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单词 interloper
释义 in·ter·lop·er AHD[ĭnʹtər-lō'pər] D.J.[ˈɪntəˌləʊpə]K.K.[ˈɪntɚˌlopɚ]n.(名词)
    1. One that interferes with the affairs of others, often for selfish reasons; a meddler.干涉他人事务者:干涉他人事务的人,通常是出于个人原因;爱管闲事的人
    1. Archaic 【古语】
    1. One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.私商,无照营业者:侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围内从事未经许可的贸易活动
    2. A ship or other vessel used in such trade.用于此类贸易的船只或其他船只
    1. inter- inter-
    1. probably Middle Dutch loper [runner] from loopen [to run] 可能为 中古荷兰语 loper [跑步者] 源自 loopen [跑]
Related Forms继承用法inʹterlope' v.(动词)注释
  1. The wordinterloper comes to us from the days when England was embarking on the course that would lead to the British Empire. Interloper, first recorded in connection with the Muscovy Company, which was the earliest major English trading company (chartered in 1555),was soon being used as well in regard to the East India Company (chartered in 1600).Since these companies were monopolies,independent traders calledinterlopers were not wanted. The term is probably partly derived from Dutch,the language of one of the great trade rivals of the English at that time.Theinter- is simply a use of the prefix inter-, which English has borrowed from Latin,meaning "between, among.”The element-loper is probably related to the same element in landloper, "vagabond,” a word adopted from Dutchlandlooper, with the same sense and composed ofland, "land,” and lōper, from lōpen, "to run, leap.” The wordinterloper, first recorded around 1590, was too useful in a world of busybodies to be restricted to its original specialized senseand came to be used in the extended sense "busybody" in the 17th century.单词interloper 起源于英格兰向大英帝国演化的年代。 有关interloper 的记载最早与曼斯可维公司有联系。 这家公司是英国早期的主要贸易公司(设立于1555年)。随后这词又用于与东印度公司(设立于1600年)有关的方面。因为这两家公司都是垄断企业,因而不需要称interlopers 为独立经营者。 这一词条可能部分来源于荷兰语,当时英国主要贸易对手之一的语言。inter- 只是简单地作为前缀 inter- 使用, 这前缀是英语以拉丁语借用过来的,意为“在…之间,在…当中。”词素-loper 可能与“流浪汉” landloper 中的相同词素有关, 这个词从荷兰语landlooper 吸收过来, 意义不变,由“土地”land 和来自 lopen 意为“跑,跳”的 loper 组成。 interloper 一词最早约记载于1590年, 在充满多事者的世界里极为有用以致于不能局限于其原来的专有意思,在17世纪逐渐使用其引申义“爱管闲事的人”




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