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单词 strike
释义 strike AHD[strīk] D.J.[straɪk]K.K.[straɪk]v.(动词)struck[strŭk] struck strick.en [strĭkʹən], strikes及物动词)
    1. To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon.打击:猛烈击打,如用手,拳头或武器等
    2. To inflict (a blow).使遭受(一击)
    1. To penetrate or pierce:渗过或透过:was struck in the leg by a bullet.被子弹穿透腿部
    1. To collide with or crash into:冲突或冲撞:She struck the desk with her knee.她的膝盖撞上了桌子
    2. To cause to come into violent or forceful contact:撞击:引起猛烈或有力接触的形成:She struck her knee against the desk.她用膝盖撞桌子
    3. To thrust (a weapon, for example) in or into someone or something:刺入:(如用武器)插入某事或某人:struck the sword into the dragon.用剑刺入龙的身体
    4. To damage or destroy, as by forceful contact:摧毁:通过有力的接触破坏或摧毁:Lightning struck the tree.闪电摧毁了树木
    1. To make a military attack on; assault.攻击:军事进攻;攻击
    1. To afflict suddenly, as with a disease or an impairment:侵袭:如由疾病或伤害使突然痛苦:was stricken with cancer.被癌症折磨
    1. To cause to become by or as if by a blow:打击成:犹如被击中一般使变成:struck him dead.打击致死
    1. To snap at or seize (a bait).抓或摄取(诱饵)
    2. To hook (a fish that has taken the bait) by a pull on the line.猛拉钓索以钩住:通过拉线钩住(已吞食诱饵的鱼)
    1. To wound by biting. Used especially of a snake.咬伤:咬伤尤指用于蛇的
    1. To form by stamping, printing, or punching:压出,印制,盖:strike a medallion.冲制纪念章
    1. To produce or play by manipulating strings or keys:弹奏:通过拨动琴弦或键发出或弹奏:strike a B flat; strikew, t, and y on the typewriter. 发出比B调低半音的音调;在打字机上打出w,ty
    1. To indicate by a percussive or chiming sound:敲响报(时):通过敲击或敲出的声音指明:The clock struck nine.钟敲了九下
    1. To produce as if by playing a musical instrument:弹出:如弹奏乐器般地发出:The report struck a positive note in the final paragraph.这份报告在最后一段显示了肯定的语调
    1. To produce by friction or a blow:擦打:通过摩擦或打击产生:struck fire from the flints.用打火石生火
    2. To produce flame, light, or a spark from by friction:划燃:摩擦便产生火花:strike a match.划燃火柴
    1. To remove or separate with or as if with a blow:打击使其移动或分开:struck the wasp from his shoulder; struck off the diseased branch with a machete.把黄蜂从肩上驱走;用大砍刀砍去得病的枝条
    1. To eliminate or expunge:删掉或取消:strike a statement from the court records.从法庭记录中删掉一条陈述
    1. To come upon; discover:邂逅;发现:struck gold.发现金子
    2. To come to; attain:来到;到达:finally struck the main trail.最后到达主道
    1. To fall upon; shine on:照在…上:A bright light struck her face.明亮的灯光照在她的脸上
    2. To become audible to:听到:An odd sound struck his ear.他的耳朵听到一个奇怪的声音
    1. To affect keenly or forcibly; impress.See Synonyms at affect 1打动;给…以印象:有力地影响;使留下深刻印象 参见 affect1
    1. To enter one's mind; occur to:想入脑海;想到:The thought struck me from out of the blue.我突然有了这想法
    1. To cause (a strong emotion) to penetrate deeply:使穿透:使(一种强烈的感情)很深地穿透:struck terror into their hearts.使他们心里感到恐惧
    2. To affect or overcome with strong emotion:受强烈感情影响或控制:She was struck with alarm at the news.这则消息使她感到警觉
    1. To make and confirm the terms of (a bargain).定下:制定或证实(交易)的条件
    2. To achieve (a balance, for example) by careful weighing or reckoning.结算:通过仔细的衡量或计算达到(如金额)
    1. To take on or assume (a pose, for example).取…姿态;装出
    1. Nautical 【航海】
    1. To haul down (a mast or sail).拉下(桅杆或帆)
    2. To lower (a flag or sail) in salute or surrender.降下:降低(旗帜或帆)以示敬礼或投降
    3. To lower (cargo) into a hold.放低(货物)进入货舱
    1. To remove (theatrical properties) from the stage.拆除舞台(戏剧道具)
    1. To dismantle and pack up for departure:拆卸及收拾准备离开:strike camp.撤营
    1. To undertake a strike against (an employer).罢(工):罢工反对(雇主)
    1. To level or even (a measure, as of grain).刮平(一种量粮食用的方法)
    2. To smooth or shape with a strickle.用斗刮刮平或刮成形
    1. To send (plant roots) out or down.扎根:使(植物根部)伸出或向下延伸
    2. To cause (a plant cutting) to take root.使(插枝)生根
    1. To deal a blow or blows with or as if with the fist or a weapon; hit.打击:用或似用拳头或武器打;打击
    1. To aim a stroke or blow.蓄意打击
    1. To make contact suddenly or violently; collide:撞:突然或猛烈地冲撞;冲突:A car and a bus struck at the intersection.在十字路口一辆小轿车和巴士相撞
    1. To begin a military attack:攻击:开始军事进攻:The enemy struck unexpectedly.敌人出其不意地发动了进攻
    1. To penetrate or pierce:渗透或穿透:The cold struck right through our jackets.寒冷穿透了我们的夹克
    1. To take bait:咬:The fish are striking.鱼正在上钩
    1. To dart or shoot suddenly forward in an attempt to inflict a bite or wound. Used of snakes and wild animals.咬:突然冲上前试图咬或使受伤,用于蛇和野兽
    1. To set out or proceed, especially in a new direction:朝某一方向前进:尤指改朝新方向出发或行进:struck off into the forest.改方向进入森林
    1. To begin to move:开始移动:The horse struck into a gallop.马开始小跑
    1. To send out roots.扎根
    2. To sprout.发芽
    1. To indicate the time by making a percussive or chiming sound:敲:通过发出敲击的声音来指示时间:The clock struck just as we left.就在我们离开时钟响了
    2. To become indicated by percussive or chiming sounds:敲钟示时:时间通过敲击声被鸣报:The hour has struck.钟点响了
    1. To become ignited.被点燃
    1. To discover something suddenly or unexpectedly:突然发现:突然或出其不意地发现某物:struck on a new approach.突然发现新方法
    1. To fall, as light or sound:光线照射或声音传入:sunlight striking on the cliffs; a din struck upon their ears.阳光照射在陡崖上;嘈杂声传入他们的耳朵
    1. To have an effect; make an impression.给以印象:产生效果;产生印象
    1. To engage in a strike against an employer.罢工:罢工反对雇主
    1. To interrupt by pushing oneself forward:插入、打断:struck rudely into the conversation.粗鲁地打断交谈
    1. To strive diligently for a specific technical rating in the U.S. Navy.努力:美国海岸中为特定的技术分级而努力
    1. An act or a gesture of striking.打的动作或姿势
    1. An attack, especially a military air attack on a single group of targets.攻击:攻击,尤指对单组目标的军事空袭
    1. A cessation of work by employees in support of demands made on their employer, as for higher pay or improved conditions.罢工:雇工为支持对雇主提出要求如提高工资改善待遇等举行的罢工
    2. A temporary stoppage of normal activity undertaken as a protest.为抗议而暂时中断正常的活动
    1. A sudden achievement or valuable discovery, as of a precious mineral.发现:突然收获或有价值的发现,如珍稀的矿石等
    1. The taking of bait by a fish.上钩:鱼对诱饵的咬食
    2. A pull on a fishing line indicating this.猛拉钓索:当显示鱼在咬诱饵时急拉钓线
    1. A quantity of coins or medals struck at the same time.同时铸造的钱币或奖章
    1. Baseball 【棒球】
    1. A pitched ball that is counted against the batter, typically one that is swung at and missed, fouled off, or judged to have passed through the strike zone.好球,正球:对击球员不利的投球,典型的这种球为没有击中,击球出界或被认为已经过了好球区
    2. A perfectly thrown ball.完美的抛出球
    1. An unfavorable condition, circumstance, or characteristic; a disadvantage.好球:不利的条件,环境,或特点;劣势
    1. Sports The knocking down of all the pins in bowling with the first bowl of a frame.【体育运动】 第一投全倒:在滚木球一局的第一投投击就所有的木柱全被打倒
    1. The taking root and growing of a plant cutting.插枝的生根和生长
    1. Geology The course or bearing of the outcrop of an inclined bed or structure on a level surface.【地质学】 走向:在水平面上的斜面层或结构露出地表部份的走向或显示
    1. A strickle.斗刮
Phrasal Verbs常用词组strike down
    1. To cause to fall by a blow.打击使倒下
    1. To incapacitate or kill:杀死或使丧失能力:He was struck down by tuberculosis while in his twenties.在他二十岁时被结核病夺去了生命
    1. To render ineffective; cancel:使无效;取消:The court struck down the law as unconstitutional.法院以不合宪法取消了这条法律
strike out
    1. To begin a course of action.开始行动
    1. To set out energetically.精力充沛地开始
    1. Baseball 【棒球】
    1. To pitch three strikes to (a batter), putting the batter out.三击不中击球手出局
    2. To be struck out.三击不中被罚出局
    1. To fail in an endeavor.努力失败
strike up
    1. To start to play music or sing:开始歌唱或演奏音乐:The band suddenly struck up.乐队突然开始演奏
    2. To start to play or sing (something):开始演奏或唱:The orchestra struck up a waltz.管弦乐队开始演奏圆舞曲
    3. To cause to start to play or sing:使开始演奏或唱:Strike up the band!让乐队开始演奏
    1. To initiate or begin:发动或开始:strike up a conversation; struck up a friendship.开始谈话;开始友谊
Idioms习惯用语on strike
  1. Engaged in a work stoppage:处于工作停顿状态的:Most of the employees were on strike.许多雇员在罢工
strike hands
  1. To conclude a bargain or reach an agreement.结束交易或达成协议
strike it rich【非正式用语】
  1. To have sudden financial success.发横财:突然取得经济上的成功
    1. Middle English striken 中古英语 striken
    1. from Old English strīcan [to stroke] * see streig- 源自 古英语 strīcan [打击] * 参见 streig-




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