenacity or talent: Accomplish 暗示成功地完成某事,常指需要坚韧与才能来完成的事: "Make one brave push and see what can be accomplished in a week" (Robert Louis Stevenson). “做一次勇敢的尝试看看一周后能获得什么” (罗伯特·路易丝·史蒂文森)。 He accomplished his purpose, the rapid acquisition of enormous profits, only by making risky investments. Toachieve is to accomplish something especially by dint of effort or despite difficulty; the term often implies a significant result: 他仅通过冒险投资就实现了自己的目标——迅速获得了巨额收益。 Achieve 尤指通过努力或克服困难而获得某物; 本词常意指重大的结果: "Some are born great . . . Some achieve greatness . . . And some have greatness thrust upon them" (Shakespeare). “一些人天生伟大…一些人取得英名…而一些人则具有强加于他们的伟大” (莎士比亚)。 Greater benefits can be achieved through diplomatic channels than by acts of aggression.通过外交渠道要比侵略方式获得更大的利益。
    1. Effect suggests the power of an agent to bring about a desired result: Effect 指某因素造成预定结果的力量: Even the antibiotics the doctor prescribed didn't effect a complete cure. Tofulfill is to live up to expectations or satisfy demands, wishes, or requirements: 即使是这个医生开的抗生素都不能完完全全地将其治愈。 Fulfill 指达到某期望或满足某要求、愿望或需求: It is unrealistic to hope that all one's desires can be fulfilled.希望自己的所有欲望都得到满足是不现实的。She fulfilled her obligations to her parents. Todischarge an obligation or duty is to perform all the steps necessary for its fulfillment: 她尽了自己对父母的责任。 Discharge 是指采取所有达到满意程度所需步骤的责任或义务: "I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do" (Edward VIII).“我发现象我希望的那样,即承担沉重的责任又履行国王的义务是不可能的” (爱德华八世)




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