

词汇 contending



动词变化: "to contend"

Present Participle: contending

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

contend for [sth] vi + prep (compete, vie)争夺
zhēng duó
jìng zhēng
 They were contending for the World Heavyweight Championship.
contend with [sth] vi + prep (struggle against)与...作斗争
 Scott found it impossible to contend with the blizzard.
contend against [sb] vi + prep formal (oppose, esp. legally)与…抗争
yǔ … dòu zhēng
contend that vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (argue)主张
zhǔ zhāng
xuān chēng
zhēng biàn
 The scientist contended that global warming is mostly due to human activities.

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

contend [k&n'tEnd]
I vi
1 to contend with [+ problem, difficulty] 对(對)付 duìfù
2 to contend for [+ power, title, medal, prize] 争(爭)夺(奪) zhēngduó
II vt to contend that… 争(爭)辩(辯)道… zhēngbiàn dào…
  • he has a lot to contend with
    他有许(許)多问(問)题(題)要处(處)理 tā yǒu xǔduō wèntí yào chǔlǐ




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