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单词 join
释义 join AHD[join] D.J.[dʒɔɪn]K.K.[dʒɔɪn]v.(动词)joined,, joins及物动词)
    1. To put or bring together so as to make continuous or form a unit:连接,接合:连接或接合使连成一片或成为一体:join two boards with nails; joined hands in a circle.用钉子把两块板钉在一起;手拉手围成一个圈
    1. To put or bring into close association or relationship:使结合,缔交:使…结合或联合形成密切联系或关系:were joined by marriage; join forces.结成夫妻;联合武装力量
    1. To connect (points), as with a straight line.连接:如用一条直线把(点)连接起来
    1. To meet and merge with:与…交接或汇合:where the creek joins the river.小溪与河流的汇合之处
    1. To become a part or member of:参加,加入:成为…的一部分或一成员:join a club.成为俱乐部的会员
    1. To come into the company of:和…作伴,相会:joined the group in the waiting room.和大家在会客室相会
    1. To participate with in an act or activity:同…一起,共同:参与到与…一起的行为或行动中:The committee joins me in welcoming you.委员会和我一起欢迎你
    1. To adjoin.邻接,毗邻
    1. To engage in; enter into:从事;进行:Opposing armies joined battle on the plain.两军在平原上相遇作战
    1. To come together so as to form a connection:结合:会合以便连接在一起:where the two bones join.两块骨头的接合处
    1. To act together; form an alliance:联合行动;结成同盟:The two factions joined to oppose the measure.两个派别联合起来抵制这项措施
    1. To become a member of a group.成为群体中一成员
    1. To take part; participate:参加;加入:joined in the search.加入搜索
  1. A joint; a junction.连接处;接合点
    1. Middle English joinen 中古英语 joinen
    1. from Old French joindre joign-, join- 源自 古法语 joindre joign-, join-
    1. from Latin iungere * see yeug- 源自 拉丁语 iungere * 参见 yeug-
References参考词汇join, combine, unite, link, connect, relate, associate
    1. These verbs mean to fasten or affix or become fastened or affixed.这些动词表示紧固、贴附或变得紧固、贴附。
    1. Join applies to the physical contact, connection, or union of at least two separate thingsand to the coming together of persons, as into a group: Join 适用于实物的接触、连接或至少两个单独物体的结合,也适用于人的结合或联合(如形成一个群体): The children joined hands.孩子们拉起手来。Join the panels of fabric at the selvages.把镶嵌布料沿布边缝合起来。"Join the union, girls, and together sayEqual Pay for Equal Work (Susan B. Anthony).“姑娘们,参加工会,一齐要求同工同酬 (苏姗·B·安东尼)。
    1. Combine suggests the mixing or merging of components, often for a specific or shared purpose: Combine 含有成分的相混合或融合(常常是为特定或共同的目标)的意思: The cook combined whipped cream, sugar, and vanilla to make a topping for the compote.厨师把掼奶油、糖和香草精混合起来做成果盘的浇汁。"When bad men combine, the good must associate" (Edmund Burke).“在坏人勾结起来时,好人必须联合起来” (爱德蒙·伯克)。
    1. Unite stresses the coherence or oneness of the persons or things joined: Unite 侧重于结合起来的人或物的协调性或一致性: Can strips of plastic be united with epoxy?塑料带可以用环氧树脂黏合起来吗?The attack on their country united squabbling political factions in a common purpose.对他们国家的进攻使得互相不和的政治团体为了共同的目标团结起来。
    1. Link andconnect imply a firm attachment in which individual components nevertheless retain their identities: Link 和connect 含有一种牢固的连接或附着的意思,但是其中每一组分仍保留其特性: linked poverty and unemployment to the social unrest besetting the city.把使城市陷入困境的社会骚乱与贫困失业联系起来。The chief of police is in no way connected with the scandal.警察局长与丑闻全无关系。
    1. Relate refers to connection of persons through marriage or kinship ( Relate 表示人通过婚姻或亲属关系联系起来( Though they have the same surname, the two are not even distantly related) or of things through logical association ( 虽然他们姓氏相同,这两人却没有任何亲缘关系) 或者事物通过逻辑关系联系起来( The two events seem to be related). 这两个事件似乎有关联)。
    1. Associate usually implies a relationship of persons as partners or allies: Associate 通常表示人和人之间作为搭档或同盟的一种关系: His daughter is associated with him in the family business. It can also refer to a relationship of things that are similar or complementary or that have a connection in one's thoughts: 在家庭事务中他女儿和他是伙伴。 它也可表示相类似的、互为补充的、或在某人思想中有关联的事物间的关系: I can forgive his bluntness because it is associated with a basic kindliness of spirit. 我可以原谅他的直言不讳,因为这与一种本质上的内心善良有关




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