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单词 talk
释义 talk AHD[tôk] D.J.[tɔːk]K.K.[tɔk]v.(动词)talked,, talks及物动词)
    1. To articulate (words):说:发出(词语)的音来:The baby is talking sentences now.婴儿正说着句子
    1. To give expression to in words:用词语来表达:talk treason.陈述叛乱罪
    1. To speak of or discuss (something):谈论或讨论(某件事物):talk music; talk business.谈论音乐;谈论商业
    1. To speak or know how to speak in (an idiom or a language):以某语言表达:用(一个习惯用法或一种语言来)说或知道如何说:talked French with the flight crew.用法语和机组人员交谈
    1. To gain, influence, or bring into a specified state by talking:说服:通过说话来赢得、影响或使…进入某一特定的状态:talked me into coming; talked their way out of trouble.说服我借着聊天消除忧虑
    1. To spend (a period of time) by or as if by talking:用谈话打发时间:用说话或仿佛用说话来打发(一段时间):talked the evening away.在谈话中度过了傍晚的时光
    1. To converse by means of spoken language:交谈:通过口语来交流思想:We talked for hours.See Synonyms at speak 我们谈了几个钟头 参见 speak
    1. To articulate words:说话:发出词语的音来:The baby can talk.这个婴儿会说话了
    1. To imitate the sounds of human speech:模仿人说话的声音:The parrot talks.这个鹦鹉会说话
    1. To express one's thoughts or emotions by means of spoken language:谈论:通过口语来表达自己的思想或情感:talked about the pros and cons of the issue.谈论这一议题中的正反两方
    1. To convey one's thoughts in a way other than by spoken words:用说话以外的其它方式来表达自己的思想:talk with one's hands.用手势来表达情意
    1. To express one's thoughts in writing:以书面的形式来表达自己的观点:Voltaire talks about London in this book.伏尔泰在这本书中谈到了他对伦敦的看法
    1. To parley or negotiate with someone:商议,协商:和某人商谈或谈判:Let's talk before continuing to fight.让我们在继续开战前先坐下来谈一谈
    1. To spread rumors; gossip:散布谣言;闲谈:If you do that, people will talk.如果你这么做,就会落人口实
    1. To allude to something:提及某事物:Are you talking about last week?你是在说上个星期的事吗?
    1. To consult or confer with someone:交谈:与某人交谈或向某人咨询:I talked with the doctor.我和医生谈过了
    1. To reveal information concerning oneself or others, especially under pressure:交代:吐露关于自己或别人的信息,尤指在有压力的情形下:Has the prisoner talked?那个罪犯交代了吗?
    1. Informal To be efficacious:【非正式用语】 有效力:Money talks.有钱能使鬼推磨
    1. An exchange of ideas or opinions; a conversation.交谈:观点或意见的交换;对话
    1. A speech or lecture.演讲或讲座
    1. Hearsay, rumor, or speculation:传闻、谣言或猜测:There is talk of bankruptcy.有传闻说要破产
    1. A subject of conversation:谈话的题目:a musical that is the talk of the town.成为镇上人们的议论话题的一部歌舞片
    1. Often talks A conference or negotiation: 常作 talks 会议,谈判:peace talks.和谈
    1. Jargon; slang:黑话;俚语:prison talk.监狱里犯人间用的隐语
    1. Empty speech or unnecessary discussion:空话,不必要的讨论:much talk and no action.光有一大堆空话而无实际行动
    1. A particular manner of speech:特殊的谈话方式:baby talk; honeyed talk.婴儿式的谈话;甜言蜜语
    1. Something, such as the sounds of animals, felt to resemble human talk:动物发出的声音:被认为是类似人类谈话的某事物,比如动物的声音:whale talk.鲸语
Phrasal Verbs常用词组talk around
    1. To persuade:劝说:I talked them around to my point of view.我说服了他们接受我的观点
    1. To speak indirectly about something:间接地谈论某事:talked around the subject but never got to the point.只是在那个话题上兜圈子而没有说到点子上
talk at
  1. To address someone orally with no regard for or interest in the person's reaction or response.直接表达意见而不顾他人的反应:口头上对某人讲话而对其反应或回应并不在意或没有兴趣
talk back
    1. To make an impertinent reply:顶嘴:做出无礼的回答:a saucy child who talked back.与人顶嘴的调皮小孩
    1. To make a belligerent response:作出敌意的反应:heavy guns talking back.重炮还在愤怒地还击
talk down
    1. To depreciate:贬低:talked down the importance of the move.贬低这一行动的重要性
    1. To address someone with insulting condescension:以居高临下的口气说话:用带有侮辱性的屈就态度与某人谈话:talked down to her subordinates.居高临下地与她的下级说话
    1. To silence (a person), especially by speaking in a loud and domineering manner.以滔滔不绝的大声议论压倒:使(某人)安静,尤指通过大声地或不可争辩地说话来达到这一目的
    1. To direct and control (the flight of an aircraft during an approach for landing) by radioed instructions either from the ground or a nearby aircraft.用无线电通话引导:通过陆上的或附近一架飞机上的无线电指挥来引导和控制(靠近着陆点的一架飞机的飞行)
talk out
    1. To discuss (a matter) exhaustively:详尽地讨论(某事):I talked out the problem with a therapist.我和一位药剂师详尽地谈了这一问题
    1. To resolve or settle by discussion.通过讨论来解决或决定
    1. Chiefly British To block (proposed legislation) by filibustering.【多用于英国】 说服…放弃:以冗长的演说来阻挠(一项议案)
talk over
    1. To consider thoroughly in conversation; discuss:透彻的讨论:在对话中透彻地考虑;讨论:talked the matter over.详尽地探讨这一问题
    1. To win (someone) over by persuasion:说服,劝说:通过劝说赢得(某人):talked them over to our side.说服他们支持我们这边
talk up
    1. To speak in favor of; promote:讲对…有利的话;促销:talked the candidate up; talked up the new product.为候选人说好话捧场;促销新产品
    1. To speak up in a frank, often insolent manner.大肆吹捧:以直言不讳的经常是厚颜无耻的方式大声说出
Idioms习惯用语talk big【非正式用语】
  1. To brag.吹牛
talk sense
  1. To speak rationally and coherently.理智地和连贯地讲话
  1. Middle English talken * see del- 2中古英语 talken * 参见 del- 2




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