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单词 hinder
释义 hinder 1 AHD[hĭnʹdər] D.J.[ˈhɪndə]K.K.[ˈhɪndɚ]v.(动词)hin.dered,, hin.ders及物动词)
    1. To be or get in the way of.妨碍,阻碍
    1. To obstruct or delay the progress of.阻碍或耽搁…的过程
  1. To interfere with action or progress.阻碍:阻碍行动或进展
    1. Middle English hindren 中古英语 hindren
    1. from Old English hindrian * see ko- 源自 古英语 hindrian * 参见 ko-
Related Forms继承用法hinʹderer n.(名词)References参考词汇hinder, hamper, impede, obstruct, block, dam, bar
    1. These verbs mean to slow or prevent progress or movement. To这些动词的意思是使进程、动作变得缓慢或困难。
    1. hinder is to hold back, as by delaying: Hinder 的意思是通过延迟的方法加以妨碍: The travelers were hindered by storms throughout their journey. Often the word implies stopping or prevention: 旅行者们一路上被暴风雨所阻碍。 这个词经常意味着停止或阻止: What is to hinder you from trying? Tohamper is to hinder by or as if by fastening or entangling: 是什么阻止你尝试? Hamper 的意思是通过系紧或缠住而妨碍: A suit and an overcoat hampered the efforts of the accident victim to swim to safety.套装和大衣阻碍了事故受害者游到安全地带的努力。She was hampered by ill health in building up her business. Toimpede is to slow by making action or movement difficult: 她糟糕的健康状况妨碍她建立自己的事业。 Impede 的意思是通过使活动、行动发生困难而延缓发展: "Sentiment and eloquence serve only to impede the pursuit of truth" (Macaulay).“感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求” (麦考利)。
    1. Obstruct implies the presence of obstacles that interfere with progress: Obstruct 表示有干扰或阻止前进的障碍的存在: A building under construction obstructs our view of the mountains.正建的楼房挡住了我们眺望远山的视线。One of the mugger's accomplices tried to obstruct the police officer from upholding the law.抢劫犯的一个同伙企图阻挠警察维护法律。
    1. Block refers to complete obstruction that prevents progress, passage, or action: Block 表示完全阻挡了进程、通道或行动: A huge snowdrift is blocking the entrance to the driveway.大雪堆阻塞了汽车专用道的入口。"Do not block the way of inquiry" (Charles S. Peirce).“不要妨碍询问” (查尔斯·S·派尔斯)。
    1. Dam suggests obstruction of the flow, progress, or release of something, such as water or emotion: Dam 表示阻止某物的流动、进程或释放(如水或感情): dammed the brook to form a swimming pool;挡住小溪来建一个游泳池;dammed up his emotions. Tobar is to prevent entry or exit or prohibit a course of action: 克制住了他的情绪。 Bar 指阻止进口或出口,或制止行为过程: mounted troops barring access to the presidential palace;骑兵封锁了通往总统府的道路;laws that bar price fixing. 禁止设置固定物价的法律

hinder 2 AHD[hīnʹdər] D.J.[ˈhaɪndə]K.K.[ˈhaɪndɚ]adj.(形容词)
  1. Variant of hind 1 hind的变体1




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