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flounder 1 AHD[flounʹdər] D.J.[ˈflaʊndə]K.K.[ˈflaʊndɚ]v.intr.(不及物动词)floun.dered, floun.der.ing, floun.ders  flounder2peacock flounderBothus mancus- To make clumsy attempts to move or regain one's balance.挣扎:笨重地尝试着移动或重获平衡
- To move or act clumsily and in confusion.See Synonyms at blunder See Usage Note at founder 1错乱的行动:在混乱中笨重地移动或行动 参见 blunder 参见 founder1
n.(名词)- The act of floundering.挣扎:笨重移动的行为
- Probably alteration of founder 1可能为 founder1的变化
flounder 2 AHD[flounʹdər] D.J.[ˈflaʊndə]K.K.[ˈflaʊndɚ]n.(名词)【复数】 flounder 或 floun.ders - Any of various marine flatfishes of the families Bothidae and Pleuronectidae, which include important food fishes.鲆,鲽:鲆科和鲽科的多种海洋比目鱼,包括重要的食用鱼
- Middle English 中古英语
- from Anglo-Norman floundre 源自 英法语 floundre
- [of Scandinavian origin] * see plat- [源于斯堪的纳维亚语] * 参见 plat-