释义 |
guinea pign.(名词) guinea pigCavia porcellus- Any of various small, short-eared domesticated rodents of the genusCavia, having variously colored hair and no visible tail. They are widely kept as pets and often used as experimental animals. 豚鼠,天竺鼠:一种体小、短耳的豚鼠 属家禽啮齿类动物,毛杂色、尾短几不可见。常被作为宠物饲养,亦被用来做实验
- Informal A person who is used as a subject for experimentation or research.【非正式用语】 供实验的人:被用来做实验或进行研究的人
- Perhaps alteration influenced by Guinea [used as a name for any faraway unknown country] 可能为 受 Guinea的影响[做为任一遥远且未知的国家的名字]
- of Guiana Guiana的变化