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单词 common
释义 com·mon AHD[kŏmʹən] D.J.[ˈkɒmən]K.K.[ˈkɑmən]adj.(形容词), com.mon.est 缩写 com.
    1. Belonging equally to or shared equally by two or more; joint:共同的:平等地属于两个或两个以上或由他们分享的;共同的:common interests.共同利益
    2. Of or relating to the community as a whole; public:公共的:属于或有关整个社团的;公众的:for the common good.See Usage Note at mutual 为公共利益 参见 mutual
    1. Widespread; prevalent.普及的;普遍的
    1. Occurring frequently or habitually; usual.通常的:经常地或习惯地出现的;通常的
    2. Most widely known; ordinary:一般的:最广泛地被知道的;寻常的:the common housefly.普通家蝇
    1. Having no special designation, status, or rank:普通的:没有特殊的标志、地位或等级的:a common sailor.一位普通的水手
    1. Not distinguished by superior or noteworthy characteristics; average:不突出的:没有优良的或值得注意的特性来区别的;平均的:the common spectator.普通观众
    2. Of no special quality; standard:标准的:无特别质量的;标准:common procedure.标准工序
    3. Of mediocre or inferior quality; second-rate:普通或低劣质量的;二流的:common cloth.次等的布料
    1. Unrefined or coarse in manner; vulgar:粗野的,下流的:在礼仪上未改进或精粗俗的;粗俗的:behavior that branded him as common.在他身上打下烙印的粗俗行为
    1. Grammar 【语法】
    1. Either masculine or feminine in gender.阴性的或阳性的
    2. Representing one or all of the members of a class; not designating a unique entity.非特定的:代表某一种类的所有成员或其中一个的;不标志唯一存在的
n.(名词)abbr. com.【缩写】
    1. commons The common people; commonalty. commons 普通老百姓;平民
    1. commons (used with a sing. or pl. verb) commons (与单数或复数动词连用)
    1. The political class composed of commoners.由平民组成的政治阶层
    2. The parliamentary representatives of this class.下议院议员
    1. Often Commons See House of Commons 常作 Commons 参见 House of Commons
    1. A tract of land, usually in a centrally located spot, belonging to or used by a community as a whole:共有地:一片陆地,通常处于中央位置,作为整体属于社团或由社团使用:a band concert on the village common.在村内的公共场地上的乐队音乐会
    1. The legal right of a person to use the lands or waters of another, as for fishing.共有权:一人使用另一人的土地和水域的合法权力,例如捕鱼
    1. commons (used with a sing. verb)A building or hall for dining, typically at a university or college. commons (与单数动词连用)大学内的餐厅:吃饭用的建筑或大厅,通常在大学或学院
    1. Common stock.普通股
    1. Ecclesiastical A service used for a particular class of festivals.【基督教会】 特殊节庆的仪式
Idioms习惯用语in common
  1. Equally with or by all.一样,同样:与所有的都相同地
    1. Middle English commune 中古英语 commune
    1. from Old French 源自 古法语
    1. from Latin commūnis * see mei- 1源自 拉丁语 commūnis * 参见 mei- 1
Related Forms继承用法comʹmonly adv.(副词)comʹmonness n.(名词)References参考词汇common, ordinary, familiar, vulgar
    1. These adjectives describe what is generally known or frequently encountered.这些形容词表示普遍知道或常常遇到的。
    1. Common applies to what is customary, takes place often, is widely used, or is well known: Common 用于是通常的、常发生的、广泛使用或众所周知的: a common problem;共同的问题;a common thief;普通的小偷;the common dandelion. The term also suggests lack of distinction and can imply coarseness or crudeness: 普通的蒲公英。 此词条也暗示缺乏区别并能意指粗劣或未加工: drank wine of the commonest sort;最为普遍的饮用葡萄酒;had a very common look about him.他有着很普通的外表。
    1. Ordinary describes what is of the usual kind and is not distinguished in any way from others.In the latter sense it is sometimes derogatory: Ordinary 指种类普通且不能从其他中加以区别的。在后一意义上,它有时是贬义的: A ballpoint pen is adequate for most ordinary purposes.原珠笔适合最普通的用途。The violinist gave a very ordinary performance marked by an occasional memory lapse.小提琴手因偶然记忆失误表现很平常。
    1. Familiar applies to what is well known or quickly recognized through frequent occurrence or regular association: Familiar 用于指普遍知道的或通过经常出现或正常联系迅速认识到的: a nursery rhyme familiar to most children;儿歌为多数小孩所熟悉;sang all the old familiar songs.唱所有古老而熟悉的歌谣。
    1. Vulgar describes what is associated with the great mass of people: Vulgar 描述的是与大多数人们相联系的: "He [Shakespeare] was not something sacred and aloof from the vulgar herd of men" (William Hazlitt).The word usually connotes the lack of refinement ofcommon : “他 不是来自粗俗的牧羊人的神圣且冷淡的东西 (威廉·海斯利特)。此单词常暗示着common 的缺乏教养: Slurping soup directly from the bowl is vulgar. See also Synonyms at general 直接从碗里咕嘟咕嘟地喝汤是粗俗的 参见同义词 general




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