

词汇 convicted


本页中: convicted, con, convict

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

convicted adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (found guilty of a crime)证明有罪的
 The convicted man was sent to prison.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

con⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (trick) (口语)欺骗
qī piàn
con [sb] into doing [sth] v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." informal (trick [sb] into doing [sth])骗某人做某事
 My friends conned me into going to see a musical.
con [sb] out of [sth] v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." informal (swindle money from [sb])从…手中骗走…
 The criminal conned one of his victims out of ten thousand dollars.
con nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. informal (trick, swindle) (口语)欺骗, 骗局
 Fred lost two hundred dollars in a con.
con nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (disadvantage)短处
duǎn chù
quē diǎn
 The plan's major con is its high cost.
con nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. informal, abbreviation (prisoner, convict) (口语)囚犯
qiú fàn
con nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. usually plural (disadvantage, point against [sth])不利之处
bú lì zhī chù
bì duān
quē diǎn
 Each of the options has its pros and its cons.
adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house."
UK, written, abbreviation (politics: Conservative) (政治)保守派的,保守党的
 Fred Bloggs (Con.) has been elected as the MP for this constituency.
con [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." archaic (learn by heart)默记
mò jì

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

convict [sb] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (of a crime)被判处犯有...罪
 Danny was convicted of armed robbery.
convict nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (person in jail)囚犯
qiú fàn
 Writing letters to convicts can be dangerous.

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

convict [vb k&n'vIkt][n 'k%nvIkt]
I vt to convict sb (of sth) 宣判某人有(…)罪 xuānpàn mǒurén yǒu (…) zuì
II n [c] (=person) 囚犯 qiúfàn [名 míng]
guilty - sex offender




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